Please ignore the previous version of this mail: I was typing it in
webmail instead of Evolution as usual, and wound up sending it by
mistake before it was complete.
As always, minutes and IRC transcript available on the wiki at
Next meeting is scheduled for 2013-07-08 at 1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting.
If you have topics you think we should bring up at the
meeting, please add them to the Wiki page at . Thanks! The agenda
for next week looks pretty thin, so it may be cancelled if nothing
important comes up.
TOPIC: Fedora 19 retrospective and wrap-up
* The Fedora_19_QA_Retrospective[1] page is now up and ready
for feedback
* No-one had any other major post-F19 topics that weren't
already in hand
TOPIC: Fedora 20 planning
* nirik and dgilmore will be proposing a new policy for
deciding which spins to ship for F20
* adamw will continue with Final criteria rewrite and look at
updating the validation test case set
* With the new Changes[2] policy, the F20 'feature list' is
* jreznik would like to see functional validation of Changes
for F20
TOPIC: Taskbot
* The current AutoQA setup is running on F17 which will go EOL
soon: we may need to spend time moving it to something newer
* tflink says we're hoping to have a functional taskbot in
place during F20 cycle
TOPIC: Open floor
* The spin-kickstarts package build process has been improved,
which may make it less of a pain to do package updates
Action items
* adamw to add an item for Change validation discussion to next
week's agenda
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | adamwfedora
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