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- Re: Make ooxml-handles work in odp, (continued)
- will email attachments originally MS 10 office send if on LO as the email carrier?, Arnold Rosen
- Makefile in "git status -s",
Regina Henschel
- We'd like to continue the production of the 32-bit deb packages,
- GSOC Report Week 8+9, Rasmus Jonsson
- Minutes of ESC call: 2019-07-25,
Jan Holesovsky
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Jul-25, Heiko Tietze
- SHA1/MD5 in sal/rtl/source/digest.c patch license able for OO, Peter Kovacs
- GSoC19 - Android Viewer(Online) - Weekly report [15 July - 20 July], Kaishu Sahu
- Aditya Priyam license statement, Aditya Priyam
- Problem with Calc 6.2 Multiple Operations,
Steve Fanning
- Weekly Report - 8 [ Improvent to Notebookbar] -GSoC, Sumit Chauhan
- error linking Cppunit test,
Dave Clark
- [GSoC - QRCode] Week Report 8 ( 15 July - 21 July ), shubham goyal
- vcl_pdfexport test failing on master with MacOS,
Alexander Thurgood
- Questions form a new Linux user,
Leo Evens
- GSOC19 Week8 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
- Help with making QR Code callable in calc, shubham goyal
- [GSoC - QRCode] Week Report 7 (8 July - 14 July), shubham goyal
- Scott Clarke license statement, Scott Clarke
- GSOC Report Week 7, Rasmus Jonsson
- CppunitTest_sw_ooxmllinks failing on Windows,
Luke Benes
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Jul-17, Heiko Tietze
- Bug mips executable bit,
Georgy Bystrenin
- GSOC19 Week7 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
- GSoC19 - Android Viewer(Online) - Weekly report [08 July - 13 July], Kaishu Sahu
- Weekly report 7 [9 July - 16 July], Sumit Chauhan
- Infra call on Tue, Jul 16 at 16:30 UTC,
Guilhem Moulin
- An MDI as a new MUFFIN feature, tdf#37124 and the framework/source/tabwin legacy, V Stuart Foote
- sw_uiwriter hangs in testDateFormFieldCurrentDateInvalidation,
Kaganski Mike
- version 102.11 of OpenSymbol,
Regina Henschel
- [no subject], Chaudhary, Shreya
- Designing GUIs for Extensions, Rob Barry
- [GSoC - QR Code] Unavailability from 12 July to 17 July, shubham goyal
- windows master build stops at: [MOD] scp2,
Oliver Brinzing
- Rework of Writer comments "button", Jan-Marek Glogowski
- Event and Meeting Planners, Lily Nicholas
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Jul-10, Heiko Tietze
- [ GSoC - Chart Styles ] Weekly Report (1 July - 7 July), Gagandeep Singh
- [GSoC - QR Code] Weekly Report (1 July - 7 July), shubham goyal
- Reveal Codes macros now works,
Andrew Pitonyak
- CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport3 broken on HiDPI setup,
Luke Benes
- Weekly Report- 6 [ 2 July - 9 July ] - Improvement to Notebookbar, Sumit Chauhan
- GSOC Report Week 6, Rasmus Jonsson
- GSOC19 Week6 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
- How do various apps and DEs handle the primary selection?,
Jan-Marek Glogowski
- Re: tinderbox Win-x86_64_42 failing,
Jan-Marek Glogowski
- tdf#74702 2/2,
Adrien Ollier
- tdf#74702 1/2,
Adrien Ollier
- NullPointerException in org.odftoolkit.odfvalidator.ODFValidator.getValidatorForSchema, Дилян Палаузов
- Reveal code, old macros convert them to LO,
Uwe Brauer
- Re: Reveal code, old macros convert them to LO, Thorsten Behrens
- Re: Reveal code, old macros convert them to LO, Wol's lists
- Re: Reveal code, old macros convert them to LO, Kaganski Mike
- Re: Reveal code, old macros convert them to LO, Tor Lillqvist
- Re: Reveal code, old macros convert them to LO, Dennis Roczek
- Fong license statement, 方振华(601661)
- Education and Training Providers Contacts, Rebecca Clark
- GSoC19 - Android Viewer(Online) - Weekly report [24 June - 29 June], Kaishu Sahu
- Weekly report[25 June - 02 July] - Improvement to Notebookbar, Sumit Chauhan
- [ GSoC 19 ] Weekly Report ( June 24 - June 30 ) Chart Styles, Gagandeep Singh
- [GSoC - QR Code] Week Report 5 (June 24 - June 30),
shubham goyal
- Change shape from text box mode to ordinary shape in Writer,
Regina Henschel
- GSOC19 Week5 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
- GSOC Report Week 5,
Rasmus Jonsson
- Help in contributing,
Manav Agarwal
- I have developed a Datum Marker - for the drawing package., Wroger Wroger
- calendarImpl: name clash,
- LO Calc - Question About Solver Engines,
Steve Fanning
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Jun-26, Heiko Tietze
- Windows 10 process argument limit issue,
Austin Stephens
- Replacement for NumberOfLines in BarDiagram, YYZ
- MariaDB User Contacts, Stella Oliver
- GSOC Report Week 4, Rasmus Jonsson
- [ GSoC 19 ] Weekly Report June 17 - June 23, Gagandeep Singh
- Weekly Report [ 17 June - 24 June] - Improvement to Notebookbar, Sumit Chauhan
- GSOC19 Week4 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
- Re: [GSoC 19 - QR Code Generation ] Weekly Report (17 June - 23 June), shubham goyal
- [GSoC 19 - QR Code Generation ] Weekly Report (17 May- 23 May), shubham goyal
- Can mimalloc turn out to be useful for LibreOffice?,
Kaganski Mike
- Infra call on Tue, Jun 25 at 16:30 UTC, Guilhem Moulin
- Inserting where no cursor can go.,
Adomas Venčkauskas
- Writer TextTable access via the UNO API,
Adomas Venčkauskas
- UI tests opening all possible dialogs,
Artur Neumann
- Request for review of draft: Resolvable comments in Writer,
Jim MacArthur
- Jim MacArthur license statement, Jim MacArthur
- Re: Survey: Relevance of Configuration Systems in Free and Open Source Software,
- GSoC19 - Android Viewer(Online) - Weekly report [10 June - 15 June], Kaishu Sahu
- Integration of Qr Library in LibreOffice, shubham goyal
- [GSoC] Weekly Report(11June - 16 Jun), shubham goyal
- UNO connection problems (GSOC Report Week 3),
Rasmus Jonsson
- Weekly report [10 June - 17 June] - Improvement to Notebookbar, Sumit Chauhan
- highlighting current line,
Alain Torrens
- GSOC19 Week3 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
- Request for review: Convert Fontwork to TextWarp on export,
Regina Henschel
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Jun-12, Heiko Tietze
- Artur Neumann license statement, Artur Neumann
- Building libreoffice headless,
James Carbine
- [GSoC 19] Weekly report (3 June - 10 June) - Chart Style Implementation, Gagandeep Singh
- [GSoC] Weekly Report(3 June - 10 June) - QR Code Generation, shubham goyal
- Weekly report [3 June - 10 June ] - Improvement to Notebookbar, Sumit Chauhan
- Re: [Libreoffice-commits] core.git: avmedia/ avmedia/source vcl/qt5,
Rene Engelhard
- GSOC19 Week2 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
- How to translate the toolbar into multiple languages?,
Patrick d'Emmabuntüs
GSoC19 - Android Viewer(Online) - Weekly report [03 June - 08 June], Kaishu Sahu
GSOC Report Week 2, Rasmus Jonsson
CppunitTest_sc_macros_test hanging indefinitely with font scaling on Windows, Kaganski Mike
Jenkins_Callgrind broken after: Drop extra define ENABLE_GTKSINK,
Luke Benes
Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Jun-06, Heiko Tietze
Base without HSQL support?,
Drew Jensen
[Bug 79641] LibreOffice 4.4 most annoying bugs,
Need for new x86 Jenkin's Bot,
Luke Benes
Question about Bug 124686, Andreas Heinisch
Weekly Report [27-May - 2 June] - Improvement to Notebookbar, Sumit Chauhan
GSoC19 - Android Viewer(Online) - Weekly report [27 May - 01 June], Kaishu Sahu
[GSoC] Weekly Report 27 May - 1 June, Gagandeep Singh
GSOC19 Week1 Report, ahmed El-Shreif
[GSoC 19] Weekly Report 1 (27 May -2 Jun), shubham goyal
tdf#120047 Support attribute harpoon/wideharpoon in Math,
Takeshi Abe
GSOC Report Week 1, Rasmus Jonsson
Grzegorz Kulik license statement, Grzegorz Kulik
Using Amazon Corretto as Oracle JDK replacement for building LibreOffice on Windows,
Kaganski Mike
Weekly report [20-May , 27 - May] - Improvement to Notebookar, Sumit Chauhan
Fishy assignment in editdoc (editeng) ?,
FYI: Improve handles of DrawingML preset shapes,
Regina Henschel
Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-May-23, Heiko Tietze
soffice headless on server consumes 100% CPU,
Manfred Rebentisch
Aspect ratio of <*.png>,
Stephan Bergmann
Java min version for master sources?,
CppUnit SdMiscTest::testTdf119956 Failing on Windows with 150% scale factor,
Luke Benes
Improvement to Notebookbar - Weekly report[13 May - 19 May], Sumit Chauhan
Infra call on Tue, May 21 at 16:30 UTC, Guilhem Moulin
Fwd: [PATCH] Add content_rating to AppData files, Stephan Bergmann
Creating a localized build,
Olivier Hallot
CppunitTest_starmath_qa_cppunit Failing on Windows with HiDPI screens,
Luke Benes
Shivansh Handa license statement, Shivansh Handa
Update of file oox-drawingml-cs-presets,
Regina Henschel
wanted: reviewer(s) for, Winfried Donkers
[GSoC] The "LibreOffice Appliances" project, Rasmus Jonsson
What Leaflet does exactly?, edoardo EMAT
Fwd: [global-libreoffice-ci] lo_daily_update_gandalf - Build # 666 - Still Failing!,
Stephan Bergmann
Removing SVX_DLLPRIVATE from GetInteractionHandles() and from DragMoveCustomShapeHdl(),
Regina Henschel
Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-May-15, Heiko Tietze
Converting Python Tuples / Lists into Any in PyUNO,
Thomas Viehmann
Improvement to Notebookbar - Weekly report [7 May - 12 May],
Sumit Chauhan
[GSOC 2019] Community Bonding (Sumit Chauhan), Sumit Chauhan
Ricardo Ruff
Andreas Heinisch license statement, Andreas Heinisch
Struggling with unit test,
Regina Henschel
NLPSolver - range of FACTOR coefficient in Differential Evolution?,
Todor Balabanov
Jenkins_Callgrind failing with error: use of deleted function,
Luke Benes
Android Viewer(Online) - Weekly report [7 May - 10 May],
Kaishu Sahu
Master build unit test failed,
Franklin Weng
Clang trunk build failure in external/librevenge,
Luke Benes
[GSoC 2019] Commuity Bonding Period,
shubham goyal
[ GSOC ] UI logger using new DSL discussion, ahmed El-Shreif
What You Absolutely Need to Know about the New AIA A201,
distro/collabora/cp-6.0* fails to build on my Ubuntu 16.04,
Gerrit Großkopf
libPocoFoundation conflict,
edoardo EMAT
possible missing code in unoil-6.2.2 jar ?,
Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-May-09, Heiko Tietze
[ GSoC ] Improve the UI testing DSL and the log files for UI actions project, ahmed El-Shreif
Problem to build by using lode under Mac OS.,
Todor Balabanov
[ GSoC ] Community Bonding Period,
Gagandeep Singh
LO Basic: DialogLibraries contains no elements,
tdf124710 convert Calc functions IFS and SWITCH to jump functions, Winfried Donkers
Improved precompiled headers support, Luboš Luňák
Ccache depend mode,
Luboš Luňák
improving empty handling in tools::Rectangle,
Noel Grandin
What is shape property 'AnchorPosition' ?,
Regina Henschel
Writer Table Columns Access via Java API,
Review for tdf#125126 Use individual methods for polar handles in OOXML shapes, Regina Henschel
Unit Tests fail. But why?,
Regina Henschel
Question about submitting patch for dictionaries,
Permission not granted to push my patch,
Re: [Libreoffice-commits] core.git: The -fvisibility-ms-compat hack is no longer needed for UBSan on Linux...,
Stephan Bergmann
Andrew Hyatt license statement, Andrew Hyatt
Adrien Ollier
HEADS UP! Google Seasons of Doc: Call for mentors, Olivier Hallot
contributions license,
Adrien Ollier
LibreOffice Java API and Java 11,
Rick Heckadon
Projects For Google Summer Of Code,
Shivam Bansal
tdf124710 convert Calc function IFS (and SWITCH) to jump function, Winfried Donkers
How to run LO online on my xubuntu?,
edoardo EMAT
confusing use of 'OpCode' in formula/source/core/api/FormulaCompiler.cxx, Winfried Donkers
Todor Balabanov license statement, Todor Balabanov
alg license statement, Armin Le Grand
Re: Regarding Exporting in Libreoffice, Miklos Vajna
Latest build is small and will not start,
Rich Lakey
Myanmar dictionary,
Fwd: Tinderbox failure, Android-ARM@24-Bytemark-Hosting, MASTER, last success: 2019-04-26 20:22:54,
Kaganski Mike
error when starting LibreOffice,
Adrien Ollier
Math.pow(-1, i%2) is pretty slow in net.adaptivebox.deps.behavior.DEGTBehavior, Todor Balabanov
SystemDependentDataBuffer bits ...,
Michael Meeks
Re "create empty .lproj directories for languages supported by OS X",
Stephan Bergmann
is gerrit #26348 still somewhere?,
Winfried Donkers
Fwd: [libreoffice-l10n] Compiling LO in a container, with the latest translations, Sophia Schröder
Read and write on linux server, Manfred Rebentisch
Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Apr-25, Heiko Tietze
Looking for review for patch for tdf#115813, Regina Henschel
Compile error "no matching function",
edoardo EMAT
compiling problem,
Adrien Ollier
Sidebar panel via extension,
Arta Elizabete Zēna
Build fail on Libgpg-error on Windows with gawk 5.0,
Change font size in UnoControlGridModel, awm119
bug 74702,
Adrien Ollier
Re: bug 74702, Jan-Marek Glogowski
configure fails for lo 6.1.6 - Windows SDK... configure: error: Some (all?) Windows SDK files not found,
Oliver Brinzing
Properly notify gpgme about spawn executable location on Windows,
Kaganski Mike
bug 74702 - XParaPortionList::RefDevIsVirtual(), Adrien Ollier
FastSerializerHelper::singleElement/startElement internal API changed, Kaganski Mike
High-definition Multimedia Powerful T5 LCD Portable Mini Projector,
Darren Young
Ritchie Cunningham - Licence Statement., Ritchie Cunningham
tdf124710, unexpected result for function IFS when argument NA() is followed by an argument that needs interpreting,
Winfried Donkers
Suspicious dependency of CppunitTest on instdir/share/config/images_*.zip,
Stephan Bergmann
Regarding Inactivity, Gagandeep Singh
how to add .cxx file to be compiled and linked,
Regis Perdreau
Chance of Colour Underlining,
Andrew Williams
bug 74702 - Issue with bool OutputDevice::IsNativeControlSupported(ControlType, ControlPart),
Adrien Ollier
CppunitTest_sc_macros_test fails after commit 7282014e362a1529a36c88eb308df8ed359c2cfa, Kaganski Mike
libreoffice- component context fails to supply service,
John Frankish
Infra call on Tue, Apr 16 at 16:30 UTC, Guilhem Moulin
Faulty handle position in shapes imported from MS Office (continued),
Regina Henschel
libreoffice- compiling "--with-system-gpgmepp" fails,
John Frankish
libreoffice- does not find gpgme headers in default location, John Frankish
libreoffice converstion of egistrymodifications.xcu user items to systemwide xml registry share,
Jelle de Jong
Gagandeep Singh license statement, Gagandeep Singh
Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2019-Apr-11, Heiko Tietze
Make API versioning compiler evaluable,
Jan-Marek Glogowski
On backporting fix for tdf#124503 "LibreOffice doesn't detect JVM because of unexpected java.vendor property value",
Stephan Bergmann
Re: [Libreoffice-commits] core.git: forms/source framework/source include/osl,
Thorsten Behrens
Debugging LibreOffice with lldb,
Jens Carl
[sal][MSVC] Wrong global variable initialization order,
Egor Pugin
[CppUnit] : Contribution, PIGAT Lilian
Faulty handle position in shapes imported from MS Office,
Regina Henschel
[Index of Archives]
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