On 26.06.19 17:09, Austin Stephens wrote:
Well, that is the odd thing. I am using the the make that lode gave to
me. From what I can tell, the log produced by using "-d" reports that
the submakes that get used are also from the lode thing. The version is
CreateProcess(D:\lode\opt\bin\make,D:/lode/opt/bin/make -d,...)
GNU Make 4.2.1
Built for Windows32
Copyright (C) 1988-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
maybe it's the top-level one that is problematic?
so you must have "HAVE_GNUMAKE_FILE_FUNC=" in config_host.mk
you could check configure.ac and look what GNUMAKE it detects, if it's
the expected one... and why the HAVE_GNUMAKE_FILE_FUNC check around line
5183 fails.
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