Info Cyrus
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- Re: restore email, (continued)
- unable to login with cyradm,
Joe Harvell
- In case I need it in the future,
Eduard Pertíñez i Juncosa
- cyrus force pop3 clients to leave messages on server,
Martin Schiøtz
- cyrus-quota -r option : genquotareport,
David Brown
- Replication woes with a specific mailbox...,
Pascal Gienger
- duplicate suppression in murder,
Vincent Fox
- High availability email server...,
Chad A. Prey
- cyradm problem. sasl?,
jocke khazad
- Re: mailbox listed twice,
Jan Schneider
- ipurge / cyr_expire with recursion, Heinzmann, Robert
- Cyrus and subdomains that seem to be missing from mailbox, Jim John
- machine mismatch UUID,
Fabio Rossetti
- Underscore in Hostname,
- Solaris compile fails cyrus-sasl 2.1.22,
Vincent Fox
- cyrus-imap/pop certs problems,
Arnau Bria
- performance issue (imap spool on san),
Rudy Gevaert
reconstruct while system is running?,
Heiling, Steffen
compile problem,
Pavel Stratil
Advice wanted: 2.1.9 to 2.2.12 data migration,
Elizabeth Schwartz
S: C01 OK Unknown Error Code: -1904809418,
James Brown
Simple authentication system, Cyrus & Mac, James Brown
Sascha Bieler
Performance and cheap storage,
Mark Hellman
cyrus-imapd and FC4 to FC5 upgrade,
Anthony Messina
cyradm over ssl, Rudy Gevaert
delivery to non-existent folder, Ross Boylan
imapd compile error, Pavel Stratil
migrate cyrus to another server.,
Perry Brown
cyrus21 sarge is it possible to..., Martin G.H. Minkler
lmtp over tcp sockets, access denied and lmtp error: Message contains invalid header,
Rudy Gevaert
unsubcribe, Stewart Loving-Gibbard
trashed databases after disk full situation,
Rodrigo Ventura
missing plain authentication?,
Ross Boylan
hardware recommendations for MURDER?,
Vincent Fox
"lmtpunix[32741]: DBERROR db4: 474 lockers",
Ciprian Vizitiu
Cyrus-Imap 8-bit Header Patch,
Holm Kapschitzki
Migrate QMail to Cyrus,
Bjoern Burger
webmail not saving to sent-mail,
creating user accounts, Nick Smith,
Nick Smith
Problems compiling: array type has incomplete element type,
Jim Schueler
Big extrange problem with cyrus imap, Eduard Pertíñez i Juncosa may be discontinued,
Andrzej Adam Filip
sieveusehomedir and compilation,
Ross Boylan
account naming,
Nick Smith
Cyrus::SIEVE::managesieve documentation?,
Chris St. Pierre
tool for migration to cyrus ?,
Good book on Cyrus?,
James Brown
replication from slave to master, Dmitry Melekhov
Fw: 2.3.7 replication (#3), Patrick T. Tsang
2.3.7 replication - sync mail (#2),
Patrick T. Tsang
2.3.7 replication (#1), Patrick T. Tsang
Re: [OT] Support for Cyrus IMAPD, Alexander Dalloz
anthentication problem with Cyrus::IMAP::Admin;,
Can't authenticate, James Brown
Posting into cyrus shard folder doesn´t work...,
Kellermann, Jan
Squatter question, Forrest Aldrich
Invalid mailbox name with Cyrus::IMAP::Admin;, jerry
How does aliases work with cyrus?,
Jim John
Error recovering mailbxes.db, Raciel Perez
Is there a solution ti admin Cyrus ACL´s over webinterface?,
Kellermann, Jan
Migration form UW with replication,
Michael Menge
Cyrus 2.3.7 Replication Question,
Esh, Thomas D (Tom)
Subscribe as admin for a user?,
Jason Englander
"struct et_list" declared inside parameter list - possible cleanup?,
Rosenbaum, Larry M.
Starting cyrus - what output should I see?,
James Brown
purge sync. replication folder,
possible cyrus problems,
Implied virtdomain?, patrick
cyradm > lm returns empty list but mailboxes are accessible via,
New replication scheme, David Korpiewski
Am I using the correct commands to generate the certificates?,
Jim John
sieve notify subject line., Michael Luich
Safe deletion of cyrus.squat,
Muenz, Michael
Error: "master[137]: can't open pidfile: Bad file descriptor", James Brown
Berkeley DB upgrade?,
Paul Boven
Cyrus IMAPd 2.3.7 Released,
Ken Murchison
undefined reference to `txn_id',
Marek Franke
[ANN] Cyrus expert needed, Alexandru E. Ungur
Cyrus - sieve - notify,
Michael Luich
cyradm and cyrus administrator login,
Jim John
Can't locate Cyrus/SIEVE/,
Re: Can't locate Cyrus/SIEVE/, Paul Boven
ACL and groups,
Jaume Sabater
Where stands 2.3 w/ virtdomain?,
Marc G. Fournier
testing email, Damien Hull
compiling Cyrus IMAP on Mac OS X 10.4.7,
James Brown
sieve-notify-xmpp, kael
[POLL] Cyrus 2.3.x and CONDSTORE,
Ken Murchison
Cyrus & Active Directory,
Chris Hilts
plussed-users in virtual domain (i.e. with domain appendix)?, Timo Schoeler
cyradm problems,
Jeff Peng
debian etch, ldap, and cyrus 2.2,
Warren Turkal
occasional delays in lmtpd,
Kjetil Torgrim Homme
What is skiplist format?, Leon Kolchinsky
Murder without Kerberos?,
Andrew Findlay
Migrating Cyrus-IMAP to another machine,
Fabio Corazza
Mapping users (either KerberosV or TLS certs),
Phil Pennock
Strange errors in imap.log, Nikola Milutinovic
Problem with ptloader and SASL authenticated LDAP,
Ben Poliakoff
BDB problems with lockers.,
Matthew Schumacher
Cyrus 2.2.12 / TLS problems (SSL working) / Thunderbird - kontact,
Denis Sacchet
Replication is broken with modseq issue in 2.3.6,
Bron Gondwana
Cyrus operating system choice, RedHat vs Solaris,
Shawn Sivy
Question about upgrading from 2.2.8 to 2.2.12, Shawn Sivy
2.3.6: cannot administer the murder,
Andrew Findlay
Cyrus IMAP 2.2.13 64-bit: imapd core dump with signal 11/6/10, Дейтер Александр Валериевич
sieve problem with too many redirects,
Markus Rebensburg
lmtpproxyd fails in the face of unixhierarchysep: yes?, Michael Alan Dorman
compiling from cvs, Rudy Gevaert
Removing duplicates from mail base,
Wouter van Marle
Postfix won't deliver mails: Mailbox does not exist, Sven Weber
Mailstore filesystem,
Søren Schimkat
Advice on data partition,
Leon Kolchinsky
help on failed upgrade,
"negative rights" ACLs - working in cyrus-imapd 2.2.12 (FC4)?,
Will Partain
Master and frontend database sync problem,
Snezhana Bekova
timsieved SIGSEGV, Andrzej Kwiatkowski
Subfolders of INBOX with altnamepsace,
Paul Fisher
sieve isnt filtering mail, Holm Kapschitzki
metapartition information request,
Matt Bernstein
(no subject),
Snezhana Bekova
INTERNALDATE one hour in future for sent message,
Jim Brett
Virtual emails at login,
Marten Lehmann
Using non-default folder structures,
Marten Lehmann
Delivering to a certain folder,
Marten Lehmann
Quota Report Script,
David E. Meier
Cyrus IMAP core dump with signal 6, Дейтер Александр Валериевич
Cyrus+SASL+PAM+pam_mysql Migration problem,
Alexandru E. Ungur
Re: Latin1/UTF8 chars?,
Marten Lehmann
Authentication with flat files,
Marten Lehmann
migrating from dovecot to cyrus,
Marten Lehmann
cyrus.cache not working for me?, Daniel Eckl
Problem installing cyrus22 on a debian sarge amd64,
Julien PHAM
Problems after update. Cyrus-21 to Cyrus2.2,
getsockopt: SOL_SOCKET: failed to get type: Socket operation on non-socket, reddie crack
How to backup cyrus-imapd without stopping service,
Seiichirou Hiraoka
what is the best way to migrate,
Eric Doutreleau
Cyrus - Postfix - redirect mails from a special sender domain,
Walter Willmertinger
ldap+kerberos authentication, Khalid Mehmood
Spam control,
Martin Schiøtz
cyrus db problems,
Riccardo Veraldi
dedlivering messages probelm with fetchmail, Luís Cargnini
Creating mailboxes,
David Korpiewski
Problem with SASL authentication after server move,
Shawn O'Connor
Canon User Plugin Skeleton - Help Needed,
Pedro Algarvio
Auxprop Available properties, Pedro Algarvio
defeated about Murder.....,
Andrzej Kwiatkowski
Move data to new harddisk (fs-type and options, config),
Thomas Schlosser
Mailbox name diferent than login name in IMAP/POP, possible?,
Pedro Algarvio
Restrict who can connect by IP ... ?,
Marc G. Fournier
PTLOADER and LDAP, Pedro Algarvio
sieve murder problems, Andrzej Kwiatkowski
Backup stored messages,
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