Info Cyrus
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- root mailbox/partition permission problem,
Josh M.Hurd
- IMap disasters - Unknown error 53 - Unknown Error 54,
Elizabeth Schwartz
- imap backup?,
Ben Adams
- RE: Howto migrate from postfix-cyrus to Exchange [auf Viren überprüft], Sarah Walters
- reconstruct,
Benjamin Adams
- snmp monitoring,
Rudy Gevaert
- Squatter not working in murder/unified environment?,
Farzad FARID
- Howto migrate from postfix-cyrus to Exchange,
Rafael Alcalde
- Sendmail and Cyrus Virtual Domains,
- Re: Sendmail and Cyrus Virtual Domains, Andrzej Adam Filip
Quota limit?,
Kai Wang
cannot authenticate to Sieve,
Jean-Gabriel Duquesnoy
Checking for a mailbox's backend server,
Brenden Conte
Sieve authentification (against mysql) problem,
Bjoern Burger
squatter doesnt work with virtual domains, Ramprasad
mupdate login with imapd 2.3 from cvs, Andreas S. Kerber
Migrating from UW: Mailbox does not exist,
Jorey Bump
Cyrus and - how to make scripts active by default?, Elizabeth Schwartz
Cyrus on Solaris 10,
Matthias Schwob
Problem with debugging Cyrus-imapd, Neelu Dhiman
howto create a new folder for an existing user with cyradm,
Thomas Vogt
Restrict cyrus admins to certain hosts,
Stefan Edevåg
Allow any passwords from one host,
Backing up of a group of users mailboxes,
Hardi Gunawan
Deferred email with remote protocol error in reply,
Hardi Gunawan
sieve authentication,
Mike Husmann
cyrus - sasl - pam - ldap strange error with libsldap,
Sam Smith
experience report / upgrading to cyrus-imapd 2.3,
Andreas S. Kerber
Design of Cyrus IMAP,
Loss of mail with Murder+LMTP (imapd 2.3.7): incoming mail rejected just after server restart,
Farzad FARID
mailbox convert maildir,
Attila Kiss
Is cyr_expire trying cross-server expiration in a Murder configuration?,
Farzad FARID
size of folder on disk much larger than size reported by mail client.,
Warren Howard
Cyrus sasl auth requires entry in /etc/hosts,
Login Mystery,
Grep mails by subject with shell script,
Walter Willmertinger
LDAP + saslauthd problems,
sync client bailing out,
F. Rossetti
german IMAPd consultant wanted! [body in german] [auf Viren überprüft], Hans Moser
sieve with tls sasl mech list empty,
Rudy Gevaert
Cyrus code, neelu_dhiman
POP not setting read flag,
Davin Flatten
DB Lockers,
Forrest Aldrich
Integrted tool for adminstering Cyrus IMAP and LDAP.,
Andrés Tarallo
sync_server "memory leak" with giant new mailbox first sync,
Bron Gondwana
Sieve authentication problem,
Achim Lammerts
Error registering service with SLP,
Achim Lammerts
What is "doing a peer verify"?,
Rosenbaum, Larry M.
Configuring cyrus imap with postfix and mysql database,
Sanchez Nicolas
sieveshell -a -u doesn't work as it should (bug?),
Rudy Gevaert
How to modify and debug cyrus server code,
neelu_dhiman on twiki,
Rudy Gevaert
timsieved: Couldn't find mech PLAIN,
Sebastian Jordan
5.1.1 User unknown bounces,
no more "dyld: Library not loaded" (fixed), but now "unable to dlopen" ..., OpenMacNews
Problem with Cyrus,
Batch mailbox creation,
Anders Norrbring
SMS - notification,
Vladimir Dvorak
ssl "dyld: Library not loaded" with either cyrus-imap v2.3.7 *or* cvs-head,
Usernames with "+" in it,
Sven Lepiorz
compile 2.2.12 with pts/ldap [auf Viren überprüft],
Hans Moser
Re: Cyrus server problem, Wil Cooley
mail lists and cyrus,
Cyrus deliver temporary failure (quota not full),
Hardi Gunawan
sync_client -f /path/file -m, Rudy Gevaert
running imap service on replica, replication on inconsistent mailboxes, Rudy Gevaert
My email server don't send email out of my domain connecting through mobile...why?, Rafael Alcalde
creating mailbox from imap,
interaction of plus addressing and sieve,
Ross Boylan
cyrus on 64-bit redhat,
Paul Dekkers
Does a broken Message-ID prevent sieve from recognizing other headers, Jörg Spilker
cvt_cyrusdb_all fails, devel - Fashion Content
Recently-APPENDed messages not showing up as RECENT responses after NOOP,
John J Lee
LMTP in Cyrus 2.1.15 Refuses connections,
Crockett Howard
SQL Storage for fast retrieval from archives,
Cyrus Homepage,
Frank Richter
To list admins: Reply-to address,
Nikola Milutinovic
How to remove IOERROR sieve log lines?,
Nikola Milutinovic
2.2 vs. 2.3?,
Karl Boyken
[Fwd: Re: a dot in the name ?], Olaf Fraczyk
a dot in the name ?,
Mario Pavlov
Problems with a crashed BDB,
Michael Obster
Ruby/ManageSieve 0.3.0 released, Andre Nathan
Berkeley db errors with lmtp, Brenden Conte
Mailbox does not exist,
Bart Van Loon
Re: Mailbox does not exist, Cristian Mitrana
RE: sync_client bails out after 3 MAILBOXES need upgrading to USER in one run,
Ken Murchison
deliver.db conversion to skiplist,
Shelley Waltz
something strange with sieve,
VALOIS, Pascal
imaps[6644]: PROTERR: end of file reached, Davin Flatten
'inline' in sieve/bc_emit.c, Paul Boven
Problems authenticating using saslauthd w/LDAP,
Rob Tanner
Berkeley DB upgrade - 2nd try,
Paul Boven
verbose logs in sieve ?, VALOIS, Pascal
sync_client stalls the rest of cyrus while 'no route to host',
Paul Dekkers
failover scenario's for replication,
Paul Dekkers
Guidance on Use of Reconstruct,
Jim Brett
sync_client bails out after 3 MAILBOXES need upgrading to USER in one run,
Bron Gondwana
Another sync-client issue,
Bron Gondwana
[cyrus-2.2/debian/cyradm] mboxconfig _mailbox_ expire _expire_ -> mboxconfig: Permission denied,
Andrzej Adam Filip
mailboxes.db unreadable, recovery procedure?,
disabling a users mail delivery, Derek T. Yarnell
Forwarding-Vacation, Eduardo Reyes
Unofficial Cyrus imapd 2.3.7 packages for Debian, Farzad FARID
Update from Cyrus imapd 2.3.3 to 2.37,
Martin Schweizer
common quota for a group of users?,
Szókovács Róbert
tls_prune, cyr_expire hangs,
Jan Havrda
Problem with horde/ingo and sieve, VALOIS, Pascal
sieve doesn't work,
Vladi Lemurov
undefined symbol db_version in, Miller, Greg
Can't login websieve,
Sieve vacation issue,
Kelsey Bjarnason
safe to run "ctl_cyrusdb -r" while server running?,
James Ralston
move mailbox from one virtual domain to another,
Lukasz Michalski
Backup, Paolo Ghidini
Anyone with experience using imapsync,
Rob Tanner
Re: Anyone with experience using imapsync, Farzad FARID
Cyradm works, SquirrelMail and other clients don't, David Hornick
unexpunge broken?,
Command-line reconstruct different from cyradm reconstruct?,
Chris St. Pierre
LDAP ptloader examples?, Phil Pennock
Multiple username/passwords pointing to the same mailbox .. possible?,
Malcolm Locke
OT: Mulberry availiable again and for free,
Daniel Eckl
About *good* IMAP clients,
Simultaneous database access,
David Korpiewski
List Archives/Info is 404,
Kevin Kruzich
Debian Sarge : direct delivery to subfolder with postfix/lmtp cyrus, Sylvain MEDEOT
Frontend Referrals (or lack thereof),
Brenden Conte
Sample Cyrus 2.3 config with murder and "unified" mupdate config?, Farzad FARID
read only cyrus instances and replication questions., Rudy Gevaert
2.3.7 replica with multiple partitions?,
Tim Bannister
How to clean up database garbages?,
Kai Wang
How to clean up the mailboxes database?, Gary Mills
Migrating a former /etc/sasldb2 (GNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian),
Kevin Kruzich
command line to move/delete email,
Outlook 2003 still crashing,
Alexander Kriegisch
global sieve folder ... ?,
Marc G. Fournier
creating folders with virt-domains in cyradm,
Jim John
How to restrict pop/imap access by user/group names,
Kai Wang
Shared folders,
Paul van der Vlis
Re: Shared folders, former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Multiple Login-Names for one mailbox?,
Roland Baum
Mail size limit, Subhasha H.L
latest imapd-cvs build not finding/loading libssl, Richard
lmtp proxy with cyrus-imapd-2.3, Khalid Mehmood
Cyrus upgrade, need advice,
Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster
Compiling cyrus-imapd, Kevin Kruzich
Sieve Problem with Suse SLOX and Postfix, Rafael Alcalde
Move old sasldb2 to new, Kevin Kruzich
Re: MD5-encrypted passwords in a SASL-SQL-database,
Diego M. Vadell
howot backup a mailbox locally, Marten Lehmann
Deliver.db error: DBERROR db4:,
Rafael Alcalde
can anyone *confirm* TLS function in Cyrus-Imap (v2.3.7) ?,
ptloader segfaulting while looking up LDAP groups,
Ben Poliakoff
cyrus UIDL - POP double download problem,
Vincent Fox
all emails are marked as read including new ones (fwd), Alan Thew
'imtest' returns: "TLS engine: cannot load cert/key data" on imapd v2.3.7; it _used_ to work ..., Richard
testing pop,
backup of sasldb2.db file, Sam
Re: [Cyrus-CVS] src/cyrus by jeaton,
Bron Gondwana
debug messages + syslog-ng,
Ow Mun Heng
Re: integer overflow at 2^32 in quota calculations, Andreas Hasenack
Sieve: vacation does not work,
Andreas Ferrari
"sieve[25275]: Couldn't find mech PLAIN",
Joseph Silverman
delete some email inside user mailboxes,
Linux Nic
Odd quota problem,
Karl Boyken
LMTP invalid pointer error, Daniel Eckl
single domain install, Uroš Gruber
Cyrus::IMAP::Admin or IMAP::Admin ?,
Rudy Gevaert
sieve filtering: global ?, Marc G. Fournier
wrong realm is passed to cyrus-sasl with virtdomains option enabled, Andrey Bulgakov
Strange Sieve Behaviour, Darron Froese
Seg faults in lmtpd in Cyrus 2.3.7,
Idea for filtered access to cyrus,
Michael R. Gettes
Re: Idea for filtered access to cyrus, Gerd v. Egidy
Trouble with cyradm xfer, Paul Engle
Proxy Authentication,
Joshua Van Horn
AW: Re: Only some mailboxes don't accept incoming messages, no error in the logs for this?!,
Rustedt, Florian
Legal cyrus mailbox names?,
James Yale
Only some mailboxes don't accept incoming messages, no error in the logs for this?!,
Rustedt, Florian
SSL certs on proxy pool?,
Vincent Fox
sendmail or cyrus question... not sure,
Chris Mattingly
restore email,
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