former03 | Baltasar Cevc wrote:
Hi Paul,
yes, you can do it - use +<folder name> as destination mailbox
(append your server name or whatever delivery domain you want
to use). Take care that the user you use for delivery has post
permissions to that folder.
The other possibility (which is better if you want to be able to
filter mails) is to use sieve - you could use it to separate
shared+folder1@, shared+folder2 etc. and for example move all
mails that have X-Spam-Status set to yes to have it delivered
to the Spam folder. If you don't want to code sieve scripts you
could use a web frontend (e.g. my favorite Horde Ingo integrated
with the Horde IMP webmail, or AvelSieve which is a plugin to
Squirrelmail or some stand alone solution like websieve).
Hi Baltasar,
I don't fully understand the above.
Say I want the following shared folders: support@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
I would create those mailboxes with cyradm:
cm "support@xxxxxxxxxxxx"
cm "admins@xxxxxxxxxxxx"
sam "support@xxxxxxxxxxxx" ?? p
sam "admins@xxxxxxxxxxxx ?? p
I've tried user cyrus but that doesn't work. Lmtp says:
Aug 14 23:09:26 oeral mail2/lmtp[10712]:
verify_user(!support) failed: Mailbox does not exist
Setting 'p' for 'anyone', works. But I wonder if that is safe enough?
In your case you would make a mailbox 'shared@xxxxxxxxxxxx', right? At
let the users mail to 'shared+subfolder@xxxxxxxxxx". Correct?
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