Re: sync_client stalls the rest of cyrus while 'no route to host'

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On 26 Aug 2006, at 16:22, Paul Dekkers wrote:
I don't know if this is a known issue: as soon as I enable replication
and the sync_client gets a "No route to host" from the replica, the rest of the cyrus startup seems to stall: no imap, no lmtp... just because a
replica is unreachable. (In this case because iptables was to
restrictive on the replica ;-))
Yes.  In our environment, we've moved sync_client to be started at  
the same run level as cyrus master, instead of having cyrus master  
start it.  That way, when sync_client dies (it dies, BTW, so you  
ought to be monitoring it, and the log, and sync_server), it's simple  
for an admin to restart it.

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