Re: Idea for filtered access to cyrus

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I don't know - if there exists some plumbing today to make this happen -
I am happy to utilize it in this idea. So, I'd appreciate some education
if any of the capabilities of this idea already exist in some form.


On Aug 2, 2006, at 14:23, Robert Banz wrote:

Cyrus gets this and slices off the +filter= and places the value  
into a FILTER variable.

On the mail delivery side: LMTP is changed to look for X-IMAP- FILTER headers
and to store the value of the header as an IMAP flag.  Assuming
X-IMAP-Filter: foo
then we add /filter=foo to the IMAP flags. Do so for each X-IMAP- FILTERheader found.
Could this be more generically implemented by creating a sieve  
extension to manipulate IMAP flags when storing a message to a folder?
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