Re: How to clean up database garbages?

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I did 'ctl_mboxlist -d > mboxlist.txt' and found all the mailbox names 
in mboxlist.txt are valid. The old mailbox names only appear in the 
/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/quota command output. In this case, I guess, I just 
need to do the last two steps ('rm /var/lib/imap/user/?/*username*' and 
'rm /var/lib/imap/quota/?/*username*') and can do them while services 
are still on, . Am I right?

Simon Brown wrote:
On 8/15/06 5:07 PM, "info-cyrus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<info-cyrus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm in the process of migrating from uw-imap servers to cyrus servers. I
cloned my second cyrus server from the first one and forgot to
initialize the database. My second machine is in production. I found the
first machine's accounts are on the second one and I can not delete them
because the mail store is gone. Does anybody know if there is any force
delete option to clean up this?

The following is how I've done it on an OSX Server. Anyone else have a
better method?

 - su - cyrusimap
 - ctl_mboxlist -d > ~/mboxlist.txt
 - cp ~/mboxlist.txt ~/mboxlist.bak
 - edit ~/mboxlist.txt and remove lines containing this user.
 - cp /Volumes/GroupWare\ Data/mail_datqbase/mailboxes.db ~
 - rm /Volumes/GroupWare\ Data/mail_datqbase/mailboxes.db
 - cat ~/mboxlist.txt | ctl_mboxlist -u
 - rm -rf /var/spool/imap/username
 - rm /var/lib/imap/user/?/*username*
- rm /var/lib/imap/quota/?/*username*
Kai Wang
System Services
Information Technologies, University of Calgary,
2500 University Drive, N.W.,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Phone (403) 220-2423, Fax (403) 282-9361

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