I am about to move my IMAP storage to a new harddisk (old HD gets too small and may fail in the near future).
Cyrus serves a small group of people (about 5), running on old hardware (PII,300) with a new 80GB IDE HD. No performance issues.
I have several questions about details of the migration:
1. a) FS-type: any recommendations (I would have used reiserfs, but ext3 or ext2 could be options as well)?
b) FS options: should I use specials options when generating the FS (there may be a lot of files in folders as we all know), eg inodes,...
c) any mount-options I should use?
FYI: the new harddisk will be mounted to /data and will have directories imap/part and imap/conf directories for the partition and configdir)
2. Which parts should I move:
a) Of course I want to move the partition (partition-default, which ist /var/spool/imap currently)
b) I would like to move configdirectory (/var/lib/imap) as well - is the recommendable?
3. How to do the migration
I intended to
- stop postfix and imapd
- copy all files with "cp --preserve --recursive" to the new location (are there links to be taken care of)?
- change /etc/imapd.conf regarding the two settings (partition-default and configdirectory)
- start imapd and postfix again
Will this work or is this not the preferred way to to it
Thanks for any hints!
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