Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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- Re: F16 Beta on Pentium III, (continued)
- [Test-Announce] 2011-10-10 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting?,
Adam Williamson
- install to hard disk doesn't start,
Per Bothner
- udisk warning,
Mike Chambers
- rhgb boot -> monitor losing signal (sometimes),
Michael Schwendt
- updates testing report kind of broke,
Genes MailLists
- OK, how do you really update the grub2 config file?,
Tom Horsley
- rawhide report: 20111009 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20111009 changes,
Branched Report
- grub conflicts grub2,
Christian Menzel
- Never ending history: getting again "Oh no! Something has gone wrong",
Joachim Backes
- tracker-miner-fs consuming lots of CPU?,
Jonathan Kamens
- Gnome3 message "Oh no! Something has gone wrong",
James J Catchpole
- rawhide report: 20111008 changes,
Rawhide Report
- is bluetooth working for you?,
cornel panceac
- logrotate syslog systemd = doesn't work,
- F-16 Branched report: 20111008 changes,
Branched Report
- oops on machine I can't install Fedora since F13,
Antonio Olivares
- boot.fedoraproject.org testing,
Kevin Fenzi
- abrtd not working in F16 beta?,
Jonathan Kamens
- RE: test Digest, Vol 92, Issue 32,
- F16 kernel update - minor grubby issue,
Jurgen Kramer
- Latest PackageKit-command-not-found bodged or intended behaviour?,
Jurgen Kramer
- power saving?,
cornel panceac
- F16 rescue error.,
Frank Murphy
- F16 Beta yum upgrade and initial impressions report,
Jonathan Kamens
- Unable to install Fedora 16 beta on 32-bit machine with XP dual boot,
Al Dunsmuir
- Fedora-16-Beta-x86_64-Live-Desktop CD not working?,
Jos Vos
- rawhide report: 20111007 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20111007 changes,
Branched Report
- FC16 nfs-utils problem,
Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve
- unable to install f16 live to machine,
Antonio Olivares
- Re: Power Management Test day (2011-09-29) Stats,
Adam Williamson
- Final TC/RC schedule: move it up like Beta?,
Adam Williamson
- Todays f16 updates broken my KDE,
Martin Airs
- grub2 confusion,
Michael Schwendt
- rawhide report: 20111006 changes,
Rawhide Report
- A new applicationadded to the gnome3 favorites bar is not visible if the favorites bar is "ful",
Joachim Backes
- F-16 Branched report: 20111006 changes,
Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] 2011-10-07 @ 17:00 UTC - F16 Final Blocker Bug Review #2,
Tim Flink
- Printing Test Day today,
Tim Waugh
- rpc.statd / autofs problem,
Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve
- Nightly Compose and fc17...,
Rob Healey
- rc9 kernel builds from this morning are crashing,
Bruno Wolff III
- Quick proventester note: qxl driver,
Adam Williamson
- Procmail's stopped processing,
Janina Sajka
- problems with suspend and GNOME,
Matias Kreder
- Still singing the fallback mode blues,
Jonathan Corbet
- F16 Beta XFCE problem,
Stephen John Smoogen
- F16 preupgrade crash,
Zdenek Pytela
- rawhide report: 20111005 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F16 beta XFCE,
Terry Polzin
- F-16 Branched report: 20111005 changes,
Branched Report
- Still "bad request" on "localhost:631" with FF,
Joachim Backes
- [Fwd: New retrace-server is up'n'running],
Adam Williamson
- Huge thanks to all for Beta validation testing,
Adam Williamson
- Karma request: kernel,
Adam Williamson
- oh no something has gone wrong ... :( f16 beta,
Antonio Olivares
- Fedora 16 beta vice Knoppix,
- [Test-Announce] Proventesters meetup 2011-10-05 at 18UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- rawhide report: 20111004 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20111004 changes,
Branched Report
- New retrace-server is up'n'running,
Jiri Moskovcak
- dual boot with Ubuntu 11.10 and FC16?,
Rob Healey
- USB Flash Drive fs chk...,
Rob Healey
- re: startup programs,
Rob Healey
- nouveau crashes,
cornel panceac
- Karma request for F16 Beta updates,
Adam Williamson
- 2011-10-03 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Tim Flink
- f 16 beta in virtualbox,
Joshua Andrews
- rawhide report: 20111003 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20111003 changes,
Branched Report
- Printing Test Day on Thursday (2011-10-06),
Tim Waugh
- startup programs...,
Rob Healey
- [OT] for fedora/linux on mac users: updated refit.efi,
Jurgen Kramer
- rawhide report: 20111002 changes,
Rawhide Report
- log me in two times, baby,
cornel panceac
- F-16 Branched report: 20111002 changes,
Branched Report
- systemd update and reboot failed,
Michael Schwendt
- delta ISOs for 16 Beta Gold (AKA RC4),
Andre Robatino
- F-16 Branched report: 20111001 changes,
Branched Report
- After most recent F16 updates: wired network connection down after some period of inactivity,
Joachim Backes
- Text clipboard survives a system restart,
Joachim Backes
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta is GOLD!,
Tim Flink
- network printer,
cornel panceac
- [Test-Announce] 2011-09-30 @ 17:00 UTC - F16 Final Blocker Bug Review #1,
Tim Flink
- rawhide report: 20110930 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110930 changes,
Branched Report
- grub --> grub2 Branched,
Frank Murphy
- How to troubleshoot slow fedora-wait-storage.service?,
Andy Lawrence
- Lots of duplicate app icons in Applications menu,
Michael Schwendt
- Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta Release Candidate 4 (RC4),
Timothy Davis
- Good thing I build my own kernels,
Jonathan Corbet
- [Test-Announce] F16 Beta Go/No Go Meeting, Round 2.5, + report-out on yesterday's meeting.,
Robyn Bergeron
- rawhide report: 20110929 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110929 changes,
Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta Release Candidate 4 (RC4) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- Pre-Beta RC4 Testing,
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] All hands on deck: F16 Beta RC4 impending,
Adam Williamson
- udevd and slow login?,
Tom Horsley
- F16 grubby (?) not reading GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=,
Clyde E. Kunkel
- F16 power management test day will start this Thursday (2011-09-29),
Jaroslav Skarvada
- Testing required for deluge systemd unit files,
Ankur Sinha
- F16 askmethod works,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- proposal: new list for updates-testing info,
Kevin Fenzi
- Proventesters meetup today at 18:00UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- fedora 16 dvd or network install ?,
cornel panceac
- rawhide report: 20110928 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110928 changes,
Branched Report
- F16: pressing the "Print" key otside a session [if not logged in],
Joachim Backes
- The login-session type is no more selectable since some time in F16,
Joachim Backes
- quick beta status update,
Adam Williamson
- [Test-Announce] F16 Beta Go/No Go Meeting, Round 2.,
Robyn Bergeron
- Beta RC Images,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- rawhide report: 20110927 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110927 changes,
Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta Release Candidate 3 (RC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- NetworkManager- wifi.ui,
Jason Montleon
- libreport testing/karma for F16 beta,
Tim Flink
- big initial login delay?,
Tom Horsley
- Default ACPI behavior of VM guests prevents host-initiated shutdown,
Eric Blake
- Final Release Criterion for Xen DomU,
Tim Flink
- [Fedora QA] #244: Cloud SIG Test Day,
Fedora QA
- 2011-09-26 Fedora QA Meeting Minutes,
Tim Flink
- reboot after updates didn't work,
Tom Horsley
- rawhide report: 20110926 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110926 changes,
Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] ABRT Test Day today/tomorrow - 2011-09-26!,
Adam Williamson
- Fedora 15 printing for brother hl-2140,
Leslie S Satenstein
- console kit errors,
Mike Chambers
- Fwd: ABRT & libreport testday,
Jiri Moskovcak
- rawhide report: 20110925 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110925 changes,
Branched Report
- systemd: Unit prefdm.service entered failed state.,
Clyde E. Kunkel
- rawhide report: 20110924 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F16: gnome3 System Info Device name?,
Jurgen Kramer
- F-16 Branched report: 20110924 changes,
Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- cogl and its dependencies...,
Rob Healey
- [Test-Announce] Testing requested: proposed fixes for #738964 (bootloader install issues),
Adam Williamson
- F16 Beta TC3/RC2 Status,
Tim Flink
- rawhide report: 20110923 changes,
Rawhide Report
- Firefox 9.0a1,
Rob Healey
- Broken dependencies with Fedora 16 + updates-testing - 2011-09-23,
Michael Schwendt
- Some notes from fallback mode,
Jonathan Corbet
- Fedora 16 RC1 kernel (3.1.0-0.rc6.git0.0.fc16.x86_64) - bug on drop_caches - BZ 740637,
Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues
- [Test-Announce] 2011-09-09 @ 17:00 UTC - F16 Beta Blocker Bug Review #5,
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta to slip by one week.,
Robyn Bergeron
- rawhide report: 20110922 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110922 changes,
Branched Report
- A4 landcape formatted libreoffice are printed in portrait format,
Joachim Backes
- [Fedora QA] #243: redefine stages and update test cases,
Fedora QA
- [Test-Announce] Input Methods Test Day,
Igor Pires Soares
- opencv conflicts?,
Tom Horsley
- Cryptsetup Related Issue,
A. Mani
- Proventester meetup today at 19:00 UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.dFHsbt: line 1: [: missing `]',
Andre Robatino
- rawhide report: 20110921 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110921 changes,
Branched Report
- Pxeboot F16 install help,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- Relevant update notification for testers {Was: Remove a package from critpath ?},
Samuel Greenfeld
- gnome network applet not showing multiple wireless networks,
Chuck Anderson
- [Test-Announce] F16 Beta Go/No-Go meeting,
Robyn Bergeron
- F-16 Branched report: 20110920 changes,
Branched Report
- [Fedora QA] #242: Proventester membership request,
Fedora QA
- rawhide report: 20110919 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110919 changes,
Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] 2011-09-19 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
- grub2 menu entry for Fedora 16 is not nice,
Peter Gueckel
- rawhide report: 20110918 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110918 changes,
Branched Report
- Re: test Digest, Vol 91, Issue 70 (dd of netinstall.iso to USB),
Thomas C Gilliard
- rawhide report: 20110917 changes,
Rawhide Report
- Another issue with install and GPT,
Scott Robbins
- F-16 Branched report: 20110917 changes,
Branched Report
- preventing os-prober from looking for other installations,
Clyde E. Kunkel
- rawhide report: 20110916 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110916 changes,
Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] 2011-09-15 @ 17:00 UTC - F16 Beta Blocker Bug Review #4,
Tim Flink
- pulseaudio on f16 using cpu,
Peter Gueckel
- RC1 supplemental testing request,
Adam Williamson
- A post-mortem on the heat issues,
Erinn Looney-Triggs
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- rawhide report: 20110915 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110915 changes,
Branched Report
- Remove a package from critpath ?,
Xavier Bachelot
- More Pre-RC Testing,
Tim Flink
- Proventesters weekly meetup,
Kevin Fenzi
- Fedora Virt Test Day Thursday Sept 15th,
Justin M. Forbes
- data needed: are people seeing 735866 on live images? (slow boot),
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20110914 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110914 changes,
Branched Report
- Sound problems in F16 after the most recent updates,
Joachim Backes
- Pre Beta RC Testing,
Tim Flink
- Dual Boot Dilema Request for Ideas,
Bob Lightfoot
- services running from pstree...,
Rob Healey
- [Fedora QA] #241: Request mentor to add proventester group for Fedora,
Fedora QA
- rawhide report: 20110913 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110913 changes,
Branched Report
- [Fedora QA] #240: Proposed Test Day - Abrt/libreport,
Fedora QA
- Broken dependencies with Fedora 15 + updates-testing - 2011-09-13,
Michael Schwendt
- Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2011-09-13,
Michael Schwendt
- fc17: sound and then no sound...,
Rob Healey
- Re: F16: gnome-screensaver very often becomes inoperable after some time,
Rob Healey
- Fedora 16 Beta.TC2 Upgrade Skip Bootloader Test Case - Sanity Check Questions,
Bob Lightfoot
- [Fedora QA] #239: proventester request,
Fedora QA
- Laptop overheating with F 16,
Erinn Looney-Triggs
- rawhide report: 20110912 changes,
Rawhide Report
- F-16 Branched report: 20110912 changes,
Branched Report
- FC15 TFTP open timeout.,
Francis SOUYRI
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