Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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<Possible follow-ups>
Re: FC15 TFTP open timeout.,
Francis SOUYRI
Re: FC15 TFTP open timeout.,
Francis SOUYRI
[Test-Announce] 2011-09-12 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
F16: gnome-screensaver very often becomes inoperable after some time,
Joachim Backes
rawhide report: 20110911 changes,
Rawhide Report
F-16 Branched report: 20110911 changes,
Branched Report
KDE fungus growing over everything!,
Tom Horsley
Where is sane-find-scanner for F16?,
Joachim Backes
What does fallback mode use for window manager?,
Tom Horsley
rawhide report: 20110910 changes,
Rawhide Report
F-16 Branched report: 20110910 changes,
Branched Report
f16 beta TC2 anaconda and grub/grub2 conflicts,
Tom Horsley
Beta preparation: TC2 testing, blocker fix validation,
Adam Williamson
fc17/ PackageKit message...,
Rob Healey
F16 karma for mdadm,
Adam Williamson
Sep 9 TC2 LiveCD amd64,
Dan Scott
(2/2) Broken dependencies with Fedora 16 + updates-testing - 2011-09-09,
Michael Schwendt
(1/2) Broken dependencies with Fedora 16 + updates-testing - 2011-09-09,
Michael Schwendt
Sep 9 TC2 DVD 64 bit,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
rawhide report: 20110909 changes,
Rawhide Report
F-16 Branched report: 20110909 changes,
Branched Report
New bugs in updates,
Michael Schwendt
glib2-2.29.90-1 seems to break gnome-shell 3.1.91-2,
Joachim Backes
[Test-Announce] 2011-09-09 @ 17:00 UTC - F16 Beta Blocker Bug Review #3,
Tim Flink
[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta Test Compose 2 (TC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
ABRT Retrace and F16, not supported?,
Andy Lawrence
Quick updates testing method,
Adam Williamson
Pre-BetaTC2 Installer Testing,
Tim Flink
rawhide report: 20110908 changes,
Rawhide Report
F-16 Branched report: 20110908 changes,
Branched Report
Activities->Applications->Games shows K3b and Brasero as game :-),
Joachim Backes
Cannot lock screen with gnome-screensaver-3.1.91-1.fc16 from bodhi,
Joachim Backes
Broken dependencies with Fedora 16 + updates-testing - 2011-09-08,
Michael Schwendt
adwaita-cursor-theme 3.1.91-1.fc16 not found if trying to install gnome-themes-standard-3.1.91-1.fc16.x86_64 from bodhi,
Joachim Backes
aggregation of gnome tools,
Joachim Backes
Another big GNOME update,
Matthias Clasen
Release criteria: virtualization tweak,
Adam Williamson
gnome-tweak-tool shows no gnome-shell extensions in the current F16,
Joachim Backes
rawhide report: 20110907 changes,
Rawhide Report
F-16 Branched report: 20110907 changes,
Branched Report
Again: Oh no, something goes wrong,
Joachim Backes
Broken dependencies with Fedora 16 + updates-testing - 2011-09-06,
Michael Schwendt
F-16 Branched report: 20110906 changes,
Branched Report
Can't start X on Intel GMA600 display card system,
TOE Physics
rawhide report: 20110906 changes,
Rawhide Report
can't finish post-install configuration,
Karel Volný
[Test-Announce] Graphics Test Week this week,
Adam Williamson
python > 98% in rawhide,
Clyde E. Kunkel
[Test-Announce] L10N/I18N Test Week recap,
Igor Pires Soares
Bug in uvcvideo kernel module makes Fedora 16 LiveCD unusable for part of users,
Marcin Zajączkowski
F16 slowness,
Mike Chambers
F-16 Branched report: 20110905 changes,
Branched Report
Time for a Beta respin?,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
rawhide report: 20110905 changes,
Rawhide Report
Sudden screen corruption getting worse / ATI Radeon,
Michael Schwendt
[Fedora QA] #238: proventester request - jstanley,
Fedora QA
no recent F16 pushes,
Andre Robatino
security update process failure,
Karsten Hopp
F-16 Branched report: 20110904 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110904 changes,
Rawhide Report
update to fc17/ rawhide,
Rob Healey
F16: suddenly sounb preview in nautilus no more possible,
Joachim Backes
PulseAudio Alert volume tvtime oddity,
Michael Schwendt
F-16 Branched report: 20110903 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110903 changes,
Rawhide Report
fc17 and black screen of death...,
Rob Healey
[Test-Announce] 2011-09-05 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting (?),
Adam Williamson
Confirmation of Fix for Bug 735199 and Karma for dracut,
Tim Flink
lldpad consuming up to 65% of cpu,
Peter Gueckel
F-16 Branched report: 20110902 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110902 changes,
Rawhide Report
F16 beta TC1 garbled graphical screen,
Jurgen Kramer
F16: After update to grub2-1.99-1.fc16.x86_64 cannot boot,
Joachim Backes
Update to gdm-3.1.90-1 and/or gdm-plugin-fingerprint-3.1.90-1 break the gdm login,
Joachim Backes
Fwd: [Bug 727814] F16 Alpha TC1 installer crash | LUKSError: luks device not configured,
Kamil Paral
Radeon 69xx (Norther Island) support in Fedora 16,
Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
[Test-Announce] 2011-09-02 @ 17:00 UTC - F16 Beta Blocker Bug Review #2,
Tim Flink
F-16 Branched report: 20110901 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110901 changes,
Rawhide Report
So you want to test an unstable GIMP...,
Nils Philippsen
August 31 Installs,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Working multiboot configuration,
Marty Felkler
Draft 'install alongside Windows' test case,
Adam Williamson
Some days it just doesn't pay to update,
Jonathan Corbet
F-16 Branched report: 20110831 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110831 changes,
Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta Test Compose 1 (TC1) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Failed to load session "gnome",
Joachim Backes
Karma for pykickstart, lorax and anaconda,
Tim Flink
F-16 Branched report: 20110830 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110830 changes,
Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] I18N and L10N Test Week,
Igor Pires Soares
Pungi build on F16,
Jens Falsmar Oechsler
F-16 Branched report: 20110829 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110829 changes,
Rawhide Report
Adding app to to favorites bar is no more possible,
Joachim Backes
F16alpha: dep failures for MeeGo Netbook,
Jos Vos
weird bash completion,
Joachim Backes
[Test-Announce] 2011-08-29 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
services and systemd in F16,
Peter G.
F16: Box hangs sometimes if initiating the reboot by the gnome3 menu,
Joachim Backes
Stell gnome3 desktop uncomplete after boot and first login,
Joachim Backes
Firefox crash,
Michael Schwendt
Oh no! Something has gone wrong.,
Michael Schwendt
F-16 Branched report: 20110828 changes,
Branched Report
KDE desktop slow,
Mike Chambers
Should I make a tracking bug in fedora for problem reported upstream?,
Bruno Wolff III
F16 and qmake,
Joachim Backes
rawhide report: 20110828 changes,
Rawhide Report
grub2 and kernel-PAE with Fedora 16α,
Peter G.
Windows XP and Fedora 16 Alpha RC5 -- won't install for dual boot,
Bob Lightfoot
fstab awful empty?,
Tom Horsley
F-16 Branched report: 20110827 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20110827 changes,
Rawhide Report
Re: GRUB FAilure,
Marty Felkler
Heads-up: TC1 landing next Wednesday,
Adam Williamson
setting up ssh,
Peter G.
F-16 Branched report: 20110826 changes,
Branched Report
F16 Grub2 not including windows,
Mike Chambers
Package Review Request for AutoQA - python-yourls,
Tim Flink
rawhide report: 20110826 changes,
Rawhide Report
F16: alsamixer segfaults (BZ #731277),
Jurgen Kramer
grub2 weirdness,
Rob Healey
[Test-Announce] 2011-08-26 @ 17:00 UTC - F16 Beta Blocker Bug Review #1,
Adam Williamson
[Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #237: tests to verify that torrents and mirrors contain signed checksum files,
Fedora QA
F16 Alpha GRUB install failure,
Michael Schwendt
F-16 Branched report: 20110825 changes,
Branched Report
F16: CPU peaks all 20 seconds,
Joachim Backes
F16: login time increases extremely to almost 1 min after most recent F16 updates,
Joachim Backes
F16: Ctrl+Alt+L no more works as lock screen in gnome-shell,
Joachim Backes
rawhide report: 20110825 changes,
Rawhide Report
Adding Fedora15 to F16alpha grub2 menu,
Petrus de Calguarium
F16 not showing up in BFO images,
F-16 Branched report: 20110824 changes,
Branched Report
F16: grub2 efi version missing?,
Jurgen Kramer
rawhide report: 20110824 changes,
Rawhide Report
persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Jurgen Kramer
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Matthias Clasen
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Clyde E. Kunkel
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Richard Hughes
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Bill Nottingham
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Adam Williamson
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Jonathan Corbet
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
seth vidal
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Bill Nottingham
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Adam Williamson
- Re: persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Kalev Lember
- persistent gnome dep problems (F16 alpha rc3-5, alpha), --skip-broken wants to haul in 32-bit libs,
Andre Robatino
F16 alpha: SElinux relabel at first bootup?,
Jurgen Kramer
F16 - why yum distro-sync wants to downgrade ?,
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