rawhide report: 20110907 changes

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Compose started at Wed Sep  7 08:15:16 UTC 2011

Broken deps for x86_64
	acheck-0.5.1-4.fc15.noarch requires perl(Text::Aspell)
	assogiate-0.2.1-5.fc15.x86_64 requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1()(64bit)
	bibletime-2.8.1-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libclucene.so.0()(64bit)
	caribou-0.3.5-2.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	caribou-0.3.5-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	1:cheese-3.0.2-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	1:cheese-libs-3.0.2-2.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	1:cheese-libs-3.0.2-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	claws-mail-plugins-geolocation-3.7.9-9.fc17.x86_64 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	claws-mail-plugins-geolocation-3.7.9-9.fc17.x86_64 requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	cluster-snmp-0.18.7-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libnetsnmp.so.25()(64bit)
	coda-backup-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires libse.so.5()(64bit)
	coda-backup-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires librpc2.so.5()(64bit)
	coda-backup-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires liblwp.so.2()(64bit)
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires libseglwp.so.1()(64bit)
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires libse.so.5()(64bit)
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires librvmlwp.so.1()(64bit)
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires librpc2.so.5()(64bit)
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires librdslwp.so.1()(64bit)
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires liblwp.so.2()(64bit)
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires rvm-tools
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires libseglwp.so.1()(64bit)
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires libse.so.5()(64bit)
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires librvmlwp.so.1()(64bit)
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires librpc2.so.5()(64bit)
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires librdslwp.so.1()(64bit)
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.x86_64 requires liblwp.so.2()(64bit)
	comoonics-cdsl-py-0.2-18.noarch requires comoonics-base-py
	comoonics-cluster-py-0.1-24.noarch requires comoonics-base-py
	contextkit-0.5.15-2.fc15.i686 requires libcdb.so.1
	contextkit-0.5.15-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libcdb.so.1()(64bit)
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.14()(64bit)
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.x86_64 requires libebook-1.2.so.10()(64bit)
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.x86_64 requires libcamel-1.2.so.23()(64bit)
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.x86_64 requires gnome-python2-applet
	dh-make-0.55-3.fc15.noarch requires debhelper
	ease-0.4-7.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	ease-0.4-7.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	ease-devel-0.4-7.fc17.i686 requires pkgconfig(gee-1.0)
	ease-devel-0.4-7.fc17.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(gee-1.0)
	emacs-spice-mode-1.2.25-5.fc15.noarch requires gwave
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libethos-ui-1.0.so.0()(64bit)
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libethos-1.0.so.0()(64bit)
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	empathy- requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	empathy- requires libgcr-3.so.0()(64bit)
	empathy- requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	empathy- requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	eog-plugins-3.1.2-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	eog-plugins-3.1.2-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_video.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_objdetect.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_ml.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_legacy.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_imgproc.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_highgui.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_flann.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_features2d.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_core.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_contrib.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_calib3d.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_video.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_objdetect.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_ml.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_legacy.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_imgproc.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_highgui.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_flann.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_features2d.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_core.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_contrib.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_calib3d.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_video.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_objdetect.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_ml.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_legacy.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_imgproc.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_highgui.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_flann.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_features2d.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_core.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_contrib.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_calib3d.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_video.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_objdetect.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_ml.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_legacy.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_imgproc.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_highgui.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_flann.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_features2d.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_core.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_contrib.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libopencv_calib3d.so.2.2()(64bit)
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libgvc.so.5
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libgraph.so.4
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libcdt.so.4
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libgvc.so.5()(64bit)
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libgraph.so.4()(64bit)
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libcdt.so.4()(64bit)
	fawkes-plugin-player-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libgeos-3.2.1.so()(64bit)
	fawkes-plugin-player-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_thread-mt.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	fawkes-plugin-player-0.4.2-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_signals-mt.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	file-browser-applet-0.6.6-1.fc15.x86_64 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0()(64bit)
	fillmore-0.1.0-5.fc15.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	flaw-1.2.4-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libSDL_gfx.so.0()(64bit)
	fldigi-3.21.7-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libfltk_images.so.1.1()(64bit)
	fldigi-3.21.7-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libfltk.so.1.1()(64bit)
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_thread-mt.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_system-mt.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_signals-mt.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_filesystem-mt.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	1:folks-0.6.1-1.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	1:folks-0.6.1-1.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	1:folks-devel-0.6.1-1.fc17.i686 requires pkgconfig(gee-1.0)
	1:folks-devel-0.6.1-1.fc17.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(gee-1.0)
	fontik-0.6-4.20100901git8dd5b9fe7.fc15.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	garden-1.0.8-3.fc15.x86_64 requires liballeg.so.4.2()(64bit)
	gedit-valencia-0.3.0-7.20110701git808152718e3ab.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	gmediaserver-0.13.0-7.fc15.x86_64 requires libupnp.so.3()(64bit)
	gmediaserver-0.13.0-7.fc15.x86_64 requires libthreadutil.so.2()(64bit)
	gnome-applet-grandr-0.4.1-2.fc12.x86_64 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0()(64bit)
	gnome-applet-sensors-2.2.7-4.fc15.i686 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0
	gnome-applet-sensors-2.2.7-4.fc15.x86_64 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0()(64bit)
	gnome-contacts-0.1.2-2.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	gnome-documents-0.1.90-2.fc16.i686 requires libtracker-sparql-0.12.so.0
	gnome-documents-0.1.90-2.fc16.i686 requires libtracker-miner-0.12.so.0
	gnome-documents-0.1.90-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libtracker-sparql-0.12.so.0()(64bit)
	gnome-documents-0.1.90-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libtracker-miner-0.12.so.0()(64bit)
	gnome-dvb-daemon-0.2.1-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	gnome-pilot-conduits-2.32.1-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libgpilotdconduit.so.3()(64bit)
	gnome-pilot-conduits-2.32.1-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libgpilotdcm.so.4()(64bit)
	gnome-pilot-conduits-2.32.1-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libgpilotd.so.5()(64bit)
	gnome-python2-gtkhtml2-2.25.3-31.fc16.x86_64 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0()(64bit)
	gnome-python2-gtkhtml2-2.25.3-31.fc16.x86_64 requires gtkhtml2 >= 0:2.3.1
	gnome-shell- requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	gold- requires perl(Data::Properties)
	gphpedit-0.9.95-0.2.20090209snap.fc15.x86_64 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0()(64bit)
	gpx-viewer-0.2.0-3.fc14.x86_64 requires libgdl-1.so.3()(64bit)
	gpx-viewer-0.2.0-3.fc14.x86_64 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.6.so.0()(64bit)
	gpx-viewer-0.2.0-3.fc14.x86_64 requires libchamplain-0.6.so.0()(64bit)
	gspiceui-0.9.98-3.fc15.x86_64 requires gwave
	halevt- requires libhal.so.1()(64bit)
	hosts3d-1.13-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libglfw.so.2.6()(64bit)
	hosts3d-sampler-1.13-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libglfw.so.2.6()(64bit)
	intellij-idea- requires commons-collections
	kde-partitionmanager-1.0.3-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libparted.so.0()(64bit)
	latexila-2.0.8-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	lekhonee-gnome-0.11-4.fc15.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	libnatus-V8-0.1.5-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libv8-
	libvirt-snmp-0.0.2-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libnetsnmpmibs.so.25()(64bit)
	libvirt-snmp-0.0.2-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libnetsnmpagent.so.25()(64bit)
	libvirt-snmp-0.0.2-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libnetsnmp.so.25()(64bit)
	lock-keys-applet-1.0-21.fc15.x86_64 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0()(64bit)
	lombard-0.1.0-5.fc15.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	lxappearance-obconf-0.1.0-0.1.20110714git3a0fd02d.fc16.x86_64 requires libobrender.so.21()(64bit)
	lxappearance-obconf-0.1.0-0.1.20110714git3a0fd02d.fc16.x86_64 requires libobparser.so.21()(64bit)
	mediawiki-rss-1.5-4.fc15.noarch requires php-magpierss >= 0:0.72
	meego-panel-applications-0.2.5-3.fc15.x86_64 requires libgnome-menu.so.2()(64bit)
	meego-panel-status-0.3.2-2.fc15.i686 requires libchamplain-0.8.so.1
	meego-panel-status-0.3.2-2.fc15.x86_64 requires libchamplain-0.8.so.1()(64bit)
	meshlab-1.2.2-5.fc14.1.x86_64 requires libGLEW.so.1.5()(64bit)
	minion-0.10-6.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_iostreams-mt.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	mozilla-firetray-sunbird-0.2.8-5.fc15.x86_64 requires sunbird
	mumble-1.2.3-3.fc15.x86_64 requires libprotobuf.so.6()(64bit)
	murmur-1.2.3-3.fc15.x86_64 requires libprotobuf.so.6()(64bit)
	nemiver-0.8.2-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libgtkhex.so.0()(64bit)
	netbeans-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	netbeans-apisupport-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	netbeans-ide-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	netbeans-java-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	network-manager-netbook-1.8-3.fc15.x86_64 requires libnm-util.so.1()(64bit)
	network-manager-netbook-1.8-3.fc15.x86_64 requires libnm-glib.so.2()(64bit)
	openscada-DAQ-SNMP-0.7.1-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libnetsnmp.so.25()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgWidget.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgVolume.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgViewer.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgUtil.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgText.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgTerrain.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgSim.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgShadow.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgParticle.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgManipulator.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgGA.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgFX.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgDB.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgAnimation.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosg.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libOpenThreads.so.11
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgWidget.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgVolume.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgViewer.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgUtil.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgText.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgTerrain.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgSim.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgShadow.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgParticle.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgManipulator.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgGA.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgFX.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgDB.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosgAnimation.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libosg.so.74()(64bit)
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.x86_64 requires libOpenThreads.so.11()(64bit)
	pcp-import-sheet2pcp-3.5.0-1.fc15.1.x86_64 requires perl(Spreadsheet::Read)
	perl-Pugs-Compiler-Rule-0.37-9.fc16.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.12.3)
	pino-0.3-0.3.20101112hg.fc15.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	pokerth-0.8.3-7.fc16.x86_64 requires libgnutls-openssl.so.27()(64bit)
	ppl-swiprolog-0.11.2-2.fc16.x86_64 requires libswipl.so.5.10.2()(64bit)
	qtparted-0.4.5-26.fc15.x86_64 requires libparted.so.0()(64bit)
	rec-applet-0.2.3-3.fc14.x86_64 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0()(64bit)
	rec-applet-0.2.3-3.fc14.x86_64 requires libgnome-media-profiles.so.0()(64bit)
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1()(64bit)
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1()(64bit)
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1()(64bit)
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.x86_64 requires libboost_regex.so.1.46.1()(64bit)
	rygel-0.11.3-1.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	rygel-tracker-0.11.3-1.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	shotwell-0.10.1-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	spacewalk-backend-tools-1.4.39-1.fc16.noarch requires spacewalk-admin >= 0:0.1.1-0
	sugar-read-88-1.fc16.noarch requires gnome-python2-evince
	sword-1.6.2-3.fc16.x86_64 requires libclucene.so.0()(64bit)
	synapse-0.2.6-1.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	synapse-0.2.6-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	taoframework-glfw-2.1.0-3.fc17.x86_64 requires libglfw
	tasque-0.1.9-5.fc15.x86_64 requires mono(evolution-sharp) = 0:
	tasque-0.1.9-5.fc15.x86_64 requires evolution-sharp
	techtalk-pse-1.0.1-2.fc15.noarch requires perl(Gtk2::MozEmbed)
	themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-10.fc16.x86_64 requires mono(qt-dotnet) = 0:
	tomcat5-admin-webapps-5.5.31-3.fc15.noarch requires struts >= 0:1.2.9
	tomcat5-admin-webapps-5.5.31-3.fc15.noarch requires struts
	tracker-0.10.24-2.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	tracker-0.10.24-2.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)
	tracker-search-tool-0.10.24-2.fc17.x86_64 requires libgee.so.2()(64bit)

Broken deps for i386
	acheck-0.5.1-4.fc15.noarch requires perl(Text::Aspell)
	assogiate-0.2.1-5.fc15.i686 requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
	bibletime-2.8.1-1.fc16.i686 requires libclucene.so.0
	caribou-0.3.5-2.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	1:cheese-3.0.2-2.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	1:cheese-libs-3.0.2-2.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	claws-mail-plugins-geolocation-3.7.9-9.fc17.i686 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0
	claws-mail-plugins-geolocation-3.7.9-9.fc17.i686 requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0
	cluster-snmp-0.18.7-1.fc16.i686 requires libnetsnmp.so.25
	coda-backup-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires libse.so.5
	coda-backup-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires librpc2.so.5
	coda-backup-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires liblwp.so.2
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires libseglwp.so.1
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires libse.so.5
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires librvmlwp.so.1
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires librpc2.so.5
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires librdslwp.so.1
	coda-client-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires liblwp.so.2
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires rvm-tools
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires libseglwp.so.1
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires libse.so.5
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires librvmlwp.so.1
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires librpc2.so.5
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires librdslwp.so.1
	coda-server-6.9.5-6.fc16.i686 requires liblwp.so.2
	comoonics-cdsl-py-0.2-18.noarch requires comoonics-base-py
	comoonics-cluster-py-0.1-24.noarch requires comoonics-base-py
	contextkit-0.5.15-2.fc15.i686 requires libcdb.so.1
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.14
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.i686 requires libebook-1.2.so.10
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.i686 requires libcamel-1.2.so.23
	deskbar-applet-2.32.0-4.fc15.i686 requires gnome-python2-applet
	dh-make-0.55-3.fc15.noarch requires debhelper
	ease-0.4-7.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	ease-devel-0.4-7.fc17.i686 requires pkgconfig(gee-1.0)
	emacs-spice-mode-1.2.25-5.fc15.noarch requires gwave
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.i686 requires libethos-ui-1.0.so.0
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.i686 requires libethos-1.0.so.0
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.i686 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0
	emerillon-0.1.2-17.fc16.i686 requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0
	empathy- requires libgee.so.2
	empathy- requires libgcr-3.so.0
	empathy- requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0
	empathy- requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0
	eog-plugins-3.1.2-2.fc16.i686 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.10.so.0
	eog-plugins-3.1.2-2.fc16.i686 requires libchamplain-0.10.so.0
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_video.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_objdetect.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_ml.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_legacy.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_imgproc.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_highgui.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_flann.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_features2d.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_core.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_contrib.so.2.2
	fawkes-core-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_calib3d.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_video.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_objdetect.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_ml.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_legacy.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_imgproc.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_highgui.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_flann.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_features2d.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_core.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_contrib.so.2.2
	fawkes-firevision-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libopencv_calib3d.so.2.2
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libgvc.so.5
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libgraph.so.4
	fawkes-guis-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libcdt.so.4
	fawkes-plugin-player-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libgeos-3.2.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-player-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libboost_thread-mt.so.1.46.1
	fawkes-plugin-player-0.4.2-4.fc16.i686 requires libboost_signals-mt.so.1.46.1
	file-browser-applet-0.6.6-1.fc15.i686 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0
	fillmore-0.1.0-5.fc15.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	flaw-1.2.4-2.fc15.i686 requires libSDL_gfx.so.0
	fldigi-3.21.7-1.fc16.i686 requires libfltk_images.so.1.1
	fldigi-3.21.7-1.fc16.i686 requires libfltk.so.1.1
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.i686 requires libboost_thread-mt.so.1.46.1
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.i686 requires libboost_system-mt.so.1.46.1
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.i686 requires libboost_signals-mt.so.1.46.1
	flush-0.9.10-3.fc16.i686 requires libboost_filesystem-mt.so.1.46.1
	1:folks-0.6.1-1.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	1:folks-devel-0.6.1-1.fc17.i686 requires pkgconfig(gee-1.0)
	fontik-0.6-4.20100901git8dd5b9fe7.fc15.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	garden-1.0.8-3.fc15.i686 requires liballeg.so.4.2
	gedit-valencia-0.3.0-7.20110701git808152718e3ab.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	gmediaserver-0.13.0-7.fc15.i686 requires libupnp.so.3
	gmediaserver-0.13.0-7.fc15.i686 requires libthreadutil.so.2
	gnome-applet-grandr-0.4.1-2.fc12.i686 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0
	gnome-applet-sensors-2.2.7-4.fc15.i686 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0
	gnome-contacts-0.1.2-2.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	gnome-documents-0.1.90-2.fc16.i686 requires libtracker-sparql-0.12.so.0
	gnome-documents-0.1.90-2.fc16.i686 requires libtracker-miner-0.12.so.0
	gnome-dvb-daemon-0.2.1-1.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	gnome-pilot-conduits-2.32.1-2.fc15.i686 requires libgpilotdconduit.so.3
	gnome-pilot-conduits-2.32.1-2.fc15.i686 requires libgpilotdcm.so.4
	gnome-pilot-conduits-2.32.1-2.fc15.i686 requires libgpilotd.so.5
	gnome-python2-gtkhtml2-2.25.3-31.fc16.i686 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
	gnome-python2-gtkhtml2-2.25.3-31.fc16.i686 requires gtkhtml2 >= 0:2.3.1
	gnome-shell- requires libgee.so.2
	gold- requires perl(Data::Properties)
	gphpedit-0.9.95-0.2.20090209snap.fc15.i686 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
	gpx-viewer-0.2.0-3.fc14.i686 requires libgdl-1.so.3
	gpx-viewer-0.2.0-3.fc14.i686 requires libchamplain-gtk-0.6.so.0
	gpx-viewer-0.2.0-3.fc14.i686 requires libchamplain-0.6.so.0
	gspiceui-0.9.98-3.fc15.i686 requires gwave
	halevt- requires libhal.so.1
	hosts3d-1.13-2.fc15.i686 requires libglfw.so.2.6
	hosts3d-sampler-1.13-2.fc15.i686 requires libglfw.so.2.6
	intellij-idea- requires commons-collections
	kde-partitionmanager-1.0.3-2.fc15.i686 requires libparted.so.0
	latexila-2.0.8-1.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	lekhonee-gnome-0.11-4.fc15.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	libnatus-V8-0.1.5-2.fc15.i686 requires libv8-
	libvirt-snmp-0.0.2-1.fc16.i686 requires libnetsnmpmibs.so.25
	libvirt-snmp-0.0.2-1.fc16.i686 requires libnetsnmpagent.so.25
	libvirt-snmp-0.0.2-1.fc16.i686 requires libnetsnmp.so.25
	lock-keys-applet-1.0-21.fc15.i686 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0
	lombard-0.1.0-5.fc15.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	lxappearance-obconf-0.1.0-0.1.20110714git3a0fd02d.fc16.i686 requires libobrender.so.21
	lxappearance-obconf-0.1.0-0.1.20110714git3a0fd02d.fc16.i686 requires libobparser.so.21
	mediawiki-rss-1.5-4.fc15.noarch requires php-magpierss >= 0:0.72
	meego-panel-applications-0.2.5-3.fc15.i686 requires libgnome-menu.so.2
	meego-panel-status-0.3.2-2.fc15.i686 requires libchamplain-0.8.so.1
	meshlab-1.2.2-5.fc14.1.i686 requires libGLEW.so.1.5
	minion-0.10-6.fc16.i686 requires libboost_iostreams-mt.so.1.46.1
	mozilla-firetray-sunbird-0.2.8-5.fc15.i686 requires sunbird
	mumble-1.2.3-3.fc15.i686 requires libprotobuf.so.6
	murmur-1.2.3-3.fc15.i686 requires libprotobuf.so.6
	nemiver-0.8.2-1.fc16.i686 requires libgtkhex.so.0
	netbeans-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	netbeans-apisupport-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	netbeans-ide-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	netbeans-java-6.9-3.fc15.noarch requires netbeans-platform12 >= 0:6.9
	network-manager-netbook-1.8-3.fc15.i686 requires libnm-util.so.1
	network-manager-netbook-1.8-3.fc15.i686 requires libnm-glib.so.2
	openscada-DAQ-SNMP-0.7.1-2.fc16.i686 requires libnetsnmp.so.25
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgWidget.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgVolume.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgViewer.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgUtil.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgText.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgTerrain.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgSim.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgShadow.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgParticle.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgManipulator.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgGA.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgFX.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgDB.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosgAnimation.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libosg.so.74
	osgcal-0.1.46-15.fc16.i686 requires libOpenThreads.so.11
	pcp-import-sheet2pcp-3.5.0-1.fc15.1.i686 requires perl(Spreadsheet::Read)
	perl-Pugs-Compiler-Rule-0.37-9.fc16.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.12.3)
	pino-0.3-0.3.20101112hg.fc15.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	pokerth-0.8.3-7.fc16.i686 requires libgnutls-openssl.so.27
	ppl-swiprolog-0.11.2-2.fc16.i686 requires libswipl.so.5.10.2
	qtparted-0.4.5-26.fc15.i686 requires libparted.so.0
	rec-applet-0.2.3-3.fc14.i686 requires libpanel-applet-2.so.0
	rec-applet-0.2.3-3.fc14.i686 requires libgnome-media-profiles.so.0
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1
	referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libboost_regex.so.1.46.1
	rygel-0.11.3-1.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	rygel-tracker-0.11.3-1.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	shotwell-0.10.1-1.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	spacewalk-backend-tools-1.4.39-1.fc16.noarch requires spacewalk-admin >= 0:0.1.1-0
	sugar-read-88-1.fc16.noarch requires gnome-python2-evince
	sword-1.6.2-3.fc16.i686 requires libclucene.so.0
	synapse-0.2.6-1.fc16.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	taoframework-glfw-2.1.0-3.fc17.i686 requires libglfw
	tasque-0.1.9-5.fc15.i686 requires mono(evolution-sharp) = 0:
	tasque-0.1.9-5.fc15.i686 requires evolution-sharp
	techtalk-pse-1.0.1-2.fc15.noarch requires perl(Gtk2::MozEmbed)
	themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-10.fc16.i686 requires mono(qt-dotnet) = 0:
	tomcat5-admin-webapps-5.5.31-3.fc15.noarch requires struts >= 0:1.2.9
	tomcat5-admin-webapps-5.5.31-3.fc15.noarch requires struts
	tracker-0.10.24-2.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2
	tracker-search-tool-0.10.24-2.fc17.i686 requires libgee.so.2

New package: gnome-documents-0.1.90-2.fc16
             A document manager application for GNOME

New package: kflickr-20100817-3.fc17
             Standalone Flickr Uploader

New package: nagios-plugins-rhev-1.0.0-2.fc16
             Nagios Plugin - check_rhev

New package: pyrit-0.4.0-4.fc17
             A GPGPU-driven WPA/WPA2-PSK key cracker

Updated Packages:

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Bug 735114 - renaming a managed entry does not update mepmanagedby

* Mon Sep 05 2011 Fabrice Bellet <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxx> 2.4.0-1
- new upstream release

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Fabrice Bellet <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxx> 0.4.8-0.4.cvs20110905
- add the default maps source file back

* Mon Sep 05 2011 Fabrice Bellet <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxx> 0.4.8-0.3.cvs20110905
- new snapshot
- the FlightGear data directory name is now in lowercase

* Mon Sep 05 2011 Fabrice Bellet <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxx> 2.4.0-1
- new upstream release
- the data directory name is now in lowercase

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Mon Sep 05 2011 Fabrice Bellet <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxx> 2.4.0-1
- new upstream release

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.91-1
- Update to 2.1.91

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Fri Aug 26 2011 Daniel Drake <dsd@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:1.18.2-5
- Remove Linux 2.4 support from insmod/modprobe/etc.
- Fixes build failures on ARM, where such ancient syscalls are not present

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Jon Ciesla <limb@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.9.1-1
- New upstream.

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.5-2
- Rebuild with pygobject3

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.26-3.20110831gitb088b7
- update to git snapshot 20110831gitb088b7
- on first start generate password with 16 chars
- change systemd service type to forking
- add forced-command to chrony-helper (#735821)

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Orion Poplawski <orion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.8.6-0.2.rc2
- Update to 2.8.6 RC 2
- Drop aclocal patch

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.4-1
- New upstream 0.7.4 release
- ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/couchdb-glib/0.7/couchdb-glib-0.7.4.news

* Sun Jul 24 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.7.3-1
- New upstream 0.7.3 release
- ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/couchdb-glib/0.7/couchdb-glib-0.7.3.news

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Jerry James <loganjerry@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.4.1-1
- New upstream version
- Drop unnecessary spec file elements (BuildRoot, etc.)
- Don't run the Java tests; they can't find the JNI shared objects

* Tue Aug 23 2011 Roy Rankin <rrankin@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.0-1
- Rebuld for dependancies

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.76.1-4
- revert previous change, workaround the mandir links issue
  in buildroot (#727251)

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Vitezslav Crhonek <vcrhonek@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.45-4
- Let user know when expample script needs telnet and it is missing
  Resolves: #703702
- Use full path to 'su' in passmass example, it's safer
- Fix expect man page minor formatting issue

* Mon Sep 05 2011 Fabrice Bellet <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxx> 1.6.0-0.1
- new snapshot

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 6.0.2-1
- Update to 6.0.2


* Tue Aug 23 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 6.1.5-1
- Update to 6.1.5

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <icq@xxxxxxxxx> - 2:3.1.5-1
- Update to 3.1.5

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <icq@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.4-1
- Update to 3.1.4

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.29.18-1
- Update to 2.29.18

* Tue Aug 16 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.29.15-1
- Update to 2.29.15

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.29.90-1
- Update to 2.29.90

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.29.13-1
- Update to 2.29.13

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.29.12-1
- Update to 2.29.12

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91
- Clean up spec

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Thu Sep 01 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Require caribou

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Update to

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.4-3.gite7b9933
- rebuild against e-d-s

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.1.91-1
- Update 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.29.17-1
- Update to 1.29.17

* Thu Sep 01 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.1.16-2
- Rebuild (momentarily disable tracker support, will come back soon)

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Johannes Lips <hannes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.2-1
- Update to 1.8.2

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.24.6-1
- Update to 2.24.6

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.18-1
- Update to 3.1.18

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.16-1
- Update to 3.1.16

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <icq@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.5-1
- Update to 3.1.5

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.11.7-4
- Fixed xsane crash when doing a multi-image scan (bug #725878)

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Ding-Yi Chen <dchen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.4-1
- Fixed Bug 715707 - FTBFS ibus-table-chinese-
- Fixed Bug 629212 - bad candidate orders in ibus-table-quick
- Merged patch from sagara @ github, which address IBus issue 787
- Make it compatible with cmake-fedora-0.7.994
- Move the cmake policies to the front
- Suppress the misleading warning from rpm -V

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> - 3.28-1
- Update to 3.28

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.4-1
- Update to 0.7.4

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Michal Sekletar <msekleta@xxxxxxxxxx> 14:1.1.1-4
- fix capture of fragmented ipv6 packets

* Tue Sep 06 2011 David Tardon <dtardon@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Resolves: rhbz#734976 libreoffice-langpack-*-* not pulled in by
  yum install libreoffice

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.34.1-1
- Update to 2.34.1

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Dan Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.5-3
- Fix handling of subset labeling that is causing segfault in restorecon

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.30.7-1
- Update to 2.30.7

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.34.2-1
- Update to 2.34.2

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Alexander Kurtakov <akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.4-1
- Update to latest upstream version.

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Alexander Kurtakov <akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.2.1-1
- Update to latest upstream release.

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0:1.0-40
- Remove most jetty depmaps
- Remove backport-util-concurrent, pmd, xmlunit and bndlib depmaps

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.16-1
- Update to 3.1.16

* Sat Jul 30 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.8-2
- Added rpm scriplets for running glib-compile-schemas

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.5-1
- Update to 2.1.5

* Fri Aug 26 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.6.1-3
- Fix float.h inclusion when gcc's headers precede mingrt in include path

* Fri Aug 19 2011 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.6.1-2
- Build against ppl and cloog

* Sat Aug 27 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.24.0-1
- Update to 2.24.0

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.29.18-1
- Update to 2.29.18

* Tue Aug 30 2011 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.29.3-1
- Update to 1.29.3
- Dropped the dependency on the autotools by rewriting the patch
- Added two patches from Kalev Lember to fix a crash on Win32. GNOME Bug #653985

* Tue Jul 05 2011 Ted Ross <tross@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.10-1.3
- Same patch-set, rebuilt to refresh boost dependencies.

* Mon Aug 29 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.3-2
- List individual dlls explicitly to avoid including .dll.debug files
  in the main package

* Sun Aug 28 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.3-1
- Update to 4.7.3
- Dropped upstreamed / unneeded patches
- Enable the float.h using code again, needs new mingw32-runtime and
  mingw32-gcc builds

* Sun Aug 28 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.3-1
- Update to 4.7.3

* Fri Aug 26 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.18-4
- Fix float.h when gcc's float.h precedes it in the include path
- GCC 4.6 compatibility patch from upstream

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Update to

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 1:5.7-7
- disable failing test on s390(x) (#680697)

* Fri Aug 26 2011 Keiran "Affix" Smith <fedora@xxxxxxxx> - 1.0.5-1
- Update nginx to Latest Stable Release

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.7.2-1
- Update to 0.7.2

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Kai Engert <kaie@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.12.11-2
- Update builtins certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_87_RTM

* Wed Aug 24 2011 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx> - 3.5.0-5
- Filter Provides for newly added libs (#733066).
- Filter Requires for shipped X libs too.

* Tue Aug 23 2011 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx> - 3.5.0-4
- Ship more libs and set RPATH on them for prelinkability (#689508).
- Update nx-X11 to 3.5.0-2 and nxagent to 3.5.0-5.

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Mark McLoughlin <markmc@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2011.3-0.8.d4
- fix DB path in config
- add BR: intltool for distutils-extra

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2011.3-0.7.d4
- Use the available man pages
- don't make service files executable
- delete unused files
- add BR: python-distutils-extra (#733610)

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90

* Thu Jul 28 2011 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.13-1
- update to 2.3.13
  - don't treat setcred() as session open/close in sshd (#720609, #725797)
  - don't create a new ccache when "external" is enabled, as the calling
    application's already managing one (#690832)
  - always re-read "external" creds when possible, and use an in-memory
    ccache when setting up tokens (more of #690832)
  - apply when-to-prompt-for-what logic that we use in authentication to
    the initial part of password-change (#700520)
  - fix some bashisms and explicitly note errors when we run into them
    (ticket #1, patch by Aleksander Adamowski)


* Tue Sep 06 2011 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 8.13-4
- Fix infinite matching PRUNE (bug #735720)

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.10-1
- Update to 0.10:
  - Fix is_class_loaded to ignore $ISA (but still look for @ISA) when trying to
    determine whether a class is loaded
  - Lots of internals cleanup
- BR: perl(Package::Stash) ≥ 0.32 and perl(Try::Tiny)
- Update patches to apply cleanly

* Tue Aug 16 2011 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.08-1
- Update to 0.08:
  - The previous version was missing a prereq declaration for Data::OptList
    (CPAN RT#70285)
- This release by DROLSKY -> update source URL
- Package new documentation: LICENSE and README
- Add build requirements for new release tests and run them:
  - perl(Pod::Coverage::Moose)
  - perl(Test::CPAN::Changes)
  - perl(Test::EOL)
  - perl(Test::NoTabs)
  - perl(Test::Pod)
  - perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)
  - perl(Test::Requires)
  - perl(Test::Spelling) and aspell-en
- Add patch for building with ExtUtils::MakeMaker < 6.30
- Add patch for building with Test::More < 0.88
- Add patch for building without Test::Requires
- Add patch for fixing spell checker word list
- Don't try to run the POD Coverage test if we don't have Pod::Coverage::Moose

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Ralf Corsépius <corsepiu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.91-1
- Upstream update.

* Thu Aug 25 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.3-6
- rebuild with latest f16 perl

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.32-1
- Update to 0.32
  - Bring the behavior of has_symbol for nonexistant scalars into line with the
    XS version
  - Invalid package names (for instance, Foo:Bar) are not allowed
  - Invalid stash entry names (anything containing ::) are not allowed
- Update patches to apply cleanly
- Bump perl(Package::Stash::XS) version requirement to 0.24

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.25-1
- Update to 0.25
  - Invalid package names (for instance, Foo:Bar) are not allowed
  - Invalid stash entry names (anything containing ::) are not allowed
- Update patches to apply cleanly

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Elder Marco <eldermarco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.4-0.14.20110904git
- New upstream snapshot

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Dan Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.5-3
- Remove lockdown wizard, since gtkhtml2 is no longer supported.

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.90-1
- Update to 2.1.90

* Tue Sep 06 2011 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.2.2-1
- 3.2.2

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Karel Volný <kvolny@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.5.2-1
- new version
- see upstream changelog at http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/index_en.php

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.2-16.week35
- qtwebkit-2.2-week35 snapshot

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.9.27-1
- 0.9.27

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Jon Ciesla <limb@xxxxxxxxxxxx> = 0.5.4-1
- New upstream, fixes multiple security issues.

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Tomas Heinrich <theinric@xxxxxxxxxx> 5.8.5-2
- add systemd-units to BuildRequires for the _unitdir macro definition

* Mon Sep 05 2011 Tomas Heinrich <theinric@xxxxxxxxxx> 5.8.5-1
- upgrade to new upstream version (CVE-2011-3200)

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Chris Lalancette <clalance@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.0-5
- Bump the release version to make upgrades from F-16 work

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Chris Lalancette <clalance@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.11-10
- Bump the release so upgrades from F-16 work

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Rasmus Ory Nielsen <ron@xxxxxx> - 0.1.18-1
- Updated to 0.1.18

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> 3.1.90-1
- Update to 3.1.90
- Remove and obsolete seahorse-devel
- Switch to gsettings and obsolete the gconf schema

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Kai Engert <kaie@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.3-2
- Update to 2.3.3

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Miroslav Grepl <mgrepl@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.10.0-25
- Add exim_exec_t label for /usr/sbin/exim_tidydb
- Call init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket() interface in mta policy
- sssd need to search /var/cache/krb5rcache directory
- Allow corosync to relabel own tmp files
- Allow zarafa domains to send system log messages
- Allow ssh to do tunneling
- Allow initrc scripts to sendto init_t unix_stream_socket
- Changes to make sure dmsmasq and virt directories are labeled correctly
- Changes needed to allow sysadm_t to manage systemd unit files
- init is passing file descriptors to dbus and on to system daemons
- Allow sulogin additional access Reported by dgrift and Jeremy Miller
- Steve Grubb believes that wireshark does not need this access
- Fix /var/run/initramfs to stop restorecon from looking at
- pki needs another port
- Add more labels for cluster scripts
- Allow apps that manage cgroup_files to manage cgroup link files
- Fix label on nfs-utils scripts directories
- Allow gatherd to read /dev/rand and /dev/urand

* Tue Aug 23 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.5-1
- Update to 3.1.5

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Daniel Drake <dsd@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.93.3-2
- Updated NetworkManager-0.9 support patch

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Xavier Bachelot <xavier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.4.12-5
- Add BR: libaio-devel (rhbz#735882).

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 6.0.2-1
- Update to 6.0.2

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Domingo Becker <domingobecker@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.0-4
- Added obsoletes to remove transifex-extras.

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Martin Sourada <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 15.92.1-1
- Update default wallpaper to beta version

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.91-1
- Update to 3.1.91

* Wed Aug 31 2011 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.29.1-1
- Update to 0.29.1

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Adam Jackson <ajax@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.11.0-1
- xserver 1.11.0

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 6.0.2-1
- Update to 6.0.2

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 1:3.1.3-1
- Update to 3.1.3

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> 3.1.6-1
- Update to 3.1.6

* Wed Sep 07 2011 Kalev Lember <kalevlember@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.1.5-1
- Update to 3.1.5

* Tue Sep 06 2011 Dmitry Butskoy <Dmitry@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.33-8
- Drop chkconfig stuff completely

Added Packages: 4
Removed Packages: 0
Modified Packages: 128
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