Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 status is Go, release planned for January 15, 2013,
Jaroslav Reznik
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final Release Candidate 4 (RC4) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Dracut + Disk Crypt Passphrase Timeout,
John . Florian
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final Release Candidate 3 (RC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Re: Fedora 18 status,
Kamil Paral
rawhide report: 20130109 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Just reporting....,
Kevin Martin
F-18 Branched report: 20130109 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
F18 Eth config: return from p8p1 to eth0,
Frantisek Hanzlik
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 status,
Adam Williamson
how add additional repos to ananconda installer?,
Frantisek Hanzlik
f18 i386 installer memory requirements,
Frantisek Hanzlik
[no subject],
Suresh Kumar
Selinux\Systemd boot-up freeze,
Ken Dreyer
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, January 09 @ 19:00 UTC (2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific),
Jaroslav Reznik
F-18 Branched report: 20130108 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130108 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
I can't create specific partition layout during F18 installation,
Mateusz Marzantowicz
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
kdepim not installed on groupinstall,
Ed Greshko
New BugZapper Introductions,
William Morris
Lawrence Graves
VERY OT VMware-player on F18,
Scott Robbins
F-18 Branched report: 20130107 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130107 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
no NetworkManager, no network,
Felix Miata
108 seconds to start F18 64,
Felix Miata
cups-pdf problem in F18,
Joachim Backes
Almost never able to run in single user mode,
Gianluca Cecchi
[Test-Announce] 2013-01-07 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
selinux and blueman applet,
Frequent evolution crashes anyone?,
Ankur Sinha
F-18 Branched report: 20130106 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130106 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
unable to apply deltaiso to netints,
Gianluca Cecchi
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Lawrence Graves
yum meaning of /dev/null lines? Rawhide,
Frank Murphy
rawhide report: 20130105 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20130105 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
Rawhide Selinux\Systemd boot-up freeze,
Frank Murphy
Re: [Fedora QA] #327: test cases that require autopart shrink,
Bob Lightfoot
VirtualBox and kernel-3.7.1-2.fc18,
Joachim Backes
F-18 Branched report: 20130104 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130104 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #327: test cases that require autopart shrink need to be updated,
Fedora QA
Setting wireless network printer issue,
Luya Tshimbalanga
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final to slip by one week,
Jaroslav Reznik
Installing Fedora 18 TC3,
Lawrence Graves
rawhide report: 20130103 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20130103 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final Test Compose 4 (TC4) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Tainted kernel flags:GW F18,
Frank Murphy
Late Fedora 18 Network Test Week report,
Martin Holec
Fedora 18 issues with translations and keymaps,
Adam Williamson
Re: Fedora 18 issues with translations and keymaps,
Jaroslav Reznik
Re: Fedora 18 issues with translations and keymaps,
Bill Nottingham
SELinux is preventing /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/npviewer.bin from create access on the file C:\nppdf32Log\debuglog.txt.,
Lawrence Graves
F-18 Branched report: 20130102 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130102 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Go/No-Go Meeting, Thursday, January 03 @ 17:00 UTC (12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific),
Jaroslav Reznik
[Test-Announce] 2013-01-02 @ 17:00 UTC - F18 Final Blocker Bug Review #8,
Tim Flink
iPod Gen 4 not being properly mounted,
Claude Jones
Connecting remotely to f18 in single user mode,
Gianluca Cecchi
Re: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace - Solved,
Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
F-18 Branched report: 20130101 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130101 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Installing F18 Beta on Dell XPX 15z,
Chandana De Silva
F18 empty lshw-gui window,
Felix Miata
F18 and Windows,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
F-18 Branched report: 20121231 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121231 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace -,
Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
[rawhide] heads up: Terminal is now xfce4-terminal,
Kevin Fenzi
Anyone else using Open vSwitch on F18?,
Ian Pilcher
lightdm webkit greeter,
F-18 Branched report: 20121230 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121230 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20121229 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121229 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Help needed in F18: firefox disappears from the gnome3 favorites bar each time when logging out,
Joachim Backes
F-18 Branched report: 20121228 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121228 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
update some testcases,
Lili Nie
vncviewer on F18,
atkbd messages filling syslog,
Gene Czarcinski
/usr or /var on btrfs subvol, dropped to dracut,
Chris Murphy
F-18 Branched report: 20121227 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121227 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20121226 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121226 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F18 partitioning LVM Question....,
Ed Greshko
Serious install issue when video card is Nvidia GT 240,
Ed Greshko
Dying disk dilemma....,
Ed Greshko
F-18 Branched report: 20121225 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121225 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
"TSC calibration failed",
Lawrence Graves
F-18 Branched report: 20121224 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121224 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Many problems with Fedora 17,
Luiz Emediato
Noveau again,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Noveau again,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
smoke12 and btrfs install problem,
Gene Czarcinski
wipefs bug, btrfs,
Chris Murphy
F-18 Branched report: 20121223 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121223 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F18-TC3: drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware,
"Basic X Window System" option present in smoke12 netinst, missing on DVD,
Andre Robatino
Can't install Adobe Reader,
Lawrence Graves
Missing glibc i686,
Lawrence Graves
What happened to autohint?,
Tom Horsley
F-18 Branched report: 20121222 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121222 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
firefox does not start using an icon anymore,
Julian Sikorski
F18 Final Blocker Bug Review #7 Minutes,
Tim Flink
[no subject],
Βασίλης Βυζάς
GNOME3 fallback mode in F18: No switch to logout,
Joachim Backes
PSA: updates-testing default disabled now,
Kevin Fenzi
Lag in system sounds,
Martin Airs
F-18 Branched report: 20121221 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121221 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
PackageKit Software Updates window flood,
Michael Schwendt
Firefox no more starts if called by the gnome3 dashboard after having applied all updates this morning,
Joachim Backes
Unable to install from iso,
A.J. Werkman
sshd and LiveCDs,
Ed Greshko
What has changed and/or how to control,
Ed Greshko
Gene Czarcinski
An arbitrarily sized /tmp does not fit all,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
fc18 on eeepc 701,
Stephen Sheldon
F-18 Branched report: 20121220 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
does final criteria #8 mean lvm-on-raid must be available?,
Matthew Miller
rawhide report: 20121220 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Thanks to Red Hat for providing more QA help,
Bruno Wolff III
Fedora 18,
Jim Bennett
Configure Mount Point doesn't appear to work,
Chris Murphy
Uh-oh something has gone wrong....,
Clyde E. Kunkel
Firefox text area editor rendering artifacts,
Michael Schwendt
F-18 Branched report: 20121219 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121219 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Gnome-shell 3.6.2-6,
Lawrence Graves
SELinux is preventing systemd-readahe from 'read, open' accesses on the file /usr/sbin/consoletype.,
Lawrence Graves
[Test-Announce] 2012-12-19 @ 17:00 UTC - F18 Final Blocker Bug Review #6,
Tim Flink
Some numbers on blocker/NTH nominations (regarding process revision),
Adam Williamson
F18 beta - hibernate option in menu,
Frank Pikelner
RC3 good news and bad news,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Important question,
Gene Czarcinski
F-18 Branched report: 20121218 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121218 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Manually setting vlan possible during install?,
Gianluca Cecchi
Re: Install of beta f18 on bl685c g1 blade freezes (SOLVED in TC2),
Gianluca Cecchi
Fedora 18 Final blocker status: required fixes, karma, etc,
Adam Williamson
[Fedora QA] #326: PkgGit links still try to use gitweb instead of cgit,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #325: Update sync fails if update title is too long,
Fedora QA
F18 Final Blocker Bug Review #5 Minutes,
Tim Flink
[Fedora QA] #324: Proven Tester Request,
Fedora QA
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final Test Compose 3 (TC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
[test-case] kickstarts and release notes TC,
Petr Schindler
F-18 Branched report: 20121217 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121217 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
"Testcase base startup" confusion,
Kamil Paral
The output of the command "df" (without any param) omits the line for the root filesystem,
Joachim Backes
[Test-Announce] 2012-12-17 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
Somethings wrong,
Lawrence Graves
No baseurl,
Lawrence Graves
libguestfs versus selinux-policy dependency problem,
Tom Horsley
F-18 Branched report: 20121216 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121216 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
New BugZapper Application,
Mohit Goyal
F18, virtualization, gnome, xfce problems and a question,
Gene Czarcinski
F-18 Branched report: 20121215 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121215 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Claws-Mail <--> Clamd Fedora 18,
Frank Murphy
resume failed for the 2nd time since I upgraded to F18,
Julian Sikorski
F-18 Branched report: 20121214 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121214 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Message not available
F18: Why does "modprobe ipv6" not load the module "ipv6"?,
Joachim Backes
NetworkManager and VM Bridged Networking,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Final Test Compose 2 (TC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Install along side Windows (blocker) bugs, 875944 and 885912,
Chris Murphy
F18 final release criterion #9, Windows,
Chris Murphy
LiveCD failure to boot local disk,
Chris Murphy
No more Radeon HDMI audio on Fedora 18?,
Zoltan Boszormenyi
F-18 Branched report: 20121213 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121213 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20121212 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121212 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F18 Pungi error: "could not find anaconda lang-table, exiting",
Philip Rhoades
[Test-Announce] 2012-12-12 @ 17:00 UTC - F18 Final Blocker Bug Review #4,
Tim Flink
dracut whines...,
Richard Ryniker
F-18 Branched report: 20121211 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121211 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Install of beta f18 on bl685c g1 blade freezes,
Gianluca Cecchi
does blacklist option in anaconda for f18 work?,
Gianluca Cecchi
F-18 Branched report: 20121210 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20121210 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Join Fedora Network Test Week - Network Manager, DNSSEC, FirewallD (2012-12-10 - 2012-12-14),
Martin Holec
[Test-Announce] 2012-12-10 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] Election Results for FAmSCo, FESCo, and Fedora Board seats,
Robyn Bergeron
F18-Final-TC1 Testing Notes and Concerns,
Bob Lightfoot
Anaconda crashes trying to install Inkscape,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
what is suppose to work?,
Gene Czarcinski
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