Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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- Fedora 19 updates-testing report, (continued)
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 19 updates-testing report,
- Wine mystery,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- F-19 Branched report: 20130401 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20130401 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- [Test-Announce] 2013-04-01 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
- F-19 Branched report: 20130331 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20130331 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- Has there been a change in the timeout for decrypting drive for F19?,
Stephen John Smoogen
- F-19 Branched report: 20130330 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20130330 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- Fedora-19-Alpha-TC3-i686-Live-LXDE didn't work,
Joerg Lechner
- KDE time zone,
Ed Greshko
- Wine,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- user creation in both anaconda and gnome,
- Installation completion time delay,
Ed Greshko
- F19 TC3 install,
Alexander Volovics
- F-19 Branched report: 20130329 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Undoing biosdevname in F19,
Scott Robbins
- rawhide report: 20130329 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- First experiences with F19,
Joachim Backes
- Install Advanced User options...,
Ed Greshko
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Alpha Test Compose 3 (TC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- 32 bit Fedora 19: WINE"yes NFS:no 8 cores:no,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- F-19 Branched report: 20130328 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20130328 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F19 grub2-mkconfig makes F18 partition fail to run,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- [Test-Announce] Shared System Certificates - TEST DAY, Thursday 2013-03-28,
Kamil Paral
- F-19 Branched report: 20130327 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20130327 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- [Test-Announce] 2013-03-27 @ 16:00 UTC - F19 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #2,
Adam Williamson
- TC2-64 Problems,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- selecting custom partioning on TC2 returns to the hub,
- rawhide report: 20130326 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- New and Improved Blocker Tracking App Beta,
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Alpha Test Compose 2 (TC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
F-19 Branched report: 20130325 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
F19 Installer,
Mike Chambers
Testing secureboot with KVM,
Cole Robinson
2013-03-25 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
F-19 Branched report: 20130326 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
where to report kernel/nouveau regression?,
Chris Murphy
rawhide report: 20130325 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-19 Branched report: 20130324 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130324 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Espeak gags Fedora 19 and rawhide,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
F-19 Branched report: 20130323 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130323 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Unable to run mock builds for rawhide on Fedora 18: ERROR: Could not find useradd in chroot, maybe the install failed?,
Ankur Sinha
Criterion proposal: firstboot / initial-setup / gnome-initial-setup, user creationa,
Adam Williamson
Gnome 3.8,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
[Test-Announce] 2013-03-25 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
2013-03-18 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
Regression(s) in anaconda 19?,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
espeak package update fails,
Kevin Martin
espeak update failed,
Peter Gueckel
rawhide report: 20130322 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-19 Branched report: 20130322 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
TC1 et al.,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
F-19 Branched report: 20130321 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130321 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] GNOME Test Day starting!,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] Fedora 19 Alpha Test Compose 1 (TC1) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
F19 abrt report uploader confusion,
Chris Murphy
Password not entered by the enter key on rawhide,
Ryan Lerch
Test Day kickstart update,
Kamil Paral
F-19 Branched report: 20130320 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130320 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Gnome 3.8 Test Day,
Vasilis Keramidas
Alpha TC1 status,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] 2013-03-20 @ 16:00 UTC - F19 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #2,
Tim Flink
Tuesday's F19 results,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
F-19 Branched report: 20130319 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
New Alpha criteria in production!,
Adam Williamson
Gnome 3.8 Test Day on Thursday,
Martin Holec
Missing python-imaging,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
F-19 Branched report: 20130318 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130318 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] 2013-03-18 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
F-19 Branched report: 20130317 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130317 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
abrt broken for f19,
Adam Williamson
F-19 Branched report: 20130316 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130316 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
OpenSUSE 12.3,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
F-19 Branched report: 20130315 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
[HEADS UP] initramfs - dracut - systemd,
Harald Hoyer
rawhide report: 20130315 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Major criteria re-write / re-design proposal: Beta draft,
Adam Williamson
Upgrade test case revision/expansion,
Adam Williamson
Rawhide / F19 tester PSA: Don't install the F19 fedora-release yet. If you do, don't install a kernel. If you do THAT, don't reboot.,
Adam Williamson
F-19 Branched report: 20130314 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: 20130314 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #366: OpenStack test day request for April 2nd,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #365: Proposed Test Day: Spice,
Fedora QA
Re: [Fedora QA] #362: Test day Request for FreeIPA Two Factor Authentication 6/6/13 (was: Test day Request for 6/6/13),
Fedora QA
F-19 Branched report: 20130313 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
[Fedora QA] #364: Abrt test day request for 2013-05-07,
Fedora QA
Rawhide/Branched issue for people using local mirrors,
Bruno Wolff III
libipq and Fedora 18,
Robert Moskowitz
[Test-Announce] 2013-03-13 @ 17:00 UTC - F19 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #1,
Tim Flink
rawhide report: 20130313 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Re:[Call to Arms] Fedora 19 Test Days starts this week (Martin Holec),
Sayth Renshaw
Noveau and Nvidia,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
[Call to Arms] Fedora 19 Test Days starts this week,
Martin Holec
rawhide report: 20130312 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
FC19: iwl3945: heads-up: stopped working,
Pedro Francisco
2013-03-11 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
Proposal: Rawhide tracker bug,
Kevin Fenzi
rawhide report: 20130311 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] 2013-03-11 @ ** 15:00 ** UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
rawhide report: 20130310 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Minor rawhide heads up,
Bruno Wolff III
Is it a bug in rawhide's gnome?,
Clyde E. Kunkel
rawhide report: 20130309 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Major criteria re-write / re-design proposal,
Adam Williamson
[Fedora QA] #363: Require spins to go through smoke testing before being published,
Fedora QA
Test Days anytime - wiki adjustments made,
Adam Williamson
Re: [Fedora QA] #362: Test day Request for 6/6/13,
Fedora QA
rawhide report: 20130308 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
rawhide report: 20130307 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Proposed dates for Fedora 19 image composes,
Adam Williamson
2013-03-04 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
rawhide report: 20130306 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Fedora-19-Nightly-20130305.12-x86_64-Live-desktop.iso drops to dracut shell,
Ankur Sinha
Urgent: Fedora 18 update breaks mount.cifs,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Rawhide installer and partitioning,
Joseph L. Casale
[Test-Announce] CANCELED: 2013-03-06 Fedora 19 Alpha Blocker Bug Review Meeting,
Tim Flink
[rawhide] install method testing wanted,
Kevin Fenzi
Tuesday's Rawhide,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Upgrading Blocker Tracking App,
Tim Flink
rawhide report: 20130305 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Re: test Digest, Vol 109, Issue 13,
Lawrence Graves
Vmware Workstation,
Lawrence Graves
upgrade to rawhide how,
rawhide report: 20130304 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
3.9 Kernel on Fedora 18,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
[Test-Announce] 2013-03-04 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
rawhide report: 20130303 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Mesa 9.0.3 update,
Eduardo Jorge
rawhide report: 20130302 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #361: Redirect after login not working properly,
Fedora QA
Interesting 20130301 rawhide update message,
Clyde E. Kunkel
rawhide report: 20130301 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Fedora 19 schedule's new home & plans,
Jaroslav Reznik
[Fedora QA] #360: MariaDB test day for F19,
Fedora QA
FreezeException process improvement - proposal,
Kamil Paral
Problems with VirtualBox-4.2.6-5.fc18.x86_64 from rpmfusion and kernel-3.8.1-201.fc18.x86_64 resp. kernel-devel-3.8.1-201.fc18.x86_64,
Joachim Backes
[Fedora QA] #359: Create Ansible Playbooks for Deployment and Updating,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #358: Optimize Template CSS and JS includes,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #357: Improve asset management,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #356: Blocker Proposal is Slow,
Fedora QA
Blocker meeting schedule: move to Wednesday?,
Adam Williamson
[Fedora QA] #355: System Certificates test day,
Fedora QA
rawhide report: 20130228 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
rawhide report: 20130227 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #354: Proposed Test Day - Thermostat,
Fedora QA
2013-02-25 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
rawhide updates giving me errors when removing previous kernels....,
Kevin Martin
Removing Development Related Email from the Test List,
Tim Flink
rawhide report: 20130226 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Monday's Rawhide,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
rawhide report: 20130225 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Fwd: gnome-shell segfaults in @updates-testing/F18,
Ozan Çağlayan
[Test-Announce] 2013-02-25 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
Sunday's Rawhide,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
tboot 1.7.0,
Daniel Krawchuk
rawhide report: 20130224 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Getting hardware info for bug triage,
Christopher Beland
rawhide report: 20130223 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
ABRT - Processing failed?,
Michael Schwendt
Kernel 3.9,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
rawhide report: 20130222 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Introduction to QA,
Francis Martin
Query : gstreamer 0.10.36-xxx : newbie,
Suresh Kumar SHUKLA
[Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #353: Fedora 19 test day for FreeIPA,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #352: F-19 Fedora test day focusing on new SSSD features and AD integration,
Fedora QA
rawhide report: 20130221 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
This mornings yum update....,
Kevin Martin
Re: test Digest, Vol 108, Issue 73,
Eduardo Jorge
rawhide report: 20130220 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #351: Printing Test Day on 2013-04-11,
Fedora QA
Proposed changes to blocker bug meeting processes,
Adam Williamson
[Fedora QA] #350: Integrate Bugzilla Email Association with Blocker Proposal,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #349: Implement Bugzilla Email Verification,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #348: Store,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #347: Implement Bugzilla Account Association,
Fedora QA
rawhide report: 20130219 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
gpk-update-viewer : The software is not signed by a trusted provider,
Michael Schwendt
Actionaz - Automation for everyone,
Kamil Paral
2013-02-18 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
Fedora Gooey Karma,
Tomas Meszaros
rawhide report: 20130218 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] 2013-02-18 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
F18: abrt not catching segfaults by cups und dnsmasq,
Robert M. Albrecht
rawhide report: 20130217 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #346: Proposed Test Day - Virtualization,
Fedora QA
rawhide report: 20130216 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Settings panel for desktop file gnome-sound-panel.desktop could not be loaded!,
Michael Schwendt
F19 test day schedule up,
Adam Williamson
Proposal: "automatic blockers",
Adam Williamson
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