CEPH Filesystem Users
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- ceph backups
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- delete performance
- From: periquito@xxxxxxxxx (Luis Periquito)
- ceph backups
- From: periquito@xxxxxxxxx (Luis Periquito)
- question about client's cluster aware
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- question about object replication theory
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: xihuke@xxxxxxxxx (Aegeaner)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Kirkwood)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Kirkwood)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: xihuke@xxxxxxxxx (Aegeaner)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- get amount of space used by snapshots
- From: sma310@xxxxxxxxxx (Steve Anthony)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: nathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nathan O'Sullivan)
- Bcache / Enhanceio with osds
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Bcache / Enhanceio with osds
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- Bcache / Enhanceio with osds
- From: robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert LeBlanc)
- Ceph Day Speaking Slots
- From: patrick@xxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick McGarry)
- Reassigning admin server
- From: James.LaBarre@xxxxxxxxx (LaBarre, James (CTR) A6IT)
- XenServer and Ceph - any updates?
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- [Ceph-community] Pgs are in stale+down+peering state
- From: Varada.Kari@xxxxxxxxxxx (Varada Kari)
- [Ceph-community] Pgs are in stale+down+peering state
- From: sage@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Adding another radosgw node
- From: jon.kare.hellan@xxxxxxxxxx (Jon Kåre Hellan)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- ceph health related message
- From: lookcrabs@xxxxxxxxx (Sean Sullivan)
- Timeout on ceph-disk activate
- From: adeza@xxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Deza)
- Pgs are in stale+down+peering state
- From: Sahana.Lokeshappa@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sahana Lokeshappa)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: stijn.deweirdt@xxxxxxxx (Stijn De Weirdt)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: ulembke@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Udo Lembke)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: Anand.Bhat@xxxxxxxxxxx (Anand Bhat)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: stijn.deweirdt@xxxxxxxx (Stijn De Weirdt)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: stijn.deweirdt@xxxxxxxx (Stijn De Weirdt)
- IRQ balancing, distribution
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Troubleshooting down OSDs: Invalid command: ceph osd start osd.1
- From: piers@xxxxx (Piers Dawson-Damer)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: jian.zhang@xxxxxxxxx (Zhang, Jian)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: ulembke@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Udo Lembke)
- Merging two active ceph clusters: suggestions needed
- From: robbat2@xxxxxxxxxx (Robin H. Johnson)
- Merging two active ceph clusters: suggestions needed
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Merging two active ceph clusters: suggestions needed
- From: robbat2@xxxxxxxxxx (Robin H. Johnson)
- Multi Level Tiering
- From: nick@xxxxxxxxxx (Nick Fisk)
- RBD over cache tier over EC pool: rbd rm doesn't remove objects
- From: mcluseau@xxxxxx (Mikaël Cluseau)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- confusion when kill 3 osds that store the same pg
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- Fw: external monitoring tools for processes
- From: ben.o.aquino@xxxxxxxxx (Aquino, Ben O)
- Renaming pools used by CephFS
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Renaming pools used by CephFS
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Renaming pools used by CephFS
- From: jeff@xxxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Ollie)
- getting ulimit set error while installing ceph in admin node
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- Repetitive replication occuring in slave zone causing OSD's to fill
- From: mitch95@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lyn Mitchell)
- Status of snapshots in CephFS
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Repetitive replication occuring in slave zone causing OSD's to fill
- From: lyn_mitchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lyn Mitchell)
- Multi Level Tiering
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven Timm)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven Timm)
- Status of snapshots in CephFS
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Multi Level Tiering
- From: nick@xxxxxxxxxx (Nick Fisk)
- Swift can upload, list, and delete, but not download
- From: seapasulli@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Sullivan)
- ceph health related message
- From: bglackin@xxxxxxx (BG)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: francois@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Francois Deppierraz)
- Troubleshooting down OSDs: Invalid command: ceph osd start osd.1
- From: chn.kei@xxxxxxxxx (Jason King)
- monitor quorum
- From: james.eckersall@xxxxxxxxx (James Eckersall)
- Troubleshooting down OSDs: Invalid command: ceph osd start osd.1
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: jian.zhang@xxxxxxxxx (Zhang, Jian)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: xihuke@xxxxxxxxx (Aegeaner)
- osd going down every 15m blocking recovery from degraded state
- From: christopher.thorjussen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Thorjussen)
- Frequent Crashes on rbd to nfs gateway Server
- From: micha@xxxxxxxxxx (Micha Krause)
- Fwd: Troubleshooting down OSDs: Invalid command: ceph osd start osd.1
- From: christopher.thorjussen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Thorjussen)
- Fwd: Troubleshooting down OSDs: Invalid command: ceph osd start osd.1
- From: christopher.thorjussen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Thorjussen)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: jyluke@xxxxxxxx (Luke Jing Yuan)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Kirkwood)
- Fwd: Troubleshooting down OSDs: Invalid command: ceph osd start osd.1
- From: piers@xxxxx (Piers Dawson-Damer)
- Troubleshooting down OSDs: Invalid command: ceph osd start osd.1
- From: piers@xxxxx (Piers Dawson-Damer)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Kirkwood)
- ceph mds unable to start with 0.85
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- ceph health related message
- From: shiva.rkreddy@xxxxxxxxx (shiva rkreddy)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- confusion when kill 3 osds that store the same pg
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven C Timm)
- Can ceph-deploy be used with 'osd objectstore = keyvaluestore-dev' in config file ?
- From: xihuke@xxxxxxxxx (Aegeaner)
- do you have any test case that lost data mostlikely
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: jyluke@xxxxxxxx (Luke Jing Yuan)
- osd going down every 15m blocking recovery from degraded state
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- ceph mds unable to start with 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven Timm)
- CephFS : rm file does not remove object in rados
- From: florent@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florent B)
- CephFS : rm file does not remove object in rados
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- [Ceph-community] Can't Start-up MDS
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- ceph mds unable to start with 0.85
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- CephFS : rm file does not remove object in rados
- From: florent@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florent B)
- three way replication on pool a failed
- From: michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: xiaoxi.chen@xxxxxxxxx (Chen, Xiaoxi)
- Timeout on ceph-disk activate
- From: bglackin@xxxxxxx (BG)
- getting ulimit set error while installing ceph in admin node
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven Timm)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven Timm)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven Timm)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- three way replication on pool a failed
- From: m.channappa.negalur@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (m.channappa.negalur at accenture.com)
- Frequent Crashes on rbd to nfs gateway Server
- From: micha@xxxxxxxxxx (Micha Krause)
- Newbie Ceph Design Questions
- From: Christoph.Adomeit@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christoph Adomeit)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: mail@xxxxxxxxxx (Marc)
- monitor quorum
- From: james.eckersall@xxxxxxxxx (James Eckersall)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: agedosier@xxxxxxxxx (Osier Yang)
- [Ceph-community] Can't Start-up MDS
- From: shunfa@xxxxxxxxx (Shun-Fa Yang)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: stijn.deweirdt@xxxxxxxx (Stijn De Weirdt)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: jian.zhang@xxxxxxxxx (Zhang, Jian)
- ceph mds unable to start with 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- radosgw-admin pools list error
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: jyluke@xxxxxxxx (Luke Jing Yuan)
- radosgw-admin pools list error
- From: john.wilkins@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Wilkins)
- getting ulimit set error while installing ceph in admin node
- From: john.wilkins@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Wilkins)
- ceph issue: rbd vs. qemu-kvm
- From: timm@xxxxxxxx (Steven Timm)
- getting ulimit set error while installing ceph in admin node
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- Next Week: Ceph Day San Jose
- From: ross@xxxxxxxxxx (Ross Turk)
- [Ceph-community] Can't Start-up MDS
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- monitor quorum
- From: james.eckersall@xxxxxxxxx (James Eckersall)
- monitor quorum
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- monitor quorum
- From: james.eckersall@xxxxxxxxx (James Eckersall)
- RGW hung, 2 OSDs using 100% CPU
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- monitor quorum
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- monitor quorum
- From: james.eckersall@xxxxxxxxx (James Eckersall)
- Multiple cephfs filesystems per cluster
- From: dave.barker@xxxxxxxxx (David Barker)
- Dumpling cluster can't resolve peering failures, ceph pg query blocks, auth failures in logs
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- Multiple cephfs filesystems per cluster
- From: wido@xxxxxxxx (Wido den Hollander)
- Multiple cephfs filesystems per cluster
- From: john.spray@xxxxxxxxxx (John Spray)
- Multiple cephfs filesystems per cluster
- From: dave.barker@xxxxxxxxx (David Barker)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Ceph general configuration questions
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- vdb busy error when attaching to instance
- From: m.channappa.negalur@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (m.channappa.negalur at accenture.com)
- Ceph general configuration questions
- From: shiva.rkreddy@xxxxxxxxx (shiva rkreddy)
- getting ulimit set error while installing ceph in admin node
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- OSD troubles on FS+Tiering
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- Replication factor of 50 on a 1000 OSD node cluster
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- Replication factor of 50 on a 1000 OSD node cluster
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Replication factor of 50 on a 1000 OSD node cluster
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Kirkwood)
- osd going down every 15m blocking recovery from degraded state
- From: christopher.thorjussen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Thorjussen)
- full/near full ratio
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- osd going down every 15m blocking recovery from degraded state
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- osd going down every 15m blocking recovery from degraded state
- From: christopher.thorjussen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Thorjussen)
- full/near full ratio
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- osd going down every 15m blocking recovery from degraded state
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- what are these files for mon?
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: mail@xxxxxxxxxx (Marc)
- ceph-deploy
- From: john.wilkins@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Wilkins)
- Packages for 0.85?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- Mount ceph block device over specific NIC
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Packages for 0.85?
- From: daniel.swarbrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Swarbrick)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: johnugeo@xxxxxxxxx (Johnu George (johnugeo))
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: daniel.swarbrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Swarbrick)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: daniel.swarbrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Swarbrick)
- inktank-mellanox webinar access ?
- From: giorgis@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Georgios Dimitrakakis)
- what are these files for mon?
- From: joao.luis@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joao Eduardo Luis)
- what are these files for mon?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Ceph general configuration questions
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- what are these files for mon?
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- Ceph general configuration questions
- From: shiva.rkreddy@xxxxxxxxx (shiva rkreddy)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- vdb busy error when attaching to instance
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- does CephFS still have no fsck utility?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- OSD troubles on FS+Tiering
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- OSD troubles on FS+Tiering
- From: Kenneth.Waegeman@xxxxxxxx (Kenneth Waegeman)
- Mount ceph block device over specific NIC
- From: arne@xxxxxxxxxx (Arne K. Haaje)
- multi-site replication
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: daniel.swarbrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Swarbrick)
- Still seing scrub errors in .80.5
- From: mail@xxxxxxxxxx (Marc)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: cofol1986@xxxxxxxxx (Tim Zhang)
- does CephFS still have no fsck utility?
- From: brandon.li.1ca@xxxxxxxxx (brandon li)
- purpose of different default pools created by radosgw instance
- From: prag_2648@xxxxxxxxxxx (pragya jain)
- How to fix pgs unclean
- From: mwjpiero@xxxxxxxxx (livemoon)
- does CephFS still have no fsck utility?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- does CephFS still have no fsck utility?
- From: brandon.li.1ca@xxxxxxxxx (brandon li)
- does CephFS still have no fsck utility?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- does CephFS still have no fsck utility?
- From: brandon.li.1ca@xxxxxxxxx (brandon li)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: amit.vijairania@xxxxxxxxx (Amit Vijairania)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- OSD troubles on FS+Tiering
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Dumpling cluster can't resolve peering failures, ceph pg query blocks, auth failures in logs
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: yehuda@xxxxxxxxxx (Yehuda Sadeh)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Ceph Different Confgurations for RAS(Reliability, Availability and Serviceability)
- From: zabolzadeh@xxxxxxxxx (Hossein Zabolzadeh)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Cache pool stats
- From: jc.lopez@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jean-Charles Lopez)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: cofol1986@xxxxxxxxx (Tim Zhang)
- Bcache / Enhanceio with osds
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- OSDs crashing on CephFS and Tiering
- From: Kenneth.Waegeman@xxxxxxxx (Kenneth Waegeman)
- Cache pool stats
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: berant@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Berant Lemmenes)
- OSD troubles on FS+Tiering
- From: Kenneth.Waegeman@xxxxxxxx (Kenneth Waegeman)
- Bcache / Enhanceio with osds
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: marco@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Garcês)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: cofol1986@xxxxxxxxx (Tim Zhang)
- why no likely() and unlikely() used in Ceph's source code?
- From: cofol1986@xxxxxxxxx (Tim Zhang)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: christian.eichelmann@xxxxxxxx (Christian Eichelmann)
- best libleveldb version ?
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Crushmap ruleset for rack aware PG placement
- From: amit.vijairania@xxxxxxxxx (Amit Vijairania)
- Ceph RBD kernel module support for Cache Tiering
- From: amit.vijairania@xxxxxxxxx (Amit Vijairania)
- Ceph RBD kernel module support for Cache Tiering
- From: amit.vijairania@xxxxxxxxx (Amit Vijairania)
- Dumpling cluster can't resolve peering failures, ceph pg query blocks, auth failures in logs
- From: florian@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Haas)
- Bcache / Enhanceio with osds
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- Bcache / Enhanceio with osds
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- osd going down every 15m blocking recovery from degraded state
- From: christopher.thorjussen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Thorjussen)
- Cache tier unable to auto flush data to storage tier
- From: jc.lopez@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jean-Charles LOPEZ)
- Cache tier unable to auto flush data to storage tier
- From: karan.singh@xxxxxx (Karan Singh)
- writing to rbd mapped device produces hang tasks
- From: ilya.dryomov@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ilya Dryomov)
- writing to rbd mapped device produces hang tasks
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- writing to rbd mapped device produces hang tasks
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- writing to rbd mapped device produces hang tasks
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- [ceph-users] Fixed all active+remapped PGs stuck forever (but I have no clue why)
- From: pdrake@xxxxxxxxx (Peter Drake)
- Cache tier unable to auto flush data to storage tier
- From: jc.lopez@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jean-Charles LOPEZ)
- writing to rbd mapped device produces hang tasks
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Cache tier unable to auto flush data to storage tier
- From: karan.singh@xxxxxx (Karan Singh)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- error while installing ceph in cluster node
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: zipper1790@xxxxxxxxx (Erick Ocrospoma)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: zipper1790@xxxxxxxxx (Erick Ocrospoma)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: jc.lopez@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jean-Charles LOPEZ)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: zipper1790@xxxxxxxxx (Erick Ocrospoma)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- CephFS mounting error
- From: zipper1790@xxxxxxxxx (Erick Ocrospoma)
- full/near full ratio
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- OSD is crashing during delete operation
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- Removing MDS
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Removing MDS
- From: James.LaBarre@xxxxxxxxx (LaBarre, James (CTR) A6IT)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Question about Calamari Server Ubuntu 12.04, or Calamari Server Redhat 6.5, or Calamari Server Centos 6.5,
- From: ben.o.aquino@xxxxxxxxx (Aquino, Ben O)
- a question regarding sparse file
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- CephFS : rm file does not remove object in rados
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Showing package loss in ceph main log
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- a question regarding sparse file
- From: brandon.li.1ca@xxxxxxxxx (brandon li)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: brak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brian Rak)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: christian.eichelmann@xxxxxxxx (Christian Eichelmann)
- CephFS : rm file does not remove object in rados
- From: florent@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florent Bautista)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: mariusz.gronczewski@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Mariusz Gronczewski)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: brak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brian Rak)
- OSDs are crashing with "Cannot fork" or "cannot create thread" but plenty of memory is left
- From: christian.eichelmann@xxxxxxxx (Christian Eichelmann)
- vdb busy error when attaching to instance
- From: m.channappa.negalur@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (m.channappa.negalur at accenture.com)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: francois@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Francois Deppierraz)
- radosgw-admin pools list error
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- Showing package loss in ceph main log
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: Kenneth.Waegeman@xxxxxxxx (Kenneth Waegeman)
- help: a newbie question
- From: brandon.li.1ca@xxxxxxxxx (brandon li)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: Allen.Samuels@xxxxxxxxxxx (Allen Samuels)
- Ceph object back up details
- From: swamireddy@xxxxxxxxx (M Ranga Swami Reddy)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Ceph object back up details
- From: swamireddy@xxxxxxxxx (M Ranga Swami Reddy)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Regarding key/value interface
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- Consistent hashing
- From: jakesjohn12345@xxxxxxxxx (Jakes John)
- Upgraded now MDS won't start
- From: Bradley.McNamara@xxxxxxxxxxx (McNamara, Bradley)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Upgraded now MDS won't start
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: cedric@xxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Lemarchand)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: sam.just@xxxxxxxxxxx (Samuel Just)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- radosgw user creation in secondary site error
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: cedric@xxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Lemarchand)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: botemout@xxxxxxxxx (JR)
- why one osd-op from client can get two osd-op-reply?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- osd cpu usage is bigger than 100%
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Cache Pool writing too much on ssds, poor performance?
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- Cache Pool writing too much on ssds, poor performance?
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Cache Pool writing too much on ssds, poor performance?
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- Striping with cloned images
- From: g.wolkerstorfer@xxxxxxxxxx (Gerhard Wolkerstorfer)
- (no subject)
- From: alfredo.deza@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Deza)
- Rebalancing slow I/O.
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- error while installing ceph in cluster node
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- Rebalancing slow I/O.
- From: malmyzh@xxxxxxxxx (Irek Fasikhov)
- Cache Pool writing too much on ssds, poor performance?
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Cephfs upon Tiering
- From: Kenneth.Waegeman@xxxxxxxx (Kenneth Waegeman)
- question about librbd io(fio paramenters)
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: francois@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Francois Deppierraz)
- question about librbd io
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- why one osd-op from client can get two osd-op-reply?
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- osd cpu usage is bigger than 100%
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- upload data using swift API
- From: prag_2648@xxxxxxxxxxx (pragya jain)
- Why so much inconsistent error in 0.85?
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- monitoring tool for ceph which monitor end-user level usage
- From: prag_2648@xxxxxxxxxxx (pragya jain)
- different storage disks as a single storage
- From: prag_2648@xxxxxxxxxxx (pragya jain)
- error while installing ceph in cluster node
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- why one osd-op from client can get two osd-op-reply?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- (no subject)
- From: i.bagui@xxxxxxxxx (Subhadip Bagui)
- Why so much inconsistent error in 0.85?
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- why one osd-op from client can get two osd-op-reply?
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- Why so much inconsistent error in 0.85?
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Why so much inconsistent error in 0.85?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Why so much inconsistent error in 0.85?
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- Cache Pool writing too much on ssds, poor performance?
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Cache Pool writing too much on ssds, poor performance?
- From: xiaoxi.chen@xxxxxxxxx (Chen, Xiaoxi)
- Why so much inconsistent error in 0.85?
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- CephFS roadmap (was Re: NAS on RBD)
- From: blair.bethwaite@xxxxxxxxx (Blair Bethwaite)
- Upgraded now MDS won't start
- From: Bradley.McNamara@xxxxxxxxxxx (McNamara, Bradley)
- CephFS roadmap (was Re: NAS on RBD)
- From: john.spray@xxxxxxxxxx (John Spray)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: sam.just@xxxxxxxxxxx (Samuel Just)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: sam.just@xxxxxxxxxxx (Samuel Just)
- Ceph-deploy bug; CentOS 7, Firefly
- From: piers@xxxxx (Piers Dawson-Damer)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: sam.just@xxxxxxxxxxx (Samuel Just)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- CephFS roadmap (was Re: NAS on RBD)
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: sam.just@xxxxxxxxxxx (Samuel Just)
- max_bucket limit -- safe to disable?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- why one osd-op from client can get two osd-op-reply?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- [ANN] ceph-deploy 1.5.14 released
- From: scottix@xxxxxxxxx (Scottix)
- [ANN] ceph-deploy 1.5.14 released
- From: alfredo.deza@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Deza)
- Ceph-deploy bug; CentOS 7, Firefly
- From: alfredo.deza@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Deza)
- Cache Pool writing too much on ssds, poor performance?
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- question about librbd io
- From: josh.durgin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josh Durgin)
- osd cpu usage is bigger than 100%
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- question about RGW
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: yrabl@xxxxxxxxxx (yrabl at redhat.com)
- region creation is failing
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- Best practices on Filesystem recovery on RBD block volume?
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- max_bucket limit -- safe to disable?
- From: daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Schneller)
- Best practices on Filesystem recovery on RBD block volume?
- From: ilya.dryomov@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ilya Dryomov)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: bglackin@xxxxxxx (BG)
- Best practices on Filesystem recovery on RBD block volume?
- From: keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Keith Phua)
- Best practices on Filesystem recovery on RBD block volume?
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- why one osd-op from client can get two osd-op-reply?
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- bad performance of leveldb on 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Problem with customized crush rule for EC pool
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- question about RGW
- From: baijiaruo@xxxxxxx (baijiaruo at 126.com)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Ceph-deploy bug; CentOS 7, Firefly
- From: piers@xxxxx (Piers Dawson-Damer)
- Problem with customized crush rule for EC pool
- From: leidong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lei Dong)
- Best practices on Filesystem recovery on RBD block volume?
- From: keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Keith Phua)
- osd unexpected error by leveldb
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- CephFS roadmap (was Re: NAS on RBD)
- From: blair.bethwaite@xxxxxxxxx (Blair Bethwaite)
- FW: FW: CURSH optimization for unbalanced pg distribution
- From: jian.zhang@xxxxxxxxx (Zhang, Jian)
- ceph data consistency
- From: xiaoxi.chen@xxxxxxxxx (Chen, Xiaoxi)
- NAS on RBD
- From: qgrasso@xxxxxxxxxx (Quenten Grasso)
- OpTracker optimization
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- max_bucket limit -- safe to disable?
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Remaped osd at remote restart
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- ceph data consistency
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- Ceph + Postfix/Zimbra
- From: patrick@xxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick McGarry)
- CephFS roadmap (was Re: NAS on RBD)
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- Ceph Filesystem - Production?
- From: fxmulder@xxxxxxxxx (James Devine)
- ceph data consistency
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- max_bucket limit -- safe to disable?
- From: daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Schneller)
- NAS on RBD
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- NAS on RBD
- From: mkozanecki@xxxxxxxxxx (Michal Kozanecki)
- question about librbd io
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- Problem with customized crush rule for EC pool
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: marco@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Garcês)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: mkozanecki@xxxxxxxxxx (Michal Kozanecki)
- NAS on RBD
- From: blair.bethwaite@xxxxxxxxx (Blair Bethwaite)
- Problem with customized crush rule for EC pool
- From: leidong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lei Dong)
- NAS on RBD
- From: blair.bethwaite@xxxxxxxxx (Blair Bethwaite)
- Problem with customized crush rule for EC pool
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- Problem with customized crush rule for EC pool
- From: leidong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lei Dong)
- NAS on RBD
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: bglackin@xxxxxxx (BG)
- 回复: Re: 回复: mix ceph verion with 0.80.5 and 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- [ceph-users] 回复: mix ceph verion with 0.80.5 and 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- [ceph-users] 回复: mix ceph verion with 0.80.5 and 0.85
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- number of PGs (global vs per pool)
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- number of PGs (global vs per pool)
- From: wido@xxxxxxxx (Wido den Hollander)
- NAS on RBD
- From: ilya.dryomov@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ilya Dryomov)
- number of PGs (global vs per pool)
- From: periquito@xxxxxxxxx (Luis Periquito)
- NAS on RBD
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- monitoring tool for monitoring end-user
- From: prag_2648@xxxxxxxxxxx (pragya jain)
- NAS on RBD
- From: blair.bethwaite@xxxxxxxxx (Blair Bethwaite)
- resizing the OSD
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Martin B Nielsen)
- heterogeneous set of storage disks as a single storage
- From: prag_2648@xxxxxxxxxxx (pragya jain)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: botemout@xxxxxxxxx (JR)
- [ceph-users] 回复: mix ceph verion with 0.80.5 and 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- all my osds are down, but ceph -s tells they are up and in.
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- [ceph-users] 回复: mix ceph verion with 0.80.5 and 0.85
- From: chn.kei@xxxxxxxxx (Jason King)
- 回复: mix ceph verion with 0.80.5 and 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: botemout@xxxxxxxxx (JR)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- mix ceph verion with 0.80.5 and 0.85
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- all my osds are down, but ceph -s tells they are up and in.
- From: fastsync@xxxxxxx (yuelongguang)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: qgrasso@xxxxxxxxxx (Quenten Grasso)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Updating the pg and pgp values
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- resizing the OSD
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- OSD is crashing while running admin socket
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- OSD is crashing while running admin socket
- From: sweil@xxxxxxxxxx (Sage Weil)
- OSD is crashing while running admin socket
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- OSD is crashing while running admin socket
- From: sam.just@xxxxxxxxxxx (Samuel Just)
- OSD is crashing while running admin socket
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: botemout@xxxxxxxxx (JR)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: francois@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Francois Deppierraz)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Delays while waiting_for_osdmap according to dump_historic_ops
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Updating the pg and pgp values
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- Updating the pg and pgp values
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Updating the pg and pgp values
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: botemout@xxxxxxxxx (JR)
- Updating the pg and pgp values
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- Updating the pg and pgp values
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Updating the pg and pgp values
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- resizing the OSD
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Ceph object back up details
- From: yehuda@xxxxxxxxxx (Yehuda Sadeh)
- Is ceph osd reweight always safe to use?
- From: botemout@xxxxxxxxx (JR)
- Remaped osd at remote restart
- From: ekormann@xxxxxxxxx (Eduard Kormann)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: bglackin@xxxxxxx (BG)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: bglackin@xxxxxxx (BG)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: bglackin@xxxxxxx (BG)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: Kenneth.Waegeman@xxxxxxxx (Kenneth Waegeman)
- I fail to add a monitor in a ceph cluster
- From: pgs@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Pascal GREGIS)
- I fail to add a monitor in a ceph cluster
- From: pgs@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Pascal GREGIS)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid
- From: francois@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Francois Deppierraz)
- Crush Location
- From: wido@xxxxxxxx (Wido den Hollander)
- delete performance
- From: periquito@xxxxxxxxx (Luis Periquito)
- number of PGs
- From: periquito@xxxxxxxxx (Luis Periquito)
- Crush Location
- From: jakesjohn12345@xxxxxxxxx (Jakes John)
- Performance really drops from 700MB/s to 10MB/s
- From: mr.npp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mr. NPP)
- Ceph object back up details
- From: swamireddy@xxxxxxxxx (M Ranga Swami Reddy)
- Ceph and TRIM on SSD disks
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Ceph and TRIM on SSD disks
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxx (Alex Moore)
- Delays while waiting_for_osdmap according to dump_historic_ops
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxx (Alex Moore)
- Ceph and TRIM on SSD disks
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- 'incomplete' PGs: what does it mean?
- From: john@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Morris)
- 'incomplete' PGs: what does it mean?
- From: john@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Morris)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- [ceph-users] 答复: 答复: 答复: 答复: ceph osd unexpected error
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- Ceph on RHEL 7 with multiple OSD's
- From: yrabl@xxxxxxxxxx (yrabl at redhat.com)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- 答复: 答复: 答复: ceph osd unexpected error
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- 答复: 答复: ceph osd unexpected error
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- [ceph-users] 答复: ceph osd unexpected error
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- resizing the OSD
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- 答复: ceph osd unexpected error
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: scott@xxxxxxxxxxx (Scott Laird)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- resizing the OSD
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- ceph osd unexpected error
- From: Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx (Somnath Roy)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: scott@xxxxxxxxxxx (Scott Laird)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- resizing the OSD
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan van der Ster)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- ceph osd unexpected error
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- ceph osd unexpected error
- From: haomaiwang@xxxxxxxxx (Haomai Wang)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan van der Ster)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Good way to monitor detailed latency/throughput
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- resizing the OSD
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Ceph Filesystem - Production?
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- resizing the OSD
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- region creation is failing
- From: john.wilkins@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Wilkins)
- ceph add flag hashspool
- From: frantisek.drabecky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Frantisek Drabecky)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: Warren_Wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wang, Warren)
- Good way to monitor detailed latency/throughput
- From: josef@xxxxxxxxxxx (Josef Johansson)
- Fwd: Ceph Filesystem - Production?
- From: fxmulder@xxxxxxxxx (James Devine)
- Need help : MDS cluster completely dead !
- From: florent@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florent Bautista)
- Need help : MDS cluster completely dead !
- From: ukernel@xxxxxxxxx (Yan, Zheng)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: luis.periquito@xxxxxxxxx (Luis Periquito)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: david@xxxxxxxxxx (David)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: nigel.d.williams@xxxxxxxxx (Nigel Williams)
- region creation is failing
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- Need help : MDS cluster completely dead !
- From: florent@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florent Bautista)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- [Ceph-community] Ceph Day Paris Schedule Posted
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- ceph osd unexpected error
- From: Derek@xxxxxxxxx (廖建锋)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: david@xxxxxxxxxx (David)
- Ceph Day Paris Schedule Posted
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- ceph -s error
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: dingdinghua85@xxxxxxxxx (Ding Dinghua)
- ceph -s error
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- ceph -s error
- From: Sahana.Lokeshappa@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sahana Lokeshappa)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Martin B Nielsen)
- Fwd: Ceph Filesystem - Production?
- From: ukernel@xxxxxxxxx (Yan, Zheng)
- ceph -s error
- From: santhosh.fernandes@xxxxxxxxx (Santhosh Fernandes)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Martin B Nielsen)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: dingdinghua85@xxxxxxxxx (Ding Dinghua)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: dingdinghua85@xxxxxxxxx (Ding Dinghua)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: dingdinghua85@xxxxxxxxx (Ding Dinghua)
- Getting error trying to activate the first OSD
- From: jshah2005@xxxxxx (JIten Shah)
- [no subject]
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: chn.kei@xxxxxxxxx (Jason King)
- =?gb18030?b?u9i4tKO6ICBDYWNoZSBwb29sIGFuZCB1c2luZyBi?==?gb18030?q?trfs_for_ssd_osds?=
- From: 908429812@xxxxxx (=?gb18030?b?ZGVyZWs=?=)
- Cache pool and using btrfs for ssd osds
- From: andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Andrew Thrift)
- osd unexpected error by leveldb
- From: 908429812@xxxxxx (derek)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Fwd: Ceph Filesystem - Production?
- From: fxmulder@xxxxxxxxx (James Devine)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Simple Math?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- Fwd: Ceph Filesystem - Production?
- From: ukernel@xxxxxxxxx (Yan, Zheng)
- Simple Math?
- From: Josh.Zojonc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Zojonc, Josh)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Kirkwood)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan van der Ster)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan van der Ster)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Martin B Nielsen)
- Map-view of PGs
- From: James.LaBarre@xxxxxxxxx (LaBarre, James (CTR) A6IT)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan van der Ster)
- Fwd: Ceph Filesystem - Production?
- From: fxmulder@xxxxxxxxx (James Devine)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert LeBlanc)
- Misdirected client messages
- From: ilya.dryomov@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ilya Dryomov)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: s.priebe@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Stefan Priebe)
- One stuck PG
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Martin B Nielsen)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan van der Ster)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert LeBlanc)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert LeBlanc)
- Ceph object back up details
- From: swamireddy@xxxxxxxxx (M Ranga Swami Reddy)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert LeBlanc)
- Ceph Day Paris Schedule Posted
- From: patrick@xxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick McGarry)
- SSD journal deployment experiences
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: chibi@xxxxxxx (Christian Balzer)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- How to replace an node in ceph?
- From: dingdinghua85@xxxxxxxxx (Ding Dinghua)
- Cache pool and using btrfs for ssd osds
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Cache pool - step by step guide
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Huge issues with slow requests
- From: david@xxxxxxxxxx (David)
- ceph data consistency
- From: xmdxcxz@xxxxxxxxx (池信泽)
- ceph data consistency
- From: 545640272@xxxxxx (=?gb18030?b?0vjW8tChycg=?=)
- Need help : MDS cluster completely dead !
- From: ukernel@xxxxxxxxx (Yan, Zheng)
- One stuck PG
- From: ceph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Erwin Lubbers)
- Cache pool - step by step guide
- From: vadikgo@xxxxxxxxx (Vladislav Gorbunov)
- I fail to add a monitor in a ceph cluster
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- Cache pool - step by step guide
- From: andrei@xxxxxxxxxx (Andrei Mikhailovsky)
- Ceph monitor load, low performance
- From: mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Nelson)
- Ceph monitor load, low performance
- From: pawel.orzechowski@xxxxxxxxxxx (pawel.orzechowski at budikom.net)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: cedric@xxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Lemarchand)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: cedric@xxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Lemarchand)
- Misdirected client messages
- From: maros.vegh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maros Vegh)
- Misdirected client messages
- From: ilya.dryomov@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ilya Dryomov)
- Misdirected client messages
- From: maros.vegh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maros Vegh)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- ceph can not repair itself after accidental power down, half of pgs are peering
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- Uneven OSD usage
- From: clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Craig Lewis)
- Fixing mark_unfound_lost revert failure
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- Misdirected client messages
- From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Farnum)
- Install from alternate repo
- From: alfredo.deza@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Deza)
- Install from alternate repo
- From: James.LaBarre@xxxxxxxxx (LaBarre, James (CTR) A6IT)
- Need help : MDS cluster completely dead !
- From: florent@xxxxxxxxxxx (Florent Bautista)
- script for commissioning a node with multiple osds, added to cluster as a whole
- From: jay.janardhan@xxxxxxxxxx (Jay Janardhan)
- Need help : MDS cluster completely dead !
- From: john.spray@xxxxxxxxxx (John Spray)
- Misdirected client messages
- From: maros.vegh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maros Vegh)
- Rebuilding OSD in firefly
- From: xchenum@xxxxxxxxx (Xu (Simon) Chen)
- ceph cluster inconsistency keyvaluestore
- From: Kenneth.Waegeman@xxxxxxxx (Kenneth Waegeman)
- docker + coreos + ceph
- From: lorieri@xxxxxxxxx (Lorieri)
- [ceph-calamari] RFC: A preliminary Chinese version of Calamari
- From: gmeno@xxxxxxxxxx (Gregory Meno)
- script for commissioning a node with multiple osds, added to cluster as a whole
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- Need help : MDS cluster completely dead !
- From: bautista.florent@xxxxxxxxx (Florent Bautista)
- docker + coreos + ceph
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- docker + coreos + ceph
- From: marco@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Garcês)
- docker + coreos + ceph
- From: dmsimard@xxxxxxxx (David Moreau Simard)
- docker + coreos + ceph
- From: lorieri@xxxxxxxxx (Lorieri)
- Asked for emperor, got firefly. (You can't take the sky from me?)
- From: j.david.lists@xxxxxxxxx (J David)
- Asked for emperor, got firefly. (You can't take the sky from me?)
- From: alfredo.deza@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Deza)
- Asked for emperor, got firefly. (You can't take the sky from me?)
- From: konrad.gutkowski@xxxxxx (Konrad Gutkowski)
- Asked for emperor, got firefly. (You can't take the sky from me?)
- From: j.david.lists@xxxxxxxxx (J David)
- Asked for emperor, got firefly. (You can't take the sky from me?)
- From: konrad.gutkowski@xxxxxx (Konrad Gutkowski)
- Asked for emperor, got firefly. (You can't take the sky from me?)
- From: j.david.lists@xxxxxxxxx (J David)
- Asked for emperor, got firefly. (You can't take the sky from me?)
- From: alfredo.deza@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Deza)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: Warren_Wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wang, Warren)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- Questions regarding Crush Map
- From: jakesjohn12345@xxxxxxxxx (Jakes John)
- Questions regarding Crush Map
- From: robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert LeBlanc)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Questions regarding Crush Map
- From: jakesjohn12345@xxxxxxxxx (Jakes John)
- ceph-deploy with --release (--stable) for dumpling?
- From: Warren_Wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wang, Warren)
- Fixing mark_unfound_lost revert failure
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: c.lemarchand@xxxxxxxxxxx (Cédric Lemarchand)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Kirkwood)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: daniel.vanderster@xxxxxxx (Dan Van Der Ster)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: aderumier@xxxxxxxxx (Alexandre DERUMIER)
- Best practises for network settings.
- From: mateusz.skala@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mateusz Skała)
- Questions regarding Crush Map
- From: loic@xxxxxxxxxxx (Loic Dachary)
- Berlin Ceph MeetUp: September 22nd, 2014
- From: r.sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert Sander)
- Questions regarding Crush Map
- From: jakesjohn12345@xxxxxxxxx (Jakes John)
- [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K IOPS
- From: sebastien.han@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastien Han)
- I fail to add a monitor in a ceph cluster
- From: pgs@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Pascal GREGIS)
- kvm guest with rbd-disks are unaccesible after app. 3h afterwards one OSD node fails
- From: ulembke@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Udo Lembke)
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