osd crash: trim_objectcould not find coid

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On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Francois Deppierraz
<francois at ctrlaltdel.ch> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Thanks for your support!
> On 08. 09. 14 20:20, Gregory Farnum wrote:
>> The first one is not caused by the same thing as the ticket you
>> reference (it was fixed well before emperor), so it appears to be some
>> kind of disk corruption.
>> The second one is definitely corruption of some kind as it's missing
>> an OSDMap it thinks it should have. It's possible that you're running
>> into bugs in emperor that were fixed after we stopped doing regular
>> support releases of it, but I'm more concerned that you've got disk
>> corruption in the stores. What kind of crashes did you see previously;
>> are there any relevant messages in dmesg, etc?
> Nothing special in dmesg except probably irrelevant XFS warnings:
> XFS: possible memory allocation deadlock in kmem_alloc (mode:0x250)

Hmm, I'm not sure what the outcome of that could be. Googling for the
error message returns this as the first result, though:
Which indicates that it's a real deadlock and capable of messing up
your OSDs pretty good.

> All logs from before the disaster are still there, do you have any
> advise on what would be relevant?
>> Given these issues, you might be best off identifying exactly which
>> PGs are missing, carefully copying them to working OSDs (use the osd
>> store tool), and killing these OSDs. Do lots of backups at each
>> stage...
> This sounds scary, I'll keep fingers crossed and will do a bunch of
> backups. There are 17 pg with missing objects.
> What do you exactly mean by the osd store tool? Is it the
> 'ceph_filestore_tool' binary?

Yeah, that one.
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