Best practices on Filesystem recovery on RBD block volume?

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Dear ceph-users,

Recently we had an encounter of a XFS filesystem corruption on a NAS box.  After repairing the filesystem, we discover the files were gone.  This trigger some questions with regards to filesystem on RBD block which I hope the community can enlighten me.

1.  If a local filesystem on a rbd block is corrupted, is it fair to say that regardless of how many replicated copies we specified for the pool, unless the filesystem is properly repaired and recovered, we may not get our data back?

2.  If the above statement is true, does it mean that severe filesystem corruption on a RBD block constitute a single point of failure, since filesystems corruption can happened when the RBD client is not properly shutdown or due to a kernel bug?

3.  Other than existing best practices for a filesystem recovery, does ceph have any other best practices for filesystem on RBD which we can adopt for data recovery?

Thanks in advance.



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