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- USDA Implements up to $2.36 Billion to Help Agricultural Producers Recover after 2017 Hurricanes and Wildfires,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Address NRECA on MONDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- VIDEO: Perdue and McMahon Join Forces on #BackToOurRoots RV Tour,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue Concludes "Back to Our Roots" RV Tour in Kentucky TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA and SBA Join Forces to Help Businesses in Rural America,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue Continues "Back to Our Roots" RV Tour in Ohio and Kentucky TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Reopens Enrollment for Improved Dairy Safety Net Tool,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue Continues "Back to Our Roots" RV Tour in Ohio TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue Kicks Off Third "Back to Our Roots" RV Tour in Michigan TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Deputy Secretary Censky in St. Louis TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Issues Final Decision on California Federal Milk Marketing Order,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Focus on Program Integrity Across All Nutrition Programs,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Statement on Agreement in Principle on KORUS,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Issues USDA Statement on Plant Breeding Innovation,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Announces Third “Back to Our Roots” RV Tour,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Applauds Broadband Investment Included in Omnibus,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Praises Section 199A Tax Code Fix in Omnibus,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Applauds Fire Funding Fix in Omnibus,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement Regarding the Death of Zell Miller,
USDA Office of Communications
- Vice President Pence Presents National Ag Day Proclamation to Secretary Perdue,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Funding to Increase Access to E-Connectivity/Broadband in Unserved Rural Areas,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Celebrates National Ag Day,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Participate in National Ag Day Events TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Arizona MONDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Vice President Pence to Keynote National Ag Day Celebration at USDA on TUESDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Regionalization Agreement with South Korea to Help Protect U.S. Trade During HPAI Detections,
USDA Office of Communications
- Cabinet Secretaries Testify On The President’s Proposal For Rebuilding Infrastructure In America,
USDA Office of Communications
- VIDEO: Secretary Perdue Testifies on Rebuilding American Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement of Under Secretary Greg Ibach on Section 199A Tax Code Fix Agreement,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue's Prepared Opening Statement on Rural Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- CORRECTED: Secretary Perdue Statement on Extension of Agriculture Exemption from ELD Mandate,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on Extension of Agriculture Exemption from ELD Mandate,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Testify on Infrastructure TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Deputy Secretary Censky to Address the National Lieutenant Governors Association TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $276 Million in Rural Electric Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Decides Not to Impose Additional Regulatory Requirements for Organic Producers and Handlers,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in North Dakota TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Administers Oath of Office to Bill Northey,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Participate in Wall Street Journal Forum TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces More Local Control for School Meal Operations,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces American Egg Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to swear in Bill Northey in Des Moines TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Helps Cotton Producers Maintain, Expand Domestic Market,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Deputy Secretary Censky to Address School Nutrition Association MONDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Memphis TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in California TOMORROW and THURSDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on Confirmation of Bill Northey for Key USDA Post,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces National Potato Promotion Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces National Pork Producers Delegate Body Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Launches Webpage Highlighting Resources to Help Rural Communities Address the Opioid Crisis,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Keynote USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue: "Rural America will see major benefits from Trump's infrastructure plan",
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Georgia TODAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- The 2018 USDA Ag Outlook Forum Offers Pre-Forum Field Trips on Farming and Research,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Georgia MONDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA and Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy Work Jointly to Meet Industry’s Environmental Stewardship Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on President Trump’s Selection of Naomi Earp for USDA Civil Rights Post,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in California TUESDAY - THURSDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Cotton Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Applauds Trump Infrastructure Agenda, Benefits to Rural America,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Las Vegas SUNDAY and MONDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Announces Emergency Funding for Spotted Lanternfly in Pennsylvania,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Applauds President Trump’s Selection of USDA’s Rural Utility Service Administrator,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Names New Leaders in USDA’s Departmental Administration,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Paper and Packaging Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Christmas Tree Promotion Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum Extends Reduced Hotel Rates,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Unveils, Interactive Website for Agricultural Producers,
USDA Office of Communications
- This Super Bowl the USDA Recommends a Winning Play Against BAC!,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Launches MARS, Delivering Market Data to Agricultural Producers Around the Globe Faster and Easier,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Michigan TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue Regarding President Trump’s State of the Union Address,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Praises President Trump's Invitation of USFS Fire Fighter David Dahlberg to State of the Union,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Georgia TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, FDA Announce Formal Agreement to Bolster Coordination and Collaboration,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Lamb Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces National Sheep Industry Improvement Center Board of Directors Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Names 2018 Agricultural Outlook Forum Student Diversity Program Winners,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in South Carolina TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in South Carolina SATURDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Announces USDA’s Farm Bill and Legislative Principles for 2018,
USDA Office of Communications
- TOMORROW: Secretary Perdue to Roll Out Farm Bill & Legislative Principles in Pennsylvania,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Roll Out Farm Bill & Legislative Principles in Pennsylvania,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Outlines USDA Services in the Event of a Government Shutdown,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Plenary Speakers for the 2018 Agricultural Outlook Forum,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests in e-Connectivity to Restore Rural Prosperity by Providing Training and Health Care Services,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Proposed Rule to Modernize Swine Inspection,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Arkansas TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Popcorn Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Applauds President Trump’s Selection for USDA’s Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces National Peanut Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Presents Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force Report to President Trump,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Nashville MONDAY for American Farm Bureau Convention,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Announces Farm Service Agency State Committee Appointees,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces National Mango Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Issues Permit for Santa’s Reindeer,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Dairy Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Applauds USDA’s 2017 Accomplishments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on Congressional Passage of Tax Cuts & Reforms,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces National Watermelon Promotion Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA's Forest Service Crews Increase in California,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Applauds President Trump’s Leadership on Reducing Regulations,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Highlights $40 Million in Infrastructure Investments in Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Nominees for National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces New IT Operating Model,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides Tips to Keep Holiday Food Safe at Home or When Traveling,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Recognizes FY 2017 Presidential Rank Awards Winners,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Speak at National Press Club TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Clears Arizona to Test SNAP Fraud Prevention Improvement,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Ranked Among Best Places to Work in Federal Government,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Visit Florida A&M TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Mushroom Council Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Promises New SNAP Flexibilities to Promote Self-Sufficiency,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Sorghum Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Perdue Announces National Pork Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on President’s “Bring Back Main Street” Message,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in Arizona TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Helps Rural Communities Restore Water Systems Damaged by Disasters,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Perdue Announces National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Speak at National 4-H Congress in Atlanta,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Announces Soybean Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides Tips and Resources for a Bacteria-Free Thanksgiving,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides More Than $10 Million to Help Caribbean Area Farmers Recover Following Hurricanes,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on House Passage of Tax Cuts & Reforms,
USDA Office of Communications
- Sec. Perdue: U.S. Farm Exports Hit 3rd Highest Level on Record,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Announces Hass Avocado Board Appointments,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in New York Tomorrow,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Deputy Secretary Censky in Minnesota TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue Honors USDA Veterans TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests in Broadband Infrastructure in Unserved and Underserved Rural Areas,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Announces Farm Service Agency and Rural Development State Directors,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue in California Sunday and Monday,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $2.5 Billion in Rural Electric Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Attend ARS Groundbreaking Ceremony in Georgia TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Statement on House Passage of Resilient Federal Forests Act,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Swear-In Greg Ibach in Omaha, Nebraska,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on Confirmation of Greg Ibach Key USDA Post,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Offers Support to People and Communities Affected by California Wildfires,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Travel to South Dakota,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Attend National FFA Convention,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Offers Opportunities to Help California Producers Rebuild and Recover; Assessments Underway,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Deputy Secretary Censky in Milwaukee TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides Support for Hurricane-Impacted Dairies in Puerto Rico,
USDA Office of Communications
- US Forest Service Actively Involved in California Wildfire Response,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Hold Teleconference Following Travel to Europe,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Statement on President Trump’s Tax Reform Agenda,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Travel to Europe,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Attend Global Food Forum TUESDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Swear-In Steve Censky and Ted McKinney TUESDAY,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Brings Key Resources to Individuals and Communities Hit by Recent Hurricanes,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Attend Georgia National Fair TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on Ibach & Northey Senate Committee Hearing,
USDA Office of Communications
- MEDIA ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue Travels to North Carolina TOMORROW,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on Confirmation of Censky & McKinney for Key USDA Posts,
USDA Office of Communications
- ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Address Washington International Trade Association,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATE Regarding Secretary Perdue’s Regulatory Reform Listening Session,
USDA Office of Communications
- MEDIA ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Host Regulatory Reform Listening Session,
USDA Office of Communications
- MEDIA ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue to Celebrate Ag Day at the University of Tennessee,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Hosts U.S. Senators for 2017 Fire Briefing,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: TOMORROW: Secretary Perdue, U.S. Senators Attend Forest Service 2017 Fire Briefing,
USDA Office of Communications
- REMINDER: Media Advisory: Secretary Perdue in Texas with Chairman Conaway,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Urges State Foresters to Demand Congress Fix Fire Funding Problem,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Perdue to Tour Houston Area Impacted by Hurricane Harvey,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Statement on Censky & McKinney Senate Committee Hearing,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue Travels to West Virginia Wednesday,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Makes Disaster Resources Available to Rural Development Borrowers,
USDA Office of Communications
- REVISED Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue to Survey Hurricane Damage in Florida Monday,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue to Survey Hurricane Damage in Florida Monday,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue to Survey Hurricane Damage in Georgia, Florida, and Texas,
USDA Office of Communications
- Forest Service Wildland Fire Suppression Costs Exceed $2 Billion,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA and THHSC Announce Approval of D-SNAP for Texas Disaster Areas,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Calls on Congress to Fix Forest Service Fire Funding Problem,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides Oregon Children Impacted by Wildfires More Flexible Access to Meals Service,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Announces USDA Improvements for Customer Service & Efficiency,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, TDA: More Food Help on the Way for Households Hit by Harvey,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Statement on President Trump’s Tax Reform Agenda,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, USTR Announce that Vietnam Reopens Market to U.S. DDGS Exports,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Eases WIC Food Package Rules for Texas Participants Affected by Harvey,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Helps Hurricane Harvey Evacuees to Obtain Expedited Nutrition Assistance,
USDA Office of Communications
- VIDEO: Secretary Perdue Administers Oath to Tony Tooke as New Forest Service Chief,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Applauds President Trump’s Selections for Key USDA Posts,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Administers Oath to Tony Tooke as New Forest Service Chief,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, Texas Take Immediate Action, Launch Long Term Plans to Feed Hurricane-Stricken Areas,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Providing Nutrition Help to States Hit by Hurricane, Flooding,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATED Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue Launches Second “Back to Our Roots” RV Tour,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue Launches Second “Back to Our Roots” RV Tour,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue to Attend Farm Progress Show,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Integrates Recalls Information into 'FoodKeeper' Application,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue to Hold Georgia Events Friday,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretaries Perdue and Zinke to Travel to Montana for On-Site Briefing on Wildfires,
USDA Office of Communications
- POSTPONED: Secretary Perdue Tours the National Detector Dog Training Center,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Perdue Details Response to Recent Wildfires,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Perdue Tours the National Detector Dog Training Center,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Perdue Travels to South Carolina,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Perdue Heads to Florida to Discuss State of Citrus Industry and Keynote Citrus Expo Dinner,
USDA Office of Communications
- Make Food Safety a Priority This Fall,
USDA Office of Communications
- Advisory: Secretary Perdue Holds Press Call from the “Back to Our Roots" RV Tour,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATED Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue to Kick Off “Back to Our Roots” RV Tour,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Appoints New Leadership for Food Safety,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Perdue to Kick Off “Back to Our Roots” RV Tour,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement of Secretary Perdue Regarding Japan's Planned Increase of Tariff on U.S. Frozen Beef,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue to Travel to Mexico, Hold Friday Teleconference with U.S. Media,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Partners with FFA to Support Next Generation of Leaders in Agriculture,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Partners with FFA to Support Next Generation of Agriculture,
USDA Office of Communications
- Readout on Principals Meeting on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force,
USDA Office of Communications
- MONDAY: Secretary Perdue Joins Delaware Congressional Delegation at Delaware State Fair,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Technology Transfer Report Highlights “Made in America” Research,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: TOMORROW: Secretary Perdue and Senator Luther Strange Meet with Alabama Farmers Federation County Presidents,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S., China Sign Historic Agreement to Provide Market Access for U.S. Rice Exports,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Applauds President Trump for Selections of McKinney & Clovis for USDA Posts,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Announces New Leadership for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: TOMORROW: Secretary Perdue Visits Turkey Thicket Recreation Center to Highlight Summer Meal Programs,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Applauds Presidential Nomination of Censky for USDA Deputy Secretary,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: TOMORROW: Secretary Perdue Speaks at the School Nutrition Association Annual National Conference,
USDA Office of Communications
- In China, Perdue Welcomes U.S. Beef back to Market,
USDA Office of Communications
- FSIS Provides PRO Grilling Tips for Summer Barbecues,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Perdue to Travel to China to Mark Return of U.S. Beef,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Authorizes Emergency Grazing in Drought-Stricken Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue: USDA Halting Import of Fresh Brazilian Beef,
USDA Office of Communications
- Joint Statement of Secretary Perdue (U.S.), Minister Lawrence MacAulay (Canada) & Secretary Calzada (Mexico) Regarding Trilateral Agriculture Meetings in Savannah, Georgia,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Tomorrow: Perdue Hosts Trilateral Meeting with Canada and Mexico in Savannah,
USDA Office of Communications
- REVISED Media Advisory: Tuesday - Perdue Hosts Trilateral Meeting with Canada and Mexico in Savannah,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Names Leadership in Acting Roles as USDA Reorganization Takes Shape,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Next Tuesday: Perdue Hosts Trilateral Meeting with Canada and Mexico in Savannah,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Hosts Inaugural Rural Prosperity Task Force Meeting,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: TOMORROW: Secretary Perdue to Host Inaugural Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force Meeting,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Perdue to Host Inaugural Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force Meeting,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S., China Finalize Details to Send U.S. Beef to China,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Names Anne Hazlett to Lead Rural Development at USDA,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Helps Expand Rural Broadband Infrastructure in Four States,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Statement on Sugar Agreement with Mexico,
USDA Office of Communications
- Second Lady Karen Pence, Secretary Perdue Unveil Beehive at Vice President’s Residence, and Asks Public to Help Boost Pollinator Population,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Statement on Visit to Toronto, First International Trip as Secretary of Agriculture,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretaries Perdue and Zinke Stress Inter-Departmental Collaboration as Wildfire Season Approaches,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue on President Trump’s Paris Accord Announcement,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Community Development Grants,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards Loans to Build and Expand Rural Electric Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- VIDEO: Secretary Perdue’s First Days at USDA,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement of Secretary Perdue Regarding Trade Breakthrough with China,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Perdue Announces Creation of Undersecretary for Trade,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards First Loans in the Rural Energy Savings Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- Ag Secretary Perdue Pledges USDA Support in Face of Heartland Flooding,
USDA Office of Communications
- Ag Secretary Perdue Moves to Make School Meals Great Again,
USDA Office of Communications
- Perdue Joins White House “Farmers Roundtable” as President Trump Issues Executive Order on Agriculture,
USDA Office of Communications
- Sonny Perdue Sworn in as 31st U.S. Secretary of Agriculture,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA on Tainted Brazilian Meat: None Has Entered U.S., 100 Percent Re-Inspection Instituted,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Funding to Improve Rural Electric Infrastructure in Nine States,
USDA Office of Communications
- Beat Foodborne Illness this Super Bowl,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Releases New Report on Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Balance of Ethanol,
USDA Office of Communications
- Federal Agencies Partner to Motivate Americans to Be Healthy and Active,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATED: Federal Officials to Discuss Family Expenditures on Children & Resources for Financial Planning,
USDA Office of Communications
- Families Projected to Spend an Average of $233,610 Raising a Child Born in 2015,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Retailer Volunteers for SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: MyPlate, MyWins Helps Americans Turn Resolutions into Real Solutions for Healthy Eating in the New Year,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides New Cost Share Opportunities for Organic Producers and Handlers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $225 Million in Innovative Conservation Partnerships,
USDA Office of Communications
- ICYMI: Making USDA Work Better for You #USDAResults - Chapter 12,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Issues Report on Investments to Grow the Rural Economy,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $74 Million for Affordable Rural Rental Housing in 2016 as 20-Year Program Eclipses $1 Billion Mark,
USDA Office of Communications
- Partnership Seeking Input for Projects to Strengthen National Defense and Preserve Working Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Boosts Healthy Food Access, Sets New Standards for SNAP Retailers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on House Agriculture Committee Report on SNAP,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces New Conservation Opportunities to Improve Water Quality and Restore Wildlife Habitat,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Farm Loans for Native Americans Farming and Ranching on Tribal Land,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Proposes Revisions to Nutritional Fact Panel for Meat and Poultry Products,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Latest Quarterly Export Forecast for 2017,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Farm Income Forecast for 2016,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards $6.7 Million for Research to Support Healthy Agroecosystems,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Public-Private Partnerships to Create Economic Opportunities through Regional Food Supply Chains,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: USDA Report Highlights Scientific Research, Development Breakthroughs,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: USDA, EPA Announce U.S. Food Loss and Waste 2030 Champions,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: USDA Awards $9.4 Million for Safer, More Effective Pest Management,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: USDA Awards Funds for Fiscal Year 2017 Market Development Programs,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: USDA, Partners Celebrate First Wood-to-Jet-Fuel Commercial Flight,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Rural America at a Glance, 2016 Edition,
USDA Office of Communications
- ICYMI: Food and Ag Science Will Shape Our Future #USDAResults - Chapter 11,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for $25 Million in Conservation Innovation Grants,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards $4.3 Million to Ensure Access to Needed Veterinary Services in Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Grants $20.2 Million for Food and Forestry Research and Development Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- ICYMI: Food and Ag Science Will Shape Our Future #USDAResults • Chapter 11,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Four University Teams Win the First National I-FAST Prize Competition,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $331 Million Investment for Clean Water Infrastructure in Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $1.7 Billion to Protect Sensitive Agricultural Lands through Conservation Reserve Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Awards $45 Million in Grants to Help Agricultural Producers and Small Rural Businesses Develop New Products,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides $3.6 Billion for Electric Projects in 31 States,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests Over $300 Million to Help Hundreds of Small Businesses Improve Energy Efficiency, Adopt Renewable Energy Systems,
USDA Office of Communications
- MEDIA ADVISORY: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack in Texas to Advance USDA’s $100 Billion Commitment to the Lone Star State with Historic Investments in Renewable Energy,
USDA Office of Communications
- MEDIA ADVISORY: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack in Texas to Announce Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- NIFA Announces Funding Available for Organic Agriculture Research, Education and Extension Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Next Round of Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Program Grants,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Streamlined Guaranteed Loans and Additional Lender Category for Small-Scale Operators,
USDA Office of Communications
- ICYMI: Powering America with a More Sustainable Energy Future #USDAResults,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces McLarty Capital Partners Rural Investment Fund,
USDA Office of Communications
- NIFA invests $1.4 million in Health and Safety Education for Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Plans to Purchase Surplus Cheese, Releases New Report Showing Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Create Growth for Dairy Industry,
USDA Office of Communications
- #USDAResults: Powering America with a More Sustainable Energy Future,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Celebrates Progress during National School Lunch Week and Farm to School Month,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Increased Support to Expand and Diversify the U.S. Agriculture Workforce,
USDA Office of Communications
- ICYMI - The White House Rural Council: Support for Rural America from the Ground Up,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Issues Safety-Net Payments to Farmers in Response to 2015 Market Downturn,
USDA Office of Communications
- Op-ed from President Barack Obama on the Strength and Resilience of Rural America,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Launches New Apprenticeship Program Targeting Veterans,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Report Shows Growing Biobased Products Industry Contributes $393 Billion and 4.2 Million Jobs to American Economy,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $8.4 Million to Support Minority and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Press Release: USDA Unveils New $328 Million Restoration Strategy for Gulf-area Agricultural Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- News Release: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces New Local Initiatives to Address the Rural Opioid Epidemic,
USDA Office of Communications
- ICYMI: Correction: Rural Incomes DID Rise,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces New Open Data Partnership for Public Health,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Retailer Volunteers for SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S. Forest Service and Coca-Cola Announce the Restoration of One Billion Liters of Water,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Coca-Cola President Sandy Douglas to Announce National Water Restoration Success,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $26 Million Investment to Spur Agricultural Innovation,
USDA Office of Communications
- Op-Ed: Rural America Is Back In Business,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces R&D Investments for 76 Small Businesses,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Significant Decrease in Household Food Insecurity in the United States,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards Grants to Preserve Affordable Rural Housing,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Deputy Under Secretary Taylor Leads Women in Agriculture Trade Mission to Hong Kong and Shanghai,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Rural America is Back in Business,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Initiative to Provide Transitional Housing for Rural Americans in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Farm Income Forecasts for 2015 and 2016,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Latest Quarterly Export Forecasts for 2016 and 2017,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Purchase Surplus Cheese for Food Banks and Families in Need, Continue to Assist Dairy Producers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Death of Firefighter Justin Beebe,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Safety Net Assistance for Milk Producers Due to Tightening Dairy Margins,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: A New Era for Civil Rights at USDA,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Vilsack Announces $36.5 Million for Specialty Crop Research and Extension Investments,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Reopening of Brazilian Market to U.S. Beef Exports,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Funding to Develop Advanced Biofuels and Plant-Based Products,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Substance Misuse Prevention Resources for Low Income Pregnant Women and Mothers In Order to Battle the Opioid Epidemic,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Additional Efforts to Make School Environments Healthier,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Signing of the Global Food Security Act,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Safer Food and Greater Consumer Confidence,
USDA Office of Communications
- White House Rural Council Announces Assistance to Grow Small Business Exports,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Funds 81 Distance Learning and Telemedicine Projects in 32 States,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on America’s Opioid Misuse Epidemic,
USDA Office of Communications
- Three Military Bases, Ranges Added to Sentinel Landscape Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Foodkeeper App,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Help 821 Rural Small Businesses Boost Renewable Energy Use, Save on Energy Costs,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $49 Million Public-Private Investment to Improve Critical Wetlands in 12 States,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA FoodKeeper App to Feature New Food Safety Tools, Spanish and Portuguese Functionality,
USDA Office of Communications
- During Obama Administration, USDA Has Made Most Significant Food Safety Updates Since 1950s,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $8.4 Million to Support a Diverse Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Telemedicine Funding to Address Opioid Epidemic in Appalachia,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, Interior Announce More Than $47 Million in Investments for Water Conservation, Energy Efficiency, Drought Response & Agriculture Operations Across the West,
USDA Office of Communications
- During National Pollinator Week, USDA Announces Key Measures to Improve Pollinator Health,
USDA Office of Communications
- Crop Insurance Gives Farmers More Planting Flexibility,
USDA Office of Communications
- Forest Service Survey Finds Record 66 Million Dead Trees in Southern Sierra Nevada,
USDA Office of Communications
- New Study Quantifies Benefits of Agricultural Conservation in Upper Mississippi River Basin,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces New Assistance to Help Rural Utility Customers Conserve Energy, Lower Bills,
USDA Office of Communications
- Forest Service Makes it Easier for Visitors to Enjoy National Forests and Grasslands,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Honors Wells Fargo as "Champion of Rural Housing",
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Trade Missions,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Acting Deputy Secretary Scuse Leads Trade Mission to Ukraine, Romania,
USDA Office of Communications
- [UPDATED] Press Release: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Joins Education Secretary King, Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, and Virginia First Lady McAuliffe to Celebrate National Summer Meals Program Kick-Off,
USDA Office of Communications
- Press Release: USDA, Partners to invest over $11 Million in 21st Century Conservation Service,
USDA Office of Communications
- Press Release: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Joins Education Secretary King and Virginia First Lady McAuliffe to Celebrate National Summer Meals Program Kick-Off,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides Targeted Assistance to Cotton Producers to Share in the Cost of Ginning,
USDA Office of Communications
- Obama Administration Names Final Round of Promise Zone Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Access to Capital for Rural Businesses,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - Rural Communities Benefit from Ag Exports,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Celebrates National Homeownership Month,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Unveils New Improvement to Streamline Crop Reporting,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces More Than $8 Million in Payments to Support the Production of Advanced Biofuel,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Extends Deadline for Recording Farm Structure,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Acting Deputy Secretary Scuse Leads USDA Clean Energy Mission to Mexico,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards $4.5 Million in Rural Community Development Grants; To Seek Applications for Future Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- On 80th Anniversary of Rural Electrification Act, USDA Invests More Than $200 Million in Electric Infrastructure Improvements in Five States,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $21 Million Available For Bioeconomy Research and Development,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Forest Service and Partners Gear Up for Significant 2016 Wildfire Season,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Lowers Cost to Refinance Rural Housing Loans,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards Funds to Expand, Accelerate Wood Energy and Wood Products Markets in 19 States,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on House Legislation to Address Opioid Abuse,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Departure of Arthur "Butch" Blazer, Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Helps Farms and Small Businesses Conserve Energy and Save Costs,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Food, Forestry and Climate Change,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, DOE Partner to Invest $10 Million in Green Energy Research,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Announce Major Investment for Conservation, Results of Climate-Smart Agriculture Plan at Center for American Progress,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Conservation Reserve Program Results,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Open Prairie Rural Opportunities Fund,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Special Edition,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $6 Million in Available Funding for Antimicrobial Resistance Research,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Unveils New 'Urban Agriculture Toolkit' for Urban Farmers and Agri-business Entrepreneurs,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Offers New Loans for Portable Farm Storage and Handling Equipment,
USDA Office of Communications
- Fact Sheet: Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Opportunities for U.S. Agriculture in Vietnam,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Signing of the Paris Climate Agreement,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Travel to Japan, Vietnam,
USDA Office of Communications
- Ahead of Earth Day, USDA Announces Clean Water and Environmental Projects for 60 Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Nearly $12 Million in Broadband Grants for Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATED: USDA Expands Safety-Net for Dairy Operations Adding Next-Generation Family Members,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Safety-Net for Dairy Operations Adding Next-Generation Family Members,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Address Mental Health and Addiction Summit on Drug Abuse,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Grants to Help Agricultural Producers Increase the Value of Their Products,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Awardees of Summer EBT Grants, Extends Benefits to Flint, Michigan and Other High-Need Areas,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATED: Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Child Nutrition,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Child Nutrition,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces New GroupGAP Program for the Produce Industry,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: New Markets, New Opportunities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Issues Final Rule Extending New Religious Liberty Protections to Beneficiaries of Federally-Funded Programs,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $103 Million in Vital Watershed Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- Federal, Philanthropic Partners Join to Strengthen Local Food Supply Chains,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $5.2 Million For Nanotechnology Research,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Address National Summit on Prescription Drug Abuse,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Loans and Grants to Help Grow Rural Businesses and Spur Economic Development,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards $8.5 Million to Improve Communities' Water Sources,
USDA Office of Communications
- Farm to School Programs Invest Nearly $800 Million in Local Economies,
USDA Office of Communications
- United States Secures Full Access for U.S. Beef and Beef Products to Peru,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $260 Million Available for Regional Conservation Partnership Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Launches Online MyPlate, MyWins Challenge, Available Throughout National Nutrition Month,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Leads Business Leaders on Trade Mission to Peru, Chile,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Grants to Support Strategies to Reduce Child Food Insecurity in Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Commits $20 Million to Innovative Conservation Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Growing a Healthier Future,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Celebrates 50 Years of School Breakfast, Offers $6.8 Million in Grants to Support Healthy School Meals,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Give Keynote Remarks on the Future of American Agriculture at National Farmers Union 114th Anniversary Convention,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: [TIME CHANGE] Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Former Agriculture Secretaries Dan Glickman and Ann Veneman to Host Conversation on Food and Nutrition at the Bipartisan Policy Center,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults Chapter 3,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Selects Ten States for Job-Driven SNAP Employment and Training Project,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Former Agriculture Secretaries Dan Glickman and Ann Veneman to Host Conversation on Food and Nutrition at the Bipartisan Policy Center,
USDA Office of Communications
- Obama Administration Announces New Chair of Restore Council and Reaffirms Commitment to Gulf Region,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Improves the WIC Shopping Experience to Better Serve our Nation's Low-Income, New and Expecting Mothers and Their Young Children,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $25 Million in High-Priority Watersheds to Improve Water Quality,
USDA Office of Communications
- Fact Sheet: USDA Investments in Rural Opportunity,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards Loans to Boost Rural Economic Development in Five States,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Insurance Options for Farmers Transitioning to Certified Organic Agriculture,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Proposes Policies to Improve Food Access, Healthy Choices for Low-income Americans,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Join Forces to Promote Agriculture Jobs and Farming and Ranching to Military Veterans,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, Partners to Invest $720 Million in Large-Scale, Targeted Conservation Projects Across the Nation,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretaries Jewell, Vilsack Applaud President Obama's Designation of Three New National Monuments in California Desert,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Sees Strong Demand for Conservation Reserve Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Temporarily Allow WIC Funds to be Used for Lead Testing for Flint-Area WIC Recipients, Announces Other Measures to Expand Access to Healthy Foods,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Caring for our Land, Air and Water,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss President’s 2017 Budget Request for USDA,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, NFL, Fuel Up to Play 60 Partner to Award $35 Million to Help Schools Serve Healthier Meals, Strengthen Childhood Nutrition,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Invest $150 Million through Conservation Stewardship Program to Help Improve Working Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Partners Announce Commitment to Youth,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Finalizes New Food Safety Measures to Reduce Salmonella and Campylobacter in Poultry,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults Chapter 2,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S. Forest Service Releases Findings on the Effects of Drought for Forests and Rangelands,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Proposals for Market-Based Wetland Protection Systems,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Renews Agricultural Air Quality Task Force, Appoints Members,
USDA Office of Communications
- Obama Administration to Partner with 27 Communities to Boost Neighborhood Revitalization through Local Food Enterprises,
USDA Office of Communications
- Progress Report: USDA Investments Make Big Impact for Rural America in 2015,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretaries of the Navy, Agriculture Launch Deployment of Great Green Fleet,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Secretary Tom Vilsack on Senate Progress to Reauthorize Child Nutrition Programs,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Lead Trade Mission to Chile and Peru,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Microloans to Help Farmers Purchase Farmland and Improve Property,
USDA Office of Communications
- State of the Union: Cabinet in Your Community,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA's StrikeForce Initiative Invests $23.5 Billion in Rural Communities, Expands to Four New States,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults: Chapter 1 - Celebrating America’s Farmers and Ranchers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards $46 Million to Boost Energy Efficiency in Vermont,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Expanded Market Access for U.S. Poultry, Pork and Beef Exports to South Africa,
USDA Office of Communications
- HHS and USDA Release New Dietary Guidelines to Encourage Healthy Eating Patterns to Prevent Chronic Diseases,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Announces 2015 Wildfires Burned Record Acres, Urges Congress to Pass Wildfire Funding Fix,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: HHS and USDA to Make Nutrition Announcement,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Proclaiming Today Bob Stallman Appreciation Day,
USDA Office of Communications
- Introducing USDA Results, a Year-Long Storytelling Effort of the Obama Administration’s Work on Behalf of Those Living, Working and Raising Families in Rural America,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Shares 2015 Results: Building a Stronger Rural America through Partnership, Progress and Promise,
USDA Office of Communications
- Obama Administration Announces Competition to Designate the Third and Final Round of Promise Zones,
USDA Office of Communications
USDA Office of Communications
- Federal Agencies Release Update on National Biogas Activities,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Finalization of COP 21 Deal,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $40 Million Available to Help Ranchers Restore Sage Grouse Habitat,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides Loan Guarantee Conditional Commitment to Build Georgia Biofuel Plant,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - A #HighFive for Farmers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Begins 49th Enrollment Period for the Conservation Reserve Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Address Global Food Security and Climate Change at COP21 in Paris,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Secretary Tom Vilsack on Finalization of the Renewable Fuel Standard,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Travel to Brussels, Paris to Discuss TTIP, Global Food Security, Climate Change,
USDA Office of Communications
- Growth in U.S. Agricultural Exports to China,
USDA Office of Communications
- Bipartisan Group of Former Agriculture Secretaries Urges Congress to Pass Trade Pacific Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- FACT SHEET: Trans Pacific Partnership and Japan: Key Outcomes for Agriculture,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $350 Million Available to Help States, Private Partners Protect and Restore Grasslands, Wetlands, and Working Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Funding Expands Broadband Access to Nearly Six Million Rural Residents, Workers and Businesses,
USDA Office of Communications
- FACT SHEET: Helping U.S. Exporters Gain Access to Valuable Overseas Markets,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards Funds for Fiscal Year 2016 Market Development Programs,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Helps Schools Connect with Local Farmers and Ranchers,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S., Ghana Announce Food for Progress Agreements to Increase Agricultural Productivity,
USDA Office of Communications
- [CORRECTED] Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Travel to Japan to Discuss Trans-Pacific Partnership, Strong U.S.-Japan Trade,
USDA Office of Communications
- The Daughter of Peanut Farmers: An Interview with Krysta Harden,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Deputy Secretary Harden to Lead USDA Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Mission,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Travel to Japan to Discuss Trans-Pacific Partnership, Strong U.S.-Japan Trade,
USDA Office of Communications
- Forest Service Report Highlights Restoration Progress Made Despite Growing Challenges,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - Global Partnerships Secure Our Future,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Investment in Water Conservation and Improvement in Nation's Largest Aquifer,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Induction of Cesar Chavez, Dr. Mary-Dell Chilton to U.S. Department of Agriculture Hall of Heroes,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Release of Text for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $30 Million to Improve Water Quality in Mississippi River Basin,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides $314 Million in Water and Waste Infrastructure Improvements in Rural Communities Nationwide,
USDA Office of Communications
- Press Release: USDA to Establish First-Ever SNAP Employment & Training Center of Excellence,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden Announces New USDA Commitments to Help Build Up Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: NATIONAL MEDIA CALL: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene to Announce SNAP Employment & Training Center of Excellence with Seattle Jobs Initiative,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $3.7 Million to Repair Rural Housing,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $210 Million to be Invested in Renewable Energy Infrastructure through the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Announce New Investments in Renewable Fuels Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Vilsack Announces Additional Progress in Addressing Childhood Hunger, Applauds Pediatricians for their Commitment,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Provides Funding for More Than 1,100 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects Nationwide,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss Effects of Childhood Food Insecurity at American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards Nearly $2.3 Billion in Loans for 77 Rural Electric Infrastructure Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: NATIONAL MEDIA CALL: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Announce $2.3 Billion for Rural Electric Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- Fact Sheet: USDA Invests in New Market Opportunities in Local and Regional Food Systems,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Lanon Baccam as Deputy Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services and Military Veterans Agricultural Liaison,
USDA Office of Communications
- New USDA Data Show Growing Farm to School Efforts Help to Reduce Plate Waste, Increase Student Participation in Healthier School Meals Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Invest $30 million to Help Protect Wetlands in Six States,
USDA Office of Communications
- Forest Service Chief Reviews Fire Season, Calls for Two-Part Solution to Fire Budget,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - Trans-Pacific Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- Nation's Ag Co-ops Set Records for Income and Revenue,
USDA Office of Communications
- New USDA Fact Sheets Illustrate State-by-State Benefits of Trans-Pacific Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
USDA Office of Communications
- Food and Agriculture Groups Express Optimism and Confidence in Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for $16.8 Million in Grants to Empower SNAP Participants to Make Healthy Eating Choices,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: NATIONAL MEDIA CALL TODAY at 2:30 p.m.: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Host National Media Call on the Trans-Pacific Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - Harvest Season: The Promise of Rural America,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATED: Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Regarding the Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Regarding the Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Commits $4 Million to Improve Chesapeake Bay Water Quality,
USDA Office of Communications
- New #WomenInAg Infographics Show Impact of Women in Agriculture in Every State,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $8.8 Million to Support a Diverse Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers,
USDA Office of Communications
- FACT SHEET: 10 Communities Named Rural IMPACT Demonstration Sites,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: USDA and HHS to Announce Ten Demonstration Sites for Rural IMPACT Initiative,
USDA Office of Communications
- Press Release: USDA Extends Dairy Margin Protection Program Deadline,
USDA Office of Communications
- Press Release: USDA Commits $2.5 Million to Expand New Farmer Education,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Vilsack Announces Appointment of Karla Thieman as USDA Chief of Staff,
USDA Office of Communications
- Deputy Secretary Harden to Lead Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Mission,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Partners with EPA, Offers New Resources to Support Water Quality Trading,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S. Tall Wood Building Prize Competition Winners Revealed,
USDA Office of Communications
- Food Retailers, Agriculture Industry, and Charitable Organizations Support First National Goal to Reduce Food Waste by 50 Percent by 2030,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA and EPA Join with Private Sector, Charitable Organizations to Set Nation's First Food Waste Reduction Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Helps Reduce High Energy Costs in Remote Rural Areas,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Offers Help to Fire-Affected Farmers and Ranchers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA, DOI, and OMB Urge Congress to Fix the Fire Budget,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards $20.5 Million to Advance the Next Generation of Natural Resources Conservation,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA In Case You Missed It - Preserving and Restoring Our Water, Soil and Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA and Department of Defense Announce Agriculture Education Effort that will Reach 200,000 Transitioning Military Service Members Each Year,
USDA Office of Communications
- New Report Shows Farm to School Grants Have Increased Likelihood that 6.9 Million Kids Will Eat More Healthy Food at School, Created New Local Market Opportunities for Farmers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Federal Government to Join with Private Sector, Charitable Organizations to Set Nation’s First Food Waste Reduction Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Media Advisory: Federal Government to Join with Private Sector, Charitable Organizations to Set Nation’s First Food Waste Reduction Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Federal Government to Join with Private Sector, Charitable Organizations to Set Nation’s First Food Waste Reduction Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Federal Government to Join with Private Sector, Charitable Organizations to Set Nation’s First Food Waste Reduction Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Federal Government to Join with Private Sector, Charitable Organizations to Set Nation’s First Food Waste Reduction Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Federal Government to Join with Private Sector, Charitable Organizations to Set Nation’s First Food Waste Reduction Goals,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Name Winners of U.S. Tall Wood Building Prize Competition,
USDA Office of Communications
- As Wildfires Continue to Burn, New Maps Shows Expansion of Wildland-Urban Interface,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces State Finalists for the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: NATIONAL MEDIA CALL: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Make Major Announcement on Biofuels and Renewable Energy Investments,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on New Data Showing National Food Security Rate is Strongest since before the Recession,
USDA Office of Communications
- National Press Club Newsmaker News Conference on National Child Nutrition Strategy,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Joins Key Leaders from American Academy of Pediatrics and Pew Charitable Trusts to Call on Congress to Reauthorize Strong Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act during Remarks at National Press Club,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Awards $8 Million to Support Healthier Foods in Schools and Child Care Centers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Live stream link: Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss National Child Nutrition Strategy, Call on Congress to Reauthorize Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at National Press Club,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... Preserving and Restoring Our Water, Soil and Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss National Child Nutrition Strategy, Call on Congress to Reauthorize Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at National Press Club,
USDA Office of Communications
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss National Child Nutrition Strategy, Call on Congress to Reauthorize Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at National Press Club,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss National Child Nutrition Strategy, Call on Congress to Reauthorize Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at National Press Club,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss National Child Nutrition Strategy, Call on Congress to Reauthorize Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at National Press Club,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Discuss National Child Nutrition Strategy, Call on Congress to Reauthorize Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at National Press Club,
USDA Office of Communications
- Strengthening Child Nutrition Programs: Back to School and Back to Work for Congress,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Encourages Congress to Reauthorize Strong Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act during Remarks at Center for American Progress,
USDA Office of Communications
- Fact Sheet: Schools Serving, Kids Eating Healthier School Meals Thanks to Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to Give Keynote Remarks on Child Nutrition at Center for American Progress,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Expands Farm Safety Net, Offers Greater Flexibility for Beginning, Organic and Fruit and Vegetable Growers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Passing of Amelia Boynton Robinson,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Unveils New Strategy to Conserve Sage Grouse Habitat on Private Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and U.S. Senator Ron Wyden to Participate in Fire Briefing and Media Availability,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Secretary Tom Vilsack on Updated 2015 U.S. Farm Income Forecast,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Secretary Tom Vilsack on Ongoing Devastating Wildfire Season,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement from Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Loss and Injury of U.S. Forest Service Firefighters in Washington State,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: USDA to Announce Grants to Enhance Recreational Public Access on Private Farm, Ranch and Forest Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Expand Investment in Water Quality within Western Lake Erie Basin,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $4.9 Million in Investments for Rural Alabama Businesses and Community Infrastructure,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... Building a Better Future for Our Children,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATE: USDA Invests $63 Million to Support 264 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects Nationwide,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $63 Million to Support 264 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects Nationwide,
USDA Office of Communications
- Forest Service Report: Rising Firefighting Costs Raises Alarms,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Recognizes WIC Agencies for Supporting Breastfeeding Mothers,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... USDA Summer Road Trip - Final Stop,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Available Funding for Farm Bill Broadband Loan Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces First Private Sector Investments through U.S. Rural Infrastructure Opportunity Fund,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to Give Remarks on Opportunities for Investment and Innovation in Agriculture at 1776 Fireside Chat,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... USDA Summer Road Trip - Fourth Stop,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Broadens Crop Insurance Options for Fruit and Nut Producers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $349 Million in Funding for Rural Electric Infrastructure Projects including $17 Million in Smart Grid Technology,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... USDA Summer Road Trip - Third Stop,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Funding for Rural Broadband Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Announce Critical Funding for Rural Electric Infrastructure and Smart Grid Technology,
USDA Office of Communications
- NIH Body Weight Planner Added to USDA SuperTracker Food and Activity Tool,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Funding to Improve Nearly 350 Miles of Electric Lines in Eastern Iowa,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Available Funding and Changes to USDA's Biorefinery and Biobased Product Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: USDA to Hold Stakeholder Forum on the Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing Assistance Program,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Conservation Incentives for Working Grass, Range and Pasture Lands,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... USDA Summer Road Trip - Second Stop,
USDA Office of Communications
- ICYMI - Vilsack Op-ed: Don’t reverse progress toward healthier school lunches (Salt Lake Tribune),
USDA Office of Communications
- Fact Sheet: USDA Support for Older Americans,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Proposes New Ways to Help Meet Nutrition Needs of Low-Income, Homebound Seniors and People with Disabilities,
USDA Office of Communications
- TV Feature: Grilling Like a PRO,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... USDA Summer Road Trip,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Vilsack To Lead Presidential Delegation to Milan Expo,
USDA Office of Communications
- Members Named to Seven Agricultural Trade Advisory Committees,
USDA Office of Communications
- Enrollment for 2016 Dairy Margin Protection Program to Begin July 1,
USDA Office of Communications
- SNAP Benefit Redemptions through Farmers and Farmers Markets Show Sharp Increase,
USDA Office of Communications
- Allergen-Free Peanuts Lead USDA Report Highlighting New Innovations in Ag,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Vilsack Appoints New Members to National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Provide Remarks on the Value of Investing in Rural America and USDA-led Innovations,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Loans and Grants to Create Jobs and Support Rural Economic Development,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Opens Enrollment Period for Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Safety-Net Programs,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Grants to Provide Development Support to Rural Cooperatives,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Begins Accepting Applications from States for $100 Million Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Tom Vilsack Visits 50th State for National Outdoors Month,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects in Wyoming,
USDA Office of Communications
- UPDATED: Media Advisory: Secretary Tom Vilsack Visits His 50th State to Announce Energy Grants for Small Business Owners and Rural Ag Producers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Invests $6.7 Million in 544 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects Nationwide,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Tom Vilsack Visits His 50th State to Announce Energy Grants for Small Business Owners and Rural Ag Producers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, Interior Secretary Jewell Outline Wildfire Threat during Upcoming Fire Season,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Chief Economist Says Study Confirms Wood Pellet Industry Promotes Forest Stewardship, Helps Create Jobs, Cuts Greenhouse Gasses,
USDA Office of Communications
- In Case You Missed It... USDA Farm to Table,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, Interior Secretary Jewell, Forest Service Chief Tidwell to Brief Media on Projections for Upcoming Wildfire Season,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Grants to Help Repair Housing in Rural Communities,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Restart of Biomass Crop Assistance Program for Renewable Energy,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Joins Community Partners to Expand Access to Summer Meals for Children,
USDA Office of Communications
- Secretary Vilsack Announces Additional 800,000 Acres Dedicated to Conservation Reserve Program for Wildlife Habitat and Wetlands,
USDA Office of Communications
- New USDA Portal Enables Farmers, Ranchers to Request Conservation Assistance Online,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Seeks Applications for Grants to Help Socially-Disadvantaged Producers,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Statement on Senate Passage of Trade Promotion Authority,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Funding Opportunity for Distance Learning and Telemedicine Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- United States and OECD Outline Guidance for Rural Economic Development Policies,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Offers Summer Food Safety Tips In Advance of Memorial Day Weekend,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Give Priority Funding for Regional Economic Development Projects,
USDA Office of Communications
- Global Experts Meet in Memphis to Discuss Rural Competitiveness for the 21st Century,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Delivers Major Policy Speech on Future of Rural Communities at National Civil Rights Museum,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA to Expand Investment in Water Conservation, Resilience across Drought-Stricken States,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Funding to Assist with Organic Certification Costs,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: United States Hosts OECD International Conference on Rural Development with Leaders from 34 Countries,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Funding for Smart Grid and 1,000 miles of line on 80th Anniversary of Rural Electrification,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S., Jordan Sign Agreement to Promote Agricultural Development and Trade, Support Humanitarian Assistance,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces $30 Million Available for Food Entrepreneurs and Agricultural Producers to Develop New Products,
USDA Office of Communications
- Statement by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Final Communique by G-20 Agriculture Ministers,
USDA Office of Communications
- USDA Announces Grants to Enable More Farmers Markets to Serve Low-Income Families,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary to Announce Funding for Conservation Projects in 50 States,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Tom Vilsack, AMS Administrator Anne Alonzo to Open USDA Farmers Market Today, Friday, May 1, 2015,
USDA Office of Communications
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Travels to Turkey for G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting,
USDA Office of Communications
- Media Advisory: Secretary Tom Vilsack, AMS Administrator Anne Alonzo to Open USDA Farmers Market on Friday, May 1, 2015,
USDA Office of Communications
- U.S., Honduras Sign Agreement to Promote Agricultural Development and Trade,
USDA Office of Communications
- TV Feature: USDA Solar Farm,
USDA Office of Communications
[Index of Archives]
[Yosemite Touris]