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American farmers and ranchers have a proud and historic tradition of putting food on the tables of families across the nation and across the world. But the global population is rapidly growing. The United Nations estimates that worldwide demand for food will increase 70% by 2050. To address this critical challenge, USDA is investing in sustainable solutions that not only meet the needs of millions of hungry people but also build on economic growth for developing nations as well as for American farmers and ranchers. Last week, Secretary Vilsack sat down with a panel at the World Food Prize in Iowa to discuss how open agricultural and nutrition data can be a powerful tool in our arsenal to improve economic opportunities for farmers and to address the health and nutritional needs of a global population. Making data available, accessible and usable helps build on the good work of our agricultural communities at home and abroad, opening up opportunities and driving innovation to tackle the urgent challenge of ensuring global food security. Read more about what USDA is doing to invest in the future of global food security. In addition to that, we also awarded 30 grants to projects spanning 22 states to help rural cooperatives create jobs and support business expansion in rural communities here at home. Since the start of the Obama Administration, USDA has funded 230 cooperative grants for $44.4 million to support projects in 39 states. This funding has benefited more than 2,600 businesses. You can read more about our support for rural cooperatives and find a list of the projects on our website.
Members of the Agua Gorda Cooperative are growing organic produce for the Minneapolis market.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack participates in a roundtable discussion about open data for agriculture and nutrition during the 2015 World Food Prize in Des Moines, IA.
SEEDS scholars at Mesa College in San Diego participate in an Iron Chef-inspired team building exercise. SEEDS encourages Hispanic students to pursue degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related fields.
Celebrate National School Lunch Week 2015 The fall season has arrived and with it the National School Lunch Week celebration! As a society we do not expect children to learn to write without paper, we do not expect them to learn to cook without access to food, and we certainly would never expect them to learn to read without books. Tales from a School Food Service Director: It’s all about the Brand Mainly, how do I get students who can afford to bring junk food from home to choose healthy, well-balanced meals offered through our school meals program? Cattle and Honey Bees Graze in Harmony on Wisconsin Farm Reed Fitton grazes cattle on the same hilltop farm where the late conservationist Ben Logan grew up and later featured in his memoir, “The Land Remembers.” Investing in Learning Resources for Homeschoolers More than one million children are homeschooled nationwide, and with that, over a million parents have committed huge amounts of time, money and patience into ensuring their children receive specialized one-on-one education. Wisconsin not only the “Dairy State” but also the “Cranberry State” Most have probably heard Wisconsin’s famous moniker “The America’s Dairyland.” This nickname is definitely befitting considering our long history with milk production. Agua Gorda Co-op Provides Latino Farmers with Means to Acquire Land October is National Cooperative Month, and we’re happy to spotlight several projects throughout the month that have been supported through USDA Rural Development’s Cooperative Services. New Toolset Helps Identify Key Water Conservation Options A free computer-based toolset developed by USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists was launched this month. A Conversation on Housing Development in Missouri There’s power in unity and it’s always a great thing to see small communities come together to discuss ways of improving the places they call home. STEM Grows from SEEDS at San Diego College Educators at Mesa College, in San Diego, Calif., are developing future leaders in agricultural sciences and related fields by providing them with a solid background in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. During National Farm to School Month, USDA Celebrates Grantees’ Accomplishments and a New Office Along with brilliantly colored hard squash, crisp apples, and hearty greens, October ushers in National Farm to School Month, a time to raise awareness about and celebrate the impact of farm to school programs on children, producers, and communities. In this edition of USDA Week In Review: Enjoying Fall colors in real time, celebrating school lunches, and the greatness of co-ops.
U.S. ag chief calls trade pact good for California farmers (Fresno Bee) On Tuesday, Vilsack was joined by Rep. Jim Costa, D-Fresno, in a news conference at Fresno Yosemite International Airport before heading to the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Agriculture Secretary visits Mount Vernon (Skagit Valley Herald) About 180 farmers and ranchers from throughout the state packed the auditorium at the Washington State University Mount Vernon Extension Center on Tuesday for a forum with U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., and U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Vilsack Says TPP A Plus For Valley Farmers (Valley Public Radio) Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visited Fresno Tuesday singing the praises of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership and its potential positive impact on farms in the valley. Ag secretary talks Pacific trade, farm bill with Whatcom farmers (The Bellingham Herald) U.S. Agricultural Secretary Tim Vilsack called the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership a good deal for local farmers during his first visit to northwest Washington on Tuesday, Oct. 14. Vilsack: Farmers to like trade pact, when they see it (Capital Press 10/14) The Trans-Pacific Partnership will benefit U.S. farmers by prying open foreign markets and putting “immense pressure” on China to match America’s high standards, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Tuesday at a forum hosted by Washington State University. U.S. ag secretary talks farm bill, trade at WSU research center (WSU News) The Washington State University research and extension center here hosted a forum Tuesday with U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Kilmer, Vilsack tackle forest collaboration with Harbor visit (The Daily World) Economy and ecology — topics that are often at odds with one another — were the focus of a visit by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Congressman Derek Kilmer in Aberdeen Wednesday in an effort to bring major players from both sides to the same table. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture pushes for young people, women to take the reigns in agriculture (Greeley Tribune) When she was climbing the ranks of leadership in agriculture, Krysta Harden, deputy secretary of Agriculture for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said she didn’t have many women she could look to for advice. Harden today is a female titan paving the path for young women to choose agricultural careers, and she recognizes the importance of getting more women involved. Colorado State University to host USDA deputy secretary (Gannett/The Coloradan) Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden, the second highest-ranking official in the U.S. Department of Agriculture will meet with Colorado State University leaders and students on Tuesday. Government incentives make farming a viable option for veterans (Virginian-Pilot) Bet you didn't know that during a rainstorm, cows will walk directly into the rain as far as their fences will allow and stand in a row facing into it? Or that cattle are family-oriented and will gather in clan clusters every evening? USDA Deputy Secretary Harden Announces $17 Million to Support America's Beginning Farmers and Ranchers (Farm and Ranch Guide) The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced more than $17 million in grants for organizations that will develop training and provide other resources for beginning farmers and ranchers across the nation.
CITRUS GREENING AND FLORIDA CITRUS PRODUCTION Broadcast Date: Thu, October 15, 2015 Recent USDA crop production numbers indicate the impacts of a citrus disease on this year's citrus crops in Florida, and not just oranges either. (Rod Bain and Mark Hudson of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service)
FARMERS HIT BY FLOODS HAVE SEVERAL PROGRAMS THAT CAN HELP THEM Broadcast Date: Thu, October 15, 2015 If your farm is hit by floods and other weather problems, you may not have disaster programs to fall back on, but there are other USDA programs that can help. (Gary Crawford and Harry Ott)
THE VALUE OF RURAL COOPERATIVES TO THE ECONOMY Broadcast Date: Thu, October 15, 2015 Rural cooperatives - whether agricultural, financial, or other forms of business - provide significant economic support to the communities they serve. (Rod Bain and Rural Business-Cooperative Service Acting Administrator Sam Rikkers)
EXAMPLE OF RURAL COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT GRANTS Broadcast Date: Thu, October 15, 2015 A Maine based cooperative is an example of how a USDA grant program supports development of rural co-ops. (Rod Bain and Rural Business-Cooperative Service Acting Administrator Sam Rikkers)
VILSACK TALKS ABOUT OPEN DATA IN WORLD FOOD PRIZE ROUNDTABLE Broadcast Date: Thu, October 15, 2015 Agriculure Secretary calls for more attention to be paid to opening up data for all the world to use. (Gary Crawford. Sec'y Tom Vilsack. Brady Deaton)
USDA PROGRAMS GEARING UP TO HELP FARMERS HIT BY FLOODS Broadcast Date: Wed, October 14, 2015 USDA officials in flood ravaged states are gearing up assistance programs for producers who were hit by those floods. (Gary Crawford and Harry Ott)
CORN AND SOYBEAN HARVEST IN OVERDRIVE Broadcast Date: Tue, October 13, 2015 The corn and soybean crops are being harvested at a rapid pace. (Gary Crawford and Brad Rippey)
ACTUALITY: CROP POGRESS REPORT ON WINTER WHEAT Broadcast Date: Tue, October 13, 2015 Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist,with a look at the latest numbers on the winter wheat harvest.
ACTUALITY: CROP PROGRESS REPORT ON RICE Broadcast Date: Tue, October 13, 2015 Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist,with a look at the latest numbers on the rice crop.
ACTUALITY: RAINS SLOWING DOWN PEANUT HARVEST-REDUCING QUALITY Broadcast Date: Tue, October 13, 2015 Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with a look at what's been happening to the peanut crop.