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Release No. 0048.18
Contact: USDA Press Email: press@xxxxxxxxxxx
USDA Announces American Egg Board Appointments
WASHINGTON, March 5, 2018 – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced the appointment of 11 members and 10 alternates to serve on the American Egg Board. Nine member appointees and nine alternates will serve two-year terms. Three appointees -- two members and one alternate -- will serve the remaining one-year portion of vacant positions. The appointed members and alternates are:
North Atlantic States
- Karyn Kreher, Clarence Center, N.Y., member
- Paul Sauder, Hershey, Pa., alternate member
- Christopher Pierce, Annville, Pa., member (1-year term)
South Atlantic States
- Charles J. Hardin, Jackson, Miss., member
- Tim E. Floyd, Hartwell, Ga., alternate member
- Alex Richard Simpson, Monroe, N.C., member
- John C. Watson III, Raleigh, N.C., alternate member
East North Central States
- Thomas Stoller, Ohio City, Ohio, member
- Tim Vande Bunte, Holland, Mich., alternate member
- Robert Gornichec, Centerburg, Ohio, alternate member (1-year term)
West North Central States
- Amos Baer, Lake Park, Minn., member
- Andrew Seger, Jasper, Ind., alternate member
South Central States
- Steven L. George, Grinnell, Iowa, member
- Blair Van Zetten, Oskaloosa, Iowa, alternate member
- Brent G. Nelson, Manhattan, Kan., member
- Brian Joyer, Litchfield, Minn. (Iowa Farms), alternate member
Western States
- Michael I. Sencer, Glendora, Calif., member
- Clint Hickman, Goodyear, Ariz., alternate member
- Mark Oldenkamp, Canby, Ore., member
- Roger Deffner, Mill Creek, Wash., alternate member
- Anthony Demler, Ramona, Calif., member (1-year term)
“From hard boiled to over-easy, the demand for eggs continues to grow. More Americans are looking to include eggs as part of their nutritious breakfast and egg producers across the country are helping consumers add more protein to their morning,” said Perdue. “I know that these appointees, with their wide range of experience, will help meet the needs of the egg industry so it can continue bringing eggs to the American table.”
The American Egg Board is composed of 18 members and 18 alternates representing six areas. The board is authorized by the Egg Research and Consumer Information Act of 1974. Since 1966, Congress has authorized the establishment of 22 industry-funded research and promotion boards. They employ farmers and ranchers to leverage their own resources to develop new markets, strengthen existing markets, and conduct important research and promotion activities. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) provides oversight, paid for by industry assessments, which ensures fiscal accountability and program integrity for participating stakeholders.
More information about the board is available on the American Egg Board page on the AMS website and on the American Egg Board website.
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