Title: USDA In Case You Missed It - #USDAResults Chapter 3
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Yesterday, we were pleased to launch the first in a two-part nutrition series in our year-long USDA Results storytelling effort. Chapter III, entitled Growing a Healthier Future: Improving Nutrition and Access to Healthy Food for Americans, invites you to travel with Secretary Vilsack and our partners through seven years of historic accomplishments.
Today, food insecurity, including the prevalence of hunger among children, has steadily declined from its peak in 2011. Data shows that obesity rates are falling among young kids due in part to the nutritional improvements made to WIC. Our core USDA nutrition assistance programs are reaching more people in need. And because of changes made under the historic Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, over 50 million children have a healthier food environment at school. Our steadfast partners have worked alongside us every step of the way to strengthen the nutrition programs that support our nation’s vulnerable populations while improving the nutritional quality of the foods we provide.
Yesterday, Secretary Vilsack kicked off a month-long celebration of USDA’s work in nutrition with a blog reflecting on some of the historic changes that have come to pass under the Obama Administration. Stay tuned for Part II launched next week!
We hope you’ll join us throughout the month on usda.gov, on the USDA blog and by using #USDAResults. You can also catch up on Chapter I and Chapter II by visiting our Medium site at: www.medium.com/usda-results.
