As the economy continues to improve, USDA is looking toward the future with new ways of thinking about building a stronger next generation of Americans with a particular focus on our nation’s must vulnerable populations.
In 2015, USDA launched the Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. The center is designed to use cutting-edge solutions in child nutrition to reduce child food insecurity in states with the highest numbers of persistently poor rural counties. As part of that commitment, last week we announced that the Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center awarded $1.3 million in grants to 17 rural communities for creative strategies to help families and children better access federal nutrition assistance. For example, recognizing that transportation is a barrier for area families, Fulton County Schools in Kentucky plans to create a mobile system to deliver meals to congregate meal sites in high need areas throughout the county as part of the agency's summer meal program. For a full list of the projects and to learn more about the Center, visit the FNS website.
Schools around the country also celebrated School Breakfast Week last week, marking the 50th anniversary of the School Breakfast Program by shining a light on the positive impacts of the program—better school attendance, better performance in the classroom and better health for our kids. Under the Obama Administration, we’ve seen over 14 million more students eating school breakfast each day—that’s an increase of almost 27%.
We hope you’ll join us in celebrating National Nutrition Month by looking back on seven years of monumental changes to our nation’s nutrition programs under the Obama Administration. Catch up on Chapter III, Part I and Part II and follow along throughout the month by using #USDAResults or by visiting our Medium site at: www.usda.gov/medium.

 Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Kevin Concannon shares a healthy lunch with a kindergarten student at Mahalia Jackson Elementary School in New Orleans, LA.
 School Breakfast Week helps bring attention to the fact that kids who eat breakfast perform better in school.

The Murtillo Mazzo (Italian for the “Blueberry Bunch”) won second place in Michigan Department of Education’s 2015 Junior Chef Breakfast Competition with their locally inspired Grab ‘n Go Blueberry Oatmeal Sundaes. This competition was sponsored in part with funds from a 2013 USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant.

Community Eligibility is an option that allows school districts in high poverty areas to offer free school meals to all students.

A Diverse Sector is a Strong Sector: My Brother’s Keeper National Week at the Labs
My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) and the White House Council on Women and Girls teamed up with communities, universities and federal labs to host the first-ever National Week at the Labs, a week-long series of mentorship opportunities and interactive workshops in science, technology, engineering, agriculture, math (STEAM) for students across the country.
Funding to Support Healthy Meals and Environments in Our Nation’s Schools and Child Care
USDA launched the Team Nutrition initiative more than two decades ago to finance innovative strategies that engage and train school nutrition professionals, child care providers, parents, teachers, and students on healthy eating and physical activity. This week, USDA announced the availability of up to $6.8 million in competitive grants through the 2016 Team Nutrition Training Grants program.
Fresh Produce – The Original Smart Snack
Guest bloggers Jill Turley, MS, RD/LD and Joshua Moore of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation discuss how the alliance in collaboration with the United Fresh Produce Association has identified several kid-friendly, single-serve, fresh produce snacks that meet USDA’s Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards and offer easy, delicious snack options for schools or out-of-school time programs.
Big Schools Make Big Changes in School Meal Delivery
For more than 250,000 students in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), gone are the days of scrounging for lunch money, bumming a snack from a friend, or going into seventh period with a growling stomach. As of March 1, 339 sites in the district now offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to students via the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
Expertise + Training + Commitment = A Day in the Life of a USDA Process Verified Program Auditor
Nikki Adams describes her experiences as an auditor for USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). She is one of a small group of highly-qualified individuals from across the country who audits companies that use USDA programs and services to add value to their products in the market place such as the USDA Process Verified Program (PVP).
Saluting the Food and Nutrition Experts on Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day: March 9, 2016
In a guest blog about Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day, Dr. Evelyn F. Crayton, RDN, LDN, FAND, President of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, highlights the important role of registered dieticians and nutritionists who work with USDA and other government agencies to decrease food insecurity and improve food safety throughout the United States.
Nutrition.gov Helps America Celebrate National Nutrition Month
USDA’s National Agricultural Library’s (NAL) Nutrition.gov website offers many excellent tools and resources for cooking and consuming healthy and delicious foods, such as a “Recipes” section that provides hundreds of heart-healthy recipes that feature fruits and vegetables, fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese as well as an “Ethnic Cooking” section, where you can explore cultural and ethnic resources.
Training the Teachers in Our Biggest Classrooms
Guest blogger Bridgette Matthews, School Nutrition Director for Elbert County Schools, Georgia, and a Lead Mentor for USDA’s Team Up for Nutrition Success Initiative, discusses the importance of training for school nutrition staff.
Food Safety in Numbers
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) purchases nearly 100 million pounds of boneless and ground beef each year for distribution through Federal nutrition assistance programs, including the National School Lunch Program.
Cooking Up a Healthy, Delicious School Breakfast: Idaho’s Chef Designed School Breakfast
Guest bloggers Jennifer Butler, Med, and Brenda Thompson-Wattles, RDN, Idaho Department of Education, discuss how with the help of a Fiscal Year 2013 Team Nutrition Training Grant, they launched an initiative called Chef Designed School Breakfast (CDSB) to train school foodservice staff on ways to use a “chef’s approach” to expand and improve their existing School Breakfast Program (SBP).

Latest Step To Boost Food Security For Rural Children
Broadcast Date: Wed, March 9, 2016 Some rural communities will receive support from some USDA grants to address child food insecurity issues. USDA grants. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)
A Secretarial Conversation On Food And Nutrition Broadcast Date: Wed, March 9, 2016 What were some of the things the incumbent and two former Agriculture Secretaries have to say about food and nutrition issues? (Rod Bain. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Former Secretaries Dan Glickman and Anne Veneman)
Vilsack: What Is Left To Accomplish At USDA
Broadcast Date: Tue, March 8, 2016 The Agriculture Secretary shared some of the goals he hopes to accomplish this year with USDA before an audience at the National Farmers Union. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)
Issues For Future Ag Secretaries To Address?
Broadcast Date: Tue, March 8, 2016 The current Agriculture Secretary is among those looking at the challenges in agriculture that his successors may face in the future. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)
Government Stepping up Efforts in Fight Against Opioid Addiction
Broadcast Date: Tue, March 8, 2016 The federal government is bringing the nation's doctors into the fight against drug addiction. (Gary Crawford and Sec'y Tom Vilsack)
MyPlate To Yours - A Dietary Resource
Broadcast Date: Mon, March 7, 2016 The dietary and nutrition industries are helping consumers learn about proper diet and practical tips to eat right via USDA resources. (Rod Bain and Angela Lemond)

Editorial: SNAP to Skills provides path to self-sufficiency (Knoxville News-Sentinel) A new federal program announced last week should help move many Tennesseans out of poverty in the coming years by giving them a hand up the economic ladder. Tennessee has been selected as one of 10 states to take part in a program to help connect some food stamp recipients with the training and assistance they need to get jobs through the new SNAP to Skills program offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
USDA Nutrition: Where We've Been and Where We're Going Next (Huffington Post) The United States has always prided itself on lending a helping hand to its citizens in trying times. Throughout our history, when Americans have fallen on hardship, our safety net has stepped in to provide temporary help to those who need it.
Vilsack tackles opioid abuse in talk to OB-GYN group (Agri-Pulse) Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke again about the ravages of opioid abuse this morning, telling the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that a combination of poverty and isolation makes the problem especially difficult to address in rural communities.
