Linux Speakup
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- Upgrading debian 2.2, (continued)
- frozen ttys,
Alex Snow
- Linux and ip address,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- Linux and ip address,
Doug Sutherland
- Linux and ip address,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- Linux and ip address,
Gregory Nowak
- Converting real media to mp3.,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Converting real media to mp3.,
Christopher Moore
- Problems with trplayer.,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Problems with trplayer.,
Igor Gueths
- Problems with trplayer.,
Janina Sajka
- Problems with trplayer.,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Problems with trplayer.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- Problems with trplayer.,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Problems with trplayer.,
Janina Sajka
- Problems with trplayer.,
Kirk Reiser
- Problems with trplayer.,
Charles Crawford
- Problems with trplayer.,
Kirk Reiser
- Problems with trplayer.,
Igor Gueths
- Problems with trplayer.,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Problems with trplayer.,
Janina Sajka
- Problems with trplayer.,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Problems with trplayer.,
Janina Sajka
- Problems with trplayer.,
Kirk Reiser
- Playing wma under Linux?,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Linux and ip address,
Doug Sutherland
- Linux and ip address,
Erik Heil
- Linux and ip address,
Alex Snow
- Linux and ip address,
Sean McMahon
- make dep errors,
Christopher Moore
- speakup and 2.4.20 kernel,
Christopher Moore
- ogg123 problem fixed,
Igor Gueths
- Telnet help pleas!,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- checkout script procedure,
Christopher Moore
- OT: Sun and Microsoft--Why they settled,
Janina Sajka
- More about mp3 files,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- mpg321 on Slackware 9.1,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- ogg123 segfaulting,
Igor Gueths
- Maybe we need those cameras!,
Janina Sajka
- I found my problem,
Buddy Brannan
- Mpg321 Broken in Slackware,
Steve Holmes
- Yep speak freely is broke in 2.6.5,
David Csercsics
- SpeakFreely doesn't like me! :(,
Buddy Brannan
- knoppix talking boot prompt,
Igor Gueths
- The anti-MS Word and Power-point signature tagline.,
Toby Fisher
- Ot: bug (fwd),
Toby Fisher
- OT: Wedit 0.4 available,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- FreedomBox ot?,
Doug Sutherland
- Zinf Question,
Janina Sajka
- freedombox performance,
Cheryl Homiak
Cheryl Homiak
- Fw: [links 2] Very great improvements for blind people !,
David Poehlman
- Cut 'n yours broken, too?,
Buddy Brannan
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Matt Campbell
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Janina Sajka
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Matt Campbell
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Trevor Astrope
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Janina Sajka
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
David Poehlman
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Tom and Esther Ward
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Doug Sutherland
- FreedomBox ot?,
Matt Campbell
- FreedomBox ot?,
Buddy Brannan
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Matt Campbell
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Buddy Brannan
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
nick G
- FreedomBox ot? sound problem,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot? sound problem,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Alex Snow
- FreedomBox ot?,
Janina Sajka
- FreedomBox ot?,
Doug Sutherland
- FreedomBox ot?,
Ron Marriage
- FreedomBox ot?,
Janina Sajka
- FreedomBox ot?,
Ann Parsons
- FreedomBox ot?,
Gregory Nowak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Mike Keithley
- FreedomBox ot?,
Ann Parsons
- FreedomBox ot?,
Luke Davis
- FreedomBox Linux port mailing list,
Matt Campbell
- Getting Speech Started With X and Gnopernicus,
Richard Wells
- Getting Speech Started With X and Gnopernicus,
Tom and Esther Ward
- Getting Speech Started With X and Gnopernicus,
Alex Snow
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox ot?,
Mike Keithley
- FreedomBox ot?,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Alex Snow
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Ann Parsons
- FreedomBox and the Mozilla Public License,
Tom and Esther Ward
- attempt at freedombox,
Cheryl Homiak
- message,
Igor Gueths
- imcom or centericq?,
Jes and guide dog Harley
- mutt user,
awesome-dave1 at
- freedom box,
Whitley CTR Cecil H
- Freedom Box beta,
Whitley CTR Cecil H
- freedom box for linux,
Christopher Moore
- Network card,
Jayson Smith
- speak freely via a router,
ameer armaly
- FW: Important Information: Free Accessibility on Operating lsSystems Besides Windows (fwd),
ameer armaly
- Alsa and kernel 2.6.5,
Jacob Schmude
- audacity and speakup?,
Whitley CTR Cecil H
- audacity and speakup?,
Janina Sajka
- audacity and speakup?,
Krister Ekstrom
- audacity and speakup?,
Luke Yelavich
- audacity and speakup?,
Janina Sajka
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Terry D. Cudney
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Janina Sajka
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Janina Sajka
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Krister Ekstrom
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
David Csercsics
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Janina Sajka
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Karen Lewellen
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Janina Sajka
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Shaun Oliver
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Janina Sajka
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Karen Lewellen
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Janina Sajka
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Karen Lewellen
- ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?),
Janina Sajka
- audacity and speakup?,
Luke Yelavich
- Debian apt_preferences Question,
Janina Sajka
- fatal error because of upgrade in php,
Rejean Proulx
- Software DECTalk guides in text format?,
Jacob Schmude
- more questions about the dectalk RT tts,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- MP3 player with bookmarks?,
Guy Abandon.
- apache 1.3.26 does not recognize the following,
Barry Pollock
- the dectalk RT tts,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- Linux help Please!,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- possible new Speakfreely project,
Igor Gueths
- tk-50 tapes,
Alex Snow
- reading xml files in lynx,
Christopher Moore
- apologies,
awesome-dave1 at
- on aim,
awesome-dave1 at
- reading xml files,
Christopher Moore
- mkinitrd,
Roy Nickelson
- worth a read,
Shaun Oliver
- g++, still no joy,
Kyrath. (AKA Rob)
- screen drawing,
Effortless Union with the Divine
- Speakup.,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- Fedora core 1 verses fedora test release?,
Jared Stofflett
- g++ problems,
Kyrath. (AKA Rob)
- testing proxy functionality,
Igor Gueths
- Learning Linux,
Ryan Mcmanomy
- Doubletalk PC,
Guy Schlosser
- pronunciation modifications?,
Igor Gueths
- safely unloading speakup modules,
Deedra Waters
- punctuation level in Speakup CVS,
Igor Gueths
- setting punctuation level in Speakup-CVS,
Igor Gueths
- c++ with linux,
Kyrath. (AKA Rob)
- Getting MSN to work with Centericq,
Steve Holmes
- LNetwork cards?,
Jayson Smith
- postfix/fetchmail problem.,
Dawes, Stephen
- ide-scsi with debian sarge netinst cd?,
Ameer Armaly
- Webmin installation problems,
Krister Ekstrom
- Webmin,
Dawes, Stephen
- cd ripping with cddb support,
Igor Gueths
- ot: some documentation,
Alex Snow
- Hello.,
Effortless Union with the Divine
- cd ripping with cddb,
Igor Gueths
- 2 questions on mail and domains,
Krister Ekstrom
- good audio editors,
Igor Gueths
- editing a prompt,
Christopher Moore
- possible buffering problem?,
Igor Gueths
- pgp key moratorium,
Christopher Moore
- ot: java sdk download,
Igor Gueths
- ot, java sdk download,
Gregory Nowak
- pcmcia nic under linux,
Ameer Armaly
- dialup networking,
Roy Nickelson
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Doug Sutherland
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Keith Watson
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Doug Sutherland
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Jacob Schmude
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Doug Sutherland
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Saqib Shaikh
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Kirk Reiser
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Jacob Schmude
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Kirk Reiser
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Jacob Schmude
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Hart Larry
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Jes and guide dog Harley
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Kirk Reiser
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Gregory Nowak
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Kirk Reiser
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Jacob Schmude
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Kirk Reiser
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Jacob Schmude
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Kirk Reiser
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Jacob Schmude
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Stephen Clower
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Kirk Reiser
- Dectalk Linux Question,
Steve Holmes
- The DECTalk USB,
Luke Davis
- Moving mail directories to new machine,
Joe Clever
- tar and softlinks,
Gregory Nowak
- verifying signatures,
Igor Gueths
- in-line signatures VS. pgp/mime,
Gregory Nowak
- gdbm/db problems while configuring a package in slack 9.1,
Gregory Nowak
- emacspeak and /dev/synth,
Ameer Armaly
- Speakup rescue environment,
Shane Wegner
- Testing PGP on List,
Steve Holmes
- building emacspeak problem solved,
William Hubbs
- I've got a message waiting in the wings,
nick G
- building emacspeak,
William Hubbs
- lvs,
Igor Gueths
- lvs,
jack mendez
- lvs,
Joseph C. Lininger
- DEC Alpha,
Saqib Shaikh
- network raid possible?,
Igor Gueths
- route command question,
Igor Gueths
- Reading PGP messages with Mutt,
Steve Holmes
- Some much needed information about the dectalk USB has been gained,
nick G
- alphas and linux,
Alex Snow
- alphas and linux,
hank smith
- alphas and linux,
Shaun Oliver
- alphas and linux,
Ann Parsons
- alphas and linux,
talmage at
- alphas and linux,
Alex Snow
- alphas and linux,
Sina Bahram
- alphas and linux,
Alex Snow
- alphas and linux,
Sina Bahram
- alphas and linux,
Alex Snow
- alphas and linux,
Erik Heil
- alphas and linux,
Sina Bahram
- alphas and linux,
Joseph C. Lininger
- alphas and linux,
Alex Snow
- alphas and linux,
Shaun Oliver
- alphas and linux,
Erik Heil
- alphas and linux,
Igor Gueths
- alphas and linux,
Alex Snow
- alphas and linux,
Shaun Oliver
- alphas and linux,
Tom and Esther Ward
- alphas and linux,
Joseph C. Lininger
- alphas and linux,
Garry Turkington
- ram question,
Gregory Nowak
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