Hi folks. As many of you do, I used to use the tag line about not sending Word or Ppt files, however I've discovered a rather unfortunate side-effect, and was wondering if it's afflicted anyone else. I have to take delivery of quite a lot of docs from people who use MS Office, and after seeing my signature, they try to be kind by sending me an rtf document. At least with a Word doc, you can do: cat foo.doc |strings |less and get pretty much all of the text together and it's readable; but what the *#@! do you do about an rtf file which is much bigger, and has loads of crap between all the words? Just wondering. Cheers. p.s. you'll notice I've removed it now, not least because I now have a Windows lap top that was paid for. -- Toby Fisher Email: toby at tjfisher.co.uk Tel.: +44(0)1480 417272 Mobile: +44(0)7974 363239 ICQ: #61744808