This isn't quite correct. You do have to register after a fashion, but you don't have to pay. And, if you're careful to pay attention to the multiple screens you have to dive through to do the download, you can most certainly download it with Lynx. I have done exactly that on more than one occasion. Tom and Esther Ward writes: > Hi, Gregory. The j2sdk for Linux is a free download, and does not require > registration the last time I downloaded it. I think you are going to have a > problem as the page itself works very terrible with lynx, and I could only > get it by downloaded in Internet Exploder. > It comes in an rpm package which is fine for me, and couldn't you use > rpm2tgz to make it in to a slackware package? > Hth. > > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at > -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: janina at Phone: (202) 408-8175