Hi Alex, Best bet for an Alpha is likely one of the EV56 chips on the SX-164 series of motherboards. I've got a mangled Red Hat install on one of these which I plan to migrate to Debian when I get some time. Beauty of this platform is that its an ATX board that takes standard memory and even PCI cards - so your chances of putting together a full system with bits lying in the cupboard are pretty high. The boards are available readily on eBay, I looked into getting one when my Alpha looked sick last year, though it happily recovered. Of course you'll likely get an old AlphaStation for a pretty low price anyway if you want to buy something ready to go. Check out www.alphalinux.org which I just see talks of an upcoming Fedora port for the Alpha, hurrah! Regards, Garry Garry Turkington garry.turkington at acm.org