Linux Speakup
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- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- mencoder again
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- Speakup and bitlbee
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- hardware question, power button not working on system.
- reading xml documentation
- mencoder again
- two problems installing software speech with speakup
- two problems installing software speech with speakup
- two problems installing software speech with speakup
- Fwd: two problems installing software speech with speakup
- two problems installing software speech with speakup
- backup speakup reflecter repost with corrections
- backup speakup reflecter repost with corrections
- backup speakup reflecter.
- cvs server
- How do I install port audio?
- From: gena-j at
- Online Documentation
- How do I install port audio?
- From: gena-j at
- How do I install port audio?
- How do I install port audio?
- Online Documentation
- How do I install port audio?
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- How do I install port audio?
- How do I install port audio?
- How do I install port audio?
- mail antivirus
- why I didn't choose GRML
- mail antivirus
- why I didn't choose GRML
- installed Fedora Core 5 but have questions
- installed Fedora Core 5 but have questions
- mail antivirus
- mounting drives in a case
- mail antivirus
- How do I install port audio?
- From: gena-j at
- installed Fedora Core 5 but have questions
- installed Fedora Core 5 but have questions
- installed Fedora Core 5 but have questions
- From: Willem van der Walt
- installed Fedora Core 5 but have questions
- help with mkinitrd?
- mail antivirus
- packet sniffers
- mounting drives in a case
- mail antivirus
- Will Speakup work for Fedora core 4
- packet sniffers
- mounting drives in a case
- help with mkinitrd?
- drive brackets and cases
- drive brackets and cases
- we're back!
- errors patching speakup into 2.6.16
- mounting drives in a case
- help with mkinitrd?
- CVS down?
- New email group!
- help with mkinitrd?
- Problem getting loaded up with fedora core 5!
- question about a service's description
- test message
- errors patching speakup into 2.6.16
- Problem getting loaded up with fedora core 5!
- Online Documentation
- p2p?
- Problem getting loaded up with fedora core 5!
- linux vrs windows?
- p2p?
- p2p?
- p2p?
- packet sniffers
- iptables
- continuous reading feature
- packet sniffers
- continuous reading feature
- continuous read feature
- continuous reading feature
- continuous reading feature
- continuous reading feature
- Connection refused
- Connection refused
- continuous reading feature
- Connection refused
- Connection refused
- patches for debian?
- continuous reading feature
- continuous reading feature
- continuous reading feature
- continuous reading feature
- Debian install
- iptables
- iptables
- iptables
- Debian install
- Debian install
- Debian install
- Debian install
- about edbrowse
- Debian install
- tunneling ssh
- about edbrowse
- tunneling ssh
- Yum upgrade problems
- tunneling ssh
- Yum upgrade problems
- tunneling ssh
- tunneling ssh
- continuous reading feature
- missing the continuous read function
- mencoder
- missing the continuous read function
- mencoder
- mencoder
- grml
- missing the continuous read function
- continuous reading feature
- old asm?
- continuous reading feature
- old asm?
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- continuous reading feature
- old asm?
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- Online Documentation
- online documentation
- grml
- online documentation
- docs on mta?
- From: raul at
- docs on mta?
- docs on mta?
- where to put header files?
- where to put header files?
- where to put header files?
- where to put header files?
- docs on mta?
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- Online Documentation
- living with zsh
- living with zsh
- living with zsh
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- living with zsh
- living with zsh
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- Fwd: Speakup [rsync]
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- doubletalk ISA (was: computers/parts for sale)
- Fwd: Speakup [rsync]
- grml
- grml
- help with audio server?
- help with audio server?
- help with audio server?
- about icecast...
- grml
- grml
- how to get grml to speak via the sound card?
- how to get grml to speak via the sound card?
- how to get grml to speak via the sound card?
- how to get grml to speak via the sound card?
- computers/parts for sale
- crashing hard drive
- crashing hard drive
- getting orca included in gnome 2.16
- how to get grml to speak via the sound card?
- getting orca included in gnome 2.16
- getting orca included in gnome 2.16
- getting orca included in gnome 2.16
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- computers/parts for sale
- crashing hard drive
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- Speckup-enabled debian etch
- Speckup-enabled debian etch
- getting orca included in gnome 2.16
- Speckup-enabled debian etch
- Speckup-enabled debian etch
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- Speckup-enabled debian etch
- Speckup-enabled debian etch
- computers/parts for sale
- computers/parts for sale
- computers/parts for sale
- linux and braille lite 40
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- getting orca included in gnome 2.16
- computers/parts for sale
- computers/parts for sale
- Fedora 5: Specifying Synthesizer for Speakup
- computers/parts for sale
- speakup patched dvd version of Fedora
- computers/parts for sale
- computers/parts for sale
- computers/parts for sale
- how to get grml to speak via the sound card?
- help with kernel and synth
- computers/parts for sale
- computers/parts for sale
- linux and braille lite 40
- Speckup-enabled debian etch
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- help with grml and sound
- help with grml and sound
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- From: Willem van der Walt
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- From: Willem van der Walt
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- From: Willem van der Walt
- festival with speech-dispatcher
- how to get grml to speak via the sound card?
- destalk software!
- destalk software!
- soap for zsh
- destalk software!
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- Inflection in speech synthesis
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- help with motherboard config
- Inflection in speech synthesis
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- help with motherboard config
- help with kernel and synth
- Inflection in speech synthesis (was: Re: Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher)
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- Inflection in speech synthesis (was: Re: Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher)
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Inflection in speech synthesis (was: Re: Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher)
- Updating to Fedora Core 5
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- Some issues with the ibmtts output module of speech-dispatcher
- State of accessibility in linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- a small security problem
- Install line for debian.
- State of accessibility in linux
- a small security problem
- State of accessibility in linux
- SATA drive question
- my goal, wondering if people can recommend some stepps
- State of accessibility in linux
- SATA drive question
- and backspace beeping
- Install line for debian.
- Install line for debian.
- getting ram info, and needing mutt config scripts
- synthesizer?
- getting ram info, and needing mutt config scripts
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- From: charleseblack at
- SATA drive question
- work-around for backspace beeping
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- SATA drive question
- work-around for backspace beeping
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- CVS changes mailing list.
- and backspace beeping
- CVS changes mailing list.
- Driver for Echo Speech Synthesizers
- triple talk tricks
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- file interrogation
- and backspace beeping
- file interrogation
- file interrogation
- triple talk tricks
- triple talk tricks
- Accessible install of Sid or Dapper?
- State of accessibility in linux
- Accessible install of Sid or Dapper?
- State of accessibility in linux
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- Accessible install of Sid or Dapper?
- Driver for Echo Speech Synthesizers
- Driver for Echo Speech Synthesizers
- espeak and portaudio v19
- Driver for Echo Speech Synthesizers
- triple talk tricks
- triple talk tricks
- triple talk tricks
- triple talk tricks
- triple talk tricks
- Trouble in testing speech dispatcher.
- Trouble in testing speech dispatcher.
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Trouble in testing speech dispatcher.
- State of accessibility in linux
- Trouble in testing speech dispatcher.
- Trouble in testing speech dispatcher.
- Trouble in testing speech dispatcher.
- synthesizer?
- synthesizer?
- Question abouth Skype
- From: Fco. Javier Dorado Martínez
- Speech Dispatcher at Startup
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- Question abouth Skype
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- alternatives for ssh in winders
- wmp file conversion
- wmp file conversion
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- kernel compilation?
- sound and linux?
- sound and linux?
- file interrogation
- sound and linux?
- double talk issues
- sound and linux?
- getting ram info, and needing mutt config scripts
- Speech Dispatcher at Startup
- Speech Dispatcher at Startup
- ALSA support.
- kernel compilation?
- sound and linux?
- getting ram info, and needing mutt config scripts
- fedora core question
- using git and cg
- The Case of the Unknown Host
- elinks and javascript
- elinks and javascript
- State of accessibility in linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- Need information about sound.
- State of accessibility in linux
- Need information about sound.
- ALSA support.
- espeak
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- espeak
- file interrogation
- State of accessibility in linux
- elinks and javascript
- State of accessibility in linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- The Case of the Unknown Host
- The Case of the Unknown Host
- elinks and javascript
- State of accessibility in linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- elinks and javascript
- elinks and javascript
- elinks and javascript
- Question about ALSA.
- State of accessibility in linux
- trouble with viavoice and speech-dispatcher
- elinks and javascript
- elinks and javascript
- linuxbios?
- viavoice rtk
- State of accessibility in linux
- trouble with viavoice and speech-dispatcher
- From: Willem van der Walt
- trouble with viavoice and speech-dispatcher
- State of accessibility in linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- apollo2
- State of accessibility in linux
- Question about ALSA.
- State of accessibility in linux
- Linux modules question:
- State of accessibility in linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- Linux modules question:
- From: terry.cudney at
- Linux modules question:
- file interrogation
- State of accessibility in linux
- apollo2
- Packet Dumping under Linux
- State of accessibility in linux
- apollo2
- file interrogation
- file interrogation
- Fedora 5: Specifying Synthesizer for Speakup
- Fedora 5: Specifying Synthesizer for Speakup
- Fedora 5: Specifying Synthesizer for Speakup
- Alsa-and-More Trebble, with Speakup?
- Alsa-and-More Trebble, with Speakup?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Alsa-and-More Trebble, with Speakup?
- Serial console Instructions?
- Alsa-and-More Trebble, with Speakup?
- apollo2
- speakup debian cdrecord question
- Serial console Instructions?
- Serial console Instructions?
- Alsa-and-More Trebble, with Speakup?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Newby
- apollo2
- Newby
- Alsa-and-More Trebble, with Speakup?
- Newby
- Newby
- apollo2
- apollo2
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- Questions about speech dispatcher 0.5
- Questions about speech dispatcher 0.5
- Questions about speech dispatcher 0.5
- State of accessibility in linux
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- State of accessibility in linux
- keystrokes: to speak or not to speak
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- making zsh beep like bash
- zsh config files
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- making zsh beep like bash
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- Unattended linux boot CD with speakup
- making zsh beep like bash
- making zsh beep like bash
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- ZHS Shell
- making zsh beep like bash
- ZHS Shell
- making zsh beep like bash
- keystrokes: to speak or not to speak
- making zsh beep like bash
- ZHS Shell
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- making zsh beep like bash
- keystrokes: to speak or not to speak
- keystrokes: to speak or not to speak
- keystrokes: to speak or not to speak
- making zsh beep like bash
- making zsh beep like bash
- keystrokes: to speak or not to speak
- making zsh beep like bash
- lynx ssl error
- command-line cousin to gramofile
- command-line cousin to gramofile
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- A synthesizer analogy
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- lynx ssl error
- lynx ssl error
- lynx ssl error
- lynx ssl error
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- kernel 2.6.15
- kernel 2.6.15
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- Trouble with speech dispatcher.
- mplayer and compressed swf files
- mplayer and compressed swf files
- mplayer and compressed swf files
- mplayer and compressed swf files
- mplayer and compressed swf files
- mplayer and compressed swf files
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak tip
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak tip
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak - American English
- eSpeak - American English
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- eSpeak - American English
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- Espeak information (changing wpm conversion)
- Espeak information
- espeak and slackware
- eSpeak tip
- Espeak information
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Espeak information
- Need information.
- password for ibmtts cvs access
- espeak and slackware
- eSpeak tip
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- password for ibmtts cvs access
- eSpeak tip
- espeak and speakup
- eSpeak tip
- the fait of
- [Announce] Speech Dispatcher IBM TTS Output Module ready for testing
- espeak and speakup
- shy espeak requires -lpthread on slackware
- kernel debug?
- espeak and speakup
- the fait of
- help with startup items?
- espeak and speakup
- eSpeak - American English
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Thanks, now I'm curious.
- more logcheck errors.
- errors with logcheck
- can someone look at this? sorry if its o-t
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- here's how to compile espeak on slackware
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- help with startup items?
- here's how to compile espeak on slackware
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- smjs library for Fedora distro
- can someone look at this? sorry if its o-t
- Compiling eSpeak on slacware again.
- help with startup items?
- help with startup items?
- help with startup items?
- here's how to compile espeak on slackware
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- here's how to compile espeak on slackware
- Compiling eSpeak on slacware again.
- help with a few things
- help with a few things
- [Announce] Speech Dispatcher IBM TTS Output Module ready for testing
- speakup patched dvd version of Fedora
- compiling CVS speakup under 2.6.15-1 problem
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Emergency bootable
- compiling CVS speakup under 2.6.15-1 problem
- I'm now in business!
- I'm now in business!
- I'm now in business!
- I'm now in business!
- Emergency bootable
- I'm now in business!
- googling tips?
- eSpeak -- almost there!
- MD5
- speakup patch dvd version of Fedora
- eSpeak -- almost there!
- eSpeak -- almost there!
- eSpeak -- almost there!
- compiling CVS speakup under 2.6.15-1 problem
- From: Willem van der Walt
- MD5
- MD5
- Trouble compiling eSpeak under slackware 10.2
- Trouble compiling eSpeak under slackware 10.2
- Is it just me, or...
- Trouble compiling eSpeak under slackware 10.2
- Trouble compiling eSpeak under slackware 10.2
- compiling CVS speakup under 2.6.15-1 problem
- Trouble compiling eSpeak under slackware 10.2
- Gentoo live CD and Speakup?
- Gentoo live CD and Speakup?
- speech-dispatcher file for eSpeak and some questions.
- compiling CVS speakup under 2.6.15-1 problem
- Off-topic announcement: Free On-line Courses of English and German language for blind people
- compiling CVS speakup under 2.6.15-1 problem
- From: Willem van der Walt
- debian installation question
- Is it just me, or...
- ntpd troubleshooting (was Re: Is it just me, or...)
- debian installation question
- Is it just me, or...
- speech-dispatcher file for eSpeak and some questions.
- speech-dispatcher file for eSpeak and some questions.
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Is it just me, or...
- speech-dispatcher file for eSpeak and some questions.
- debian installation question
- debian installation question
- debian installation question
- Is it just me, or...
- debian installation question
- Announcing Function Keys?
- Espeak compiling still not working
- Espeak compiling still not working
- Changing Espeak's pronunciations: what am I missing?
- Is it just me, or...
- Changing Espeak's pronunciations: what am I missing?
- Associated Press TeX package?
- follow-up Re: Amateur radio licensing
- Amateur radio licensing
- On the subject of amateur radio...
- OT: Amateur radio licensing
- OT: Amateur radio licensing
- Amateur radio licensing
- OT: Amateur radio licensing
- Amateur radio licensing
- Amateur radio licensing
- follow-up Re: Amateur radio licensing
- follow-up Re: Amateur radio licensing
- follow-up Re: Amateur radio licensing
- follow-up Re: Amateur radio licensing
- Amateur radio licensing
- follow-up Re: Amateur radio licensing
- Amateur radio licensing
- Amateur radio licensing
- OT: Amateur radio licensing
- OT: Amateur radio licensing
- OT: Amateur radio licensing
- help with active spam killer please
- help with active spam killer please
- help with active spam killer please
- eSpeak abbreviation question
- googling tips?
- googling tips?
- eSpeak abbreviation question
- From: Willem van der Walt
- eSpeak abbreviation question
- googling tips?
- eSpeak abbreviation question
- googling tips?
- Back on the list - Speakup updates?
- eSpeak abbreviation question
- Back on the list - Speakup updates?
- Back on the list - Speakup updates?
- Back on the list - Speakup updates?
- eSpeak abbreviation question
- googling tips?
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