Hello folks. Because my office will be moving to a different location on July 5 and possibly 6, I have created a backup speakup reflecter at coral.yi.org:4074. My heart felts thanks to Keith Watson, who graciously agreed to host a backup reflecter. We have decided to leave both reflecters up so that if one is down, people can just use the other one, and continue to have communications. The reflecter at gene3.ait.iastate.edu:4074 will definitely be down on July 5 while my office is being moved. Hopefully only for 2 or 3 hours, but if it takes longer, the reflecter at coral.yi.org will be up, so no sweat, folks can use that one. If you want to use the reflecter at coral.yi.org, here are the particulars: connect to coral.yi.org:4074 for the reflecter. connect to coral.yi.org:2074 for the echo server. (this is a good way to test your speak freely without disturbing others). The reflecter's web page is at http://coral.yi.org/speakup.html the look whose listening web page is at http://coral.yi.org/lwl.html The look whose listening server itself is at coral.yi.org. You can connect to the reflecter at gene3.ait.iastate.edu:4074 by substituting gene3.ait.iastate.edu for the coral.yi.org info above. as I said, we intend to run both the reflecter at gene3.ait.iastate.edu:4074 and the one at coral.yi.org:4074 simultaneously. The reflecters do * NOT * comunicate with each other, so conecting to one of the reflecters will * NOT * give you access to people on the other reflecter. So you'll have to try the web pages or the look whose listening servers for both sites to see who is on on each reflecter. This is slightly inconvenient, but it does mean that if one reflecter is inaccessible for some reason, the other one will be available. Again, my thanks to Mr. Watson for hosting a paralell reflecter, and I hope more of you will show up on our reflecters. Linux users can checkout our special version of the Speak Freely program fromthe cvs server at linux-speakup.org. Windows users can get a windows version of Speak Freely from the pub/linux/goodies directory on linux-speakup.org. Have a great day, and thanks for using our services. Gene Collins