Linux usage as it relates to the blind and visually impaired community
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- Re: Is it possible to make dialog more accessible?, (continued)
- Information about speakup kernel,
Sauro Cesaretti
- TDD program for Linux,
Jack and Seetbriar
- Information about software synthtizer,
Sauro Cesaretti
- Information about gnopernicus,
Sauro Cesaretti
- Tactile Survey--Address Correction,
University of Oregon
- need your help,
Yasemin Acur
- Oralux - Where Can I buy a copy?,
Gary Wynn
- tactile map features needed,
University of Oregon
- reading pdf document,
Sauro Cesaretti
- CUPS and Braille Translation,
- Filesharing,
Yasemin Acur
- Getting packages,
Chris Norman
- Linux and gui,
Rafi Cohen
- Looking for 2 Programs?,
Hart Larry
- Information about meessenger,
Sauro Cesaretti
- Several questions,
Artur Rutkowski
- Fw: Pocket Braille for people on the move: zb051015 (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
- brltty problem,
Artur Rutkowski
- tactile map research,
University of Oregon
- Fw: Pocket Braille for people on the move: zb051015,
- braillified installer of fc4,
Artur Rutkowski
- Distributing braille documens digitally, suggestions please,
Mario Lang
- Ipod Shuffle and Linux,
Terry Klarich
- Windows emulator,
Yasemin Acur
- Re: Windows emulator,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Windows emulator,
hank smith
- Re: Windows emulator,
Andor Demarteau
- Re: Windows emulator,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Windows emulator,
- Re: Windows emulator,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Windows emulator,
Anders Holmberg
- Re: Windows emulator,
- Re: Windows emulator,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Windows emulator,
- Re: Windows emulator,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Windows emulator,
Christian Schoepplein
- Re: Windows emulator,
hank smith
- Re: Windows emulator,
Yasemin Acur
- Re: Windows emulator,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Windows emulator,
hank smith
- Re: Windows emulator,
- Re: Windows emulator,
- c# in linux,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- web development,
Terry Klarich
- Linux and BRAILLEX 2D-Screen (hardware),
Patrik Johansson
- Braillex-2d hardware,
Patrik Johansson
- Info about display braille,
Sauro Cesaretti
- How accessible is SuSe 9.3,
Krister Ekstrom
- AIM,
Mike Gorse
- RealPlayer nowadays,
Tobias Vinteus
- Has Anyone been able to ssh into Cygwin?,
John J. Boyer
- BRLTTY-3.7 has now been released. (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
- BRLTTY-3.7 has now been released.,
Dave Mielke
- Losing modules,
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
- problems with emacspeak,
- Samba-and-Grub?,
Hart Larry
- liblouis braille translator and back-translator now available,
John J. Boyer
- emacspeak, shell, & terminal emulation,
John G. Heim
- French speech music and so on,
Jean Philippe
- SuperVario 40 with gnopernicus using USB?,
Anders Karlsson
- keynotesa with speakup?,
hank smith
- Need help with Festival and Dectalk Rt,
David Jennette
- audio bible,
Karl Dahlke
- What to press in gnopernicus?,
Willem van der Walt
- shoutcast rpm?,
hank smith
- BRLTTY works under Cygwin (sorta),
Lee Maschmeyer
- changing dinamic ip address to static in linux?,
hank smith
- problem with debian installer,
Sauro Cesaretti
- Sound Blaster MP3+,
Terry Klarich
- avisynth.dll,
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
- turning off kudzo?,
hank smith
- running linux on laptops,
- Can A KVM switch Talk?,
Hart Larry
- compiling speakup under openembedded,
Andor Demarteau
- Viewing long YUM output,
- Viewing html Messages in Mutt,
John J. Boyer
- Power management on linux,
Brian Olesen
- Fedora Telnet install,
Chris Norman
Most suitable linux distro for a blind linux newbie?,
Larissa Naber
Is Samba the Best Way?,
Hart Larry
How much is Braille Voyager?,
ViaVoice for Emacspeak on Ubuntu 5.04 (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
Can yum do any harm to my system?,
Brian Olesen
speech (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
console screenreader for flite,
Andor Demarteau
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
Just about to install linux...,
Chris Norman
help for blind linux users in russia,
file managers,
Tyler Spivey
Info about acer travelmate 212 txv,
Sauro Cesaretti
foundation to help blind in St. Petersburg, Russia,
Mike Gorse
looking for a new distribution,
Levi Campbell
kde accessibility + brltty,
Andor Demarteau
Single-Digit Numbers?,
Hart Larry
More about speakup.,
Chris Norman
Speakup without a synth,
Chris Norman
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Chris Norman
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Chris Norman
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Janina Sajka
- lynx vs ed2k,
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
Janina Sajka
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
Avelino Rego
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
Janina Sajka
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
Dave Mielke
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
Janina Sajka
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
Christian Schoepplein
- Re: lynx vs ed2k,
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Chris Norman
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
John G. Heim
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Chris Norman
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Chris Norman
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Speakup without a synth,
Chris Norman
Problems with speakup home page,
Brian Olesen
New Linux user and several questions!,
Brian Olesen
Debian speakup-modified installation?,
Willem van der Walt
LSM 2005 - association (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
Sharing a braille printer in Linux,
David Renström
BRLTTY mailing list,
Samuel Thibault
Installation support,
Sauro Cesaretti
LSM 2005 - association,
Gilles Casse
BRLTTY error: glibc 2.3.4 required,
BRLTTY with alva satellite still does not work,
Talksina boom boom
is the following a bash script? I am unable to tell,
about brltty and USB alva satellite again,
have a linux question about mp3s,
help about recompiling BRLTTY with another display,
Talksina boom boom
parallel port synthesizer,
Karl Dahlke
FC4 installation,
Can't burn FC CDs,
FC4 installation hangs,
Osvaldo La Rosa
Linux-Tag: Image Viewer for people who are blind,
Hans Zoebelein
Brian Tew
Braillified Fedora Core 4 installer image now available.,
Dave Mielke
tracing my lug,
gnopernicus on fc4?,
lynx and ftp downloads,
Jude DaShiell
Problems with Postfix,
John J. Boyer
retawq browser,
Jude DaShiell
Linux installation and emacs speak,
suman rath
filenames with leading dashes,
Brian Tew
File name with leading dashes,
Tobias Vinteus
rss news feeds for lynx browser in linux,
Jude DaShiell
PDF conversion,
Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson
kernel 2.6 problem and old pc,
using a Baum RBT 40 display with BRLTTY,
Kenny Hitt
abook with set show_cursor=true doesn't work,
Sarge installation and still a problem with BrlTty,
frustrated with bsd games,
Michael Malver
is there still a words file in fedora,
Michael Malver
Karl Dahlke
Fwd: Looking for Developers for Open Source Screen Reader,
David Poehlman
[OT] Backing up the hard disk (win+linux),
Talksina boom boom
questions about using a BrailleLite 40 with BRLTTY,
Kenny Hitt
Any Menu-Driven Homepage Creators?,
Hart Larry
GNU Screen,
Gilles Casse
Error when trying to apt-get experimental gnome,
Krister Ekstrom
mplayer Keeps Surprising Me.,
Martin McCormick
Braille Note Supported by Speakup?,
David Tseng
two cd rom drives,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
Linux PDA,
Martin Courcelles
Gnopernicus and speech dispatcher.,
Sergei V. Fleytin
a Debian Question,
Chris Gray
FC3 distributions and Speakup,
David Tseng
More Observations on INternet Radio,
Martin McCormick
show_cursor patch for abook,
Cheryl Homiak
Listening to Internet Radio with mplayer,
Martin McCormick
up2date confusion,
Michael Malver
sound and linux,
Michael Malver
a speakup 2.0 and lynx problem,
Michael Malver
surfing the web with speakup,
Michael Malver
AIM on Linux,
John J. Boyer
scanning with scanimage and Gocr,
Ryan Mann
off topic: organizations researching visual disibility/ICT,
Willem van der Walt
trying to get redhat isos,
Michael Malver
braille terminal,
Brian Tew
Porting brltty to the Elba,
John J. Boyer
Kristoffer Gustafsson
how do it work? (samba),
Karl Dahlke
windows/linux access,
Karl Dahlke
accessing my linux box from windows and accessing my windows box from linux,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
xm pcr and timeshifting under linux with speakup,
Michael Malver
Linux BitTorrent clients,
Tobias Vinteus
Re: Textareas with lynx,
Hart Larry
speak freely,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
pdf to text,
John J. Boyer
daisy reader,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
gnome question,
Gustafsson Kristoffer (elev)
RE: Braille output for Tiger: Re: Installing Tiger from the Command Line,
Ian Blackburn
Installing Tiger from the Command Line,
John J. Boyer
Fedora Core 3.0 and Braillex 2d Screen (hardware),
Patrik Johansson
Emacspeak-22.0 (GuideDog) Unleashed! (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
Emacspeak-22.0 (GuideDog) Unleashed!,
T. V. Raman
Planning a VoiceOver Main Menu Review,
Luke Yelavich,
Luke Yelavich
My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
Luke Yelavich
- Re: My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
Kenny Hitt
- Re: My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
John G. Heim
- Re: My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
david poehlman
- Re: My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
Mario Lang
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
Bailey, Bruce
- RE: My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
Bailey, Bruce
- RE: My first impressions of VoiceOver.,
Bailey, Bruce
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