yes. Download alsa-utils-1.0.8.tar.gz from and build it as root on your system.
Once finished you'll have alsaconf on your system it's a script. Run it
and agree to having your /etc/modules.conf modified. Don't worry if you
get can't find rc.alsasound. Once done, aumix -v 100; aumix -p 100; aumix
-c 100; aumix -m 100; alsactl store; shutdown -r now. When you reboot try
using aplay or play to play a sound file you find in /usr/share/sounds.
If that works you're in business. I don't have a bugzilla account so
can't file a bug with the fedora project. The fedora project has for
x-window users system-configure-soundcard that is fine for x-window users
but doesn't do a thing for speakup and other screen reader users.
On Fri, 27 May 2005, Michael Malver wrote:
I have a sound blaster 64 which somehow didn't get recognized when linux was
I see reference to a program called sndconfig, but that seems to be gone.
I am a bit intimidated with building a kernel partly because I'm very new to
linux, and partly because I am unsure of the relation to kernel sources and
speakup and how it all ties together.
Is there anything I can do on my current system to get the sound blaster
working/ It worked uner redhat 7, but when I upgraded to fc3, I whiped out
the whole system.
thanks for any help.
If I must rebuild a kernel, what is the rpm command I would issue to gret
the sources I need?