Here it is mate, just a help I pulled from my shell account LOL, nothing
Chris Norman.
<!-- chris.norman4@xxxxxxxxxxxx -->
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Olesen" <brian@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Linux for blind general discussion" <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: New Linux user and several questions!
Hi chris,
Oh please send that summery. I can't wait to read it.
Thanks in advance!
you can send it to:
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Norman" <chris.norman4@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Linux for blind general discussion" <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: New Linux user and several questions!
I don't know if it'll help you with Linux, I only have a nice folder the
size of a house with three different versions of Linux still in their
images, but I do have a unix command summery, might help? Give me a shout
and I'll send it across. Also there is a site called
which has a linux link on it.
Chris Norman.
<!-- chris.norman4@xxxxxxxxxxxx -->
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Olesen" <brian@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Linux for blind general discussion" <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 4:51 PM
Subject: New Linux user and several questions!
Dear list,
Ok finally I did it. Never thought I would. grin
I'm talking about making the decition to try Linux for good and for
More then 10 years ago I used dos allot and while studdying computer
science I played a bit with Unix.
But 10 years is very long time without touching such a complex system,
so almost all of the knoladge I had at that time has gone away.
With sighted help I installed a server installation yesterday based on
Fedora core 4.
The machine is an ordenary pc celeron 2.66 GHZ 512 megs of ram, and a 40
gig hard drive.
There is a c-media audio chip build in and the graphics card is a Nvidia
tnt 2 I think.
The server is running fine and a good friend of mine is configuring lots
of programs and services remotely.
Now on to the questions
How can I get into Linux?
Where do I start?
Shortly about my background. I'm a Microsoft certified systems engeneer
Internet specialist, so at least I have good knoladge about computers in
generel, and windows stuff in particular.
I've heard that there are diferent options to choose from when deciding
wich speech system you want?
I can access the machine from other machines via secure crt and ssh, but
is it possible to install some speech on the machine itself?
Well I'll not ask any more questions for now. I hope some of you more
experienced users will step in, and give me some information about how
to become a serious Linux user. Thanks in advance.
Best regards
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UNIX command summary
cd {dir} - Change Directory
pwd - print working (current) directory
ls - LiSt directory (try ls -la)
cat {file} - conCATenate (view) a file
mkdir {name} - create a directory
rm {file} - remove a file or directory
mv {file) - move a file or directory
chmod perm {file} - set permission bits for a file or directory
edit {file} - edit a file in your directory
ps - Process Status (try ps -aux)
passwd - Change your password
disk - show current disk usage
uptime - show system status
df - print system storage
dict {word} - query the online dictionary
cal - calendar (try 'cal 1752')
finger {user} - show info about a user (try who or w)
chfn - change your full name
chsh - change your shell
ping {host} - test network connectivity to a host
traceroute {host} - view the route to a remote host
man {cmd} - read a manual page for a command.
dig / host - DNS utilities
geoip - Country lookup on an IP
expire - calculate your account expiration
domains - list domains available for use on SDF
mkhomepg - manage your own webpage space
mkgopher - manage your own gopherspace
upload - upload a file using ZMODEM (works w/ TeraTERM)
com - multiuser online chat
send {user} - send a message to another user online
bboard - bulletin board
faq - frequently asked questions
mail - read/send email (also try
lynx {url} - browse webpages
links {url} - browse webpages (w/ frames support)
gopher {url} - browse gopherspace
talk {user} - talk to another user
url {user} - look up a user's URL
ysm - chat on the ICQ network
pkg_info - list ported/installed software packages
whois {domain} - query the INTERNIC WHOIS database
delme - remove your account now
logout - logoff