/We have corrected an email problem, please respond to the email
addresses below rather than those in the previous email. Sorry for the
inconvenience and thank you again for your participation./
This is a second request for survey responses. In addition to OM
instructors, this time we are seeking input from anyone who is blind or
partially sighted as well as anyone who makes or wants to be able to
easily make tactile maps. But we also seek input from people who
navigate or teach navigation (formally or informally – i.e. parents)
without tactile maps.
We have received funding from the National Science Foundation (grant
#HRD-0533251) to create *Tactile Mapping Software* that will be
available as a FREE download to teachers, parents, or anyone who wants
to use it. This project is entirely NON-profit and the resulting
software will only be as useful as the input we receive from you.
This survey will help us identify features that may be important to
symbolize and include in the software. We ask that you answer three
short questions, which should take approximately 5 minutes. Please send
to our email (tactmaps@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tactmaps@xxxxxxxxxxx>). Also,
please forward this survey to anyone who may be interested in
participating. Thank You!
If you do not wish to participate, simply discard the questionnaire.
Responses will be completely anonymous; your name will not appear
anywhere on the survey. Completing and returning the questionnaire
constitutes your consent to participate.
Please Answer the Following Questions:
1. List *any and all* environmental features necessary for
blind/partially sighted navigation, especially what KIND of landmarks.
2. If you make maps, list your method(s) of tactile map production
(swell paper, TIGER embosser, collage…). If you use more than one,
indicate percentage of use of each method.
3. If you make maps, what is your position or reason for producing
tactile maps?
Keep this letter for your records. If you have any questions regarding
the research, contact Amy Lobben, Department of Geography, University of
Oregon, 541-346-4566. If you have any questions regarding your rights as
a research subject, please contact the Office of Human Subjects
Compliance at the University of Oregon at (541) 346-2510. Thank you
again for your help.
For more information on this project, please contact Amy Lobben at
tactmaps@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tactmaps@xxxxxxxxxxx>