PHP Users
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- Re: [suspicious - maybe spam] [PHP] [suspicious - maybe spam] Issues with News sites again..., (continued)
- Quick Poll: PHP 4 / 5,
Ryan A
- string tokenization,
- array question: fixed, matt VanDeWalle
- asynchronous PHP to PHP call,
- array simple question,
matt VanDeWalle
- error message while mysqling on php,
Michal Krezolek
- trying to figure out the best/efficient way to tell who is logged into a site..,
- Deny access from certain hosts,
David Pollack
- glob behavior on OSX, Luis Magaña
- ini_set(),
Gustav Wiberg
- Generating PHP (Admin) Tables, Lst Recv
- RE: date parsing, Jim Moseby
- Accessing images in a protected directory,
- Modifying data in forms with values,
Robert Sossomon
- ADODB vs PHP extension,
Dean Maunder
- CBL Partial Updater Released!, Kazuho Oku
- [from internals] Re: ref fix revisited,
Jochem Maas
- PHP 5, LDAP/Active Directory,
Joe Wollard
- xml parse engine written in php,
- Problem w/ reading a txt file.,
- Problem with POST reply,
Dean Maunder
- turning off echoing of chars, matt VanDeWalle
- can't connect to mysql,
blackwater dev
- COM and MS word., Dave Lists
- Problem with PEAR:SOAP,
- mktime,
Dan Brow
- incrementing in a for loop,
- Opinion Request - No PHP content - Versioning Systems,
John Nichel
- DOM XML compatible PHP4 & PHP5,
Florent Monnier
- hidden database issue????,
- confirmation email script/code,
- Handling file uploads for download, Charles Kline
- SOAP and php,
Leon Vismer
- mysql_connect, blackwater dev
- Best way to mass mail,
Ryan A
- Re: Best way to mass mail, Mark Rees
- Re: Best way to mass mail, Matthew Weier O'Phinney
- Re: Best way to mass mail, Manuel Lemos
- Re: Best way to mass mail, Miles Thompson
- Re: Best way to mass mail, Miles Thompson
- Re: Best way to mass mail, Dragan Stanojevic - Nevidljivi
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Re: Best way to mass mail, Ryan A
- RE: Re: Best way to mass mail, Chris W. Parker
- Re: Best way to mass mail, Ryan A
- RE: Re: Best way to mass mail, Chris W. Parker
- RE: Re: Best way to mass mail, Chris W. Parker
- RE: Re: Best way to mass mail, Chris W. Parker
- set_time_limit behavior,
- PHP - LDAPS query,
Vedanta Barooah
- setting 'expiry date',
- log4php, bruce
- help me to draw a listview in my website,
Nahalingam N. Kanakavel
- Round with ONE-decimal... always...,
Gustav Wiberg
- Variables not available,
Dotan Cohen
- User notes script, Sumankumar R
- Payflow Pro compile error,
Dan Harrington
- PHP Sessions,
Chris Wagner
- Best way to update PHP on RH 9,
Todd Cary
- date and time conversion,
- date of file?,
- PHP page counter,
Michelle Konzack
- Date/Time Display for recurring monthly event,
- thanks for the help, matt VanDeWalle
- searching through a mysql db/tbl,
- seemingly odd problem, matt VanDeWalle
- ran into a seemingly odd problem,
matt VanDeWalle
- creating a login/registration/admin function/app,
- what is Storage drivers ?, mzz2k4
- PHP on FreeBSD - Compiler Bugs and Option selection,
- Convert a timestamp to RFC822??,
Brian Dunning
- switching php version,
Florent Monnier
- array2string,
David Christensen
- mixing $_POST and $_GET vars,
- Books / tutorials on Object Oriented Programming with PHP,
Vinayakam Murugan
- Change the order in which Objects are unloaded,
Niels Ganser
- [SHAMELESS PLUG] Hurricane Relief Initiative, Marco Tabini
- Encrypt Files,
- STDERR not opened with php 5.0.5,
Florent Monnier
- session.gc_maxlifetime,
Gustav Wiberg
- ASP (VBScript) to PHP Converters?,
Jay Blanchard
- IS the list broken, or have I botched up somehow?,
Jay Blanchard
- Is php 5.0.4 using isapi unreliable?,
Ben Duffy
- Installing APD,
Amir Mohammad Saied
- installing php5 on apache2 as a module (on win xp),
Cristian Ionitoiu
- SPL array filter,
Kevin Waterson
- Inserting records question,
- How large string in cookie?,
Gustav Wiberg
- Limit - nr of sessions on a domain?,
Gustav Wiberg
- Rotating images from a folder, Ross
- php.ini and php.config Tutorial?,
- Better timestamp explanation to the client,
Ryan A
- Deadlock with session handling code?, Ben Ramsey
- access resources via a proxy,
Vedanta Barooah
- Cleaning a resultset,
- RE: [PHP-DEV] OCI8 1.1 announce, BUSTARRET, Jean-Francois
- problem with multi field validation, Muthukumar
- unserialize() problem, Harris Kosmidhs
- preg_match help please,
Steve Turnbull
- PHP wiki recommendations,
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
- Learning PHP - question about hidden form fields,
- Checking a date for validity,
Todd Cary
- Stripping control M character (^M),
Paul Nowosielski
- install-pear.phar errors, Greg Donald
- user registration/login - admin functions...,
- Assign values in foreach-loop: Problem solved, Sabine
- Assign values in foreach-loop,
- OCI8 1.1 announce,
Antony Dovgal
- Help with Class,
Ian Barnes
- Re: Confused about how to best execute php scripts in /cgi-bin/, KEVIN ZEMBOWER
- Breaking up search terms into an array intelligently,
Paul Groves
- Integer - boundary?,
Gustav Wiberg
- Cookie-question?,
Gustav Wiberg
- GD2 on Linux, Robert Graham
- header, location: mailto abd browsers,
Bernard Perrot
- debugging dl(),
Bob Pilly
- iconv() in PHP returns 'Unknown error 0',
Toomas Aas
- [Mail]mb_encode_mimeheader, Sylvain Gourvil
- Parsing MS-WORD docs,
Shafiq Rehman
- Installing 4.3.0 and Apache 2.0.54 DSO, Rob Tanner
- really basic question,
Adi Zebic
- Sending different languages to GD,
Graham Anderson
- php mailing list/email app,
- regular expression for integer range,
- Create a new $_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"] in PHP4.3.1,
- Sessions, URL, --enable-trans-id, Dan Baker
- php equivalent for cut,
Michelle Konzack
- Sessions , expiry times and different time zones,
Dan Rossi
- Object Scope,
Chuck Brockman
- Confused about how to best execute php scripts in /cgi-bin/, KEVIN ZEMBOWER
- Apache Linux question,
Feris Thia C.
- Problem with Apache+Fedora Core 4 + PHP Installation, Feris Thia C.
- php/mysql web question,
- owner of files created by fopen() become wrong?,
Wong HoWang
- Getting current page name without path,
- suggestions needed to use "session",
Nahalingam Kanakavel
- preg_match and $ sign in PHP5,
Cabbar Duzayak
- howto send a whole smarty page to a printer,
- disable safe_mode with .htaccess ?,
Wong HoWang
- how to divide string,
Adi Zebic
- Ticket Number, Kenny
- Passing by reference, assigning by reference?, Alex Gemmell
- online/offline...but on a list of users,
Ryan A
- Filter based on ctype_print(),
Rick Emery
- FTP Chmod problem,
Matt Palermo
- Scary nonsense form submissions,
Brian Dunning
John Taylor-Johnston
- Another nube strugaling to get PHP working with Apache.,
Dale Turner
- Compositing 3 images at once with GD, Graham Anderson
- Using parent with call_user_func_array,
- How to get GD to handle different image formats?,
Graham Anderson
- I have a special problem,
Populous Refurbished
- php 5 upgrade - undefined index errors EVERYWHERE,
Jason Boerner
- mysql_connect() error,
php general help
- apache (root) + php4,
Michelle Konzack
- Distinguishing between multiple browser windows for the same php session,
Chris Stenton
- Generating images on the fly, linking via symlink?,
Dan Trainor
- Create password for .htaccess file,
- SoundEx in swedish?,
Gustav Wiberg
- FreeBSD php{4,5} w/ LDAP + SSL/TLS ldap_start_tls(),
Brian A. Seklecki
- problem with the session and global variable,
Tomás Rodriguez Orta
- socket_read() trouble with PHP_BINARY_READ,
M. Sokolewicz
- PHP4.4.0 not recognizing pdflib installtion, Young
- need information on sending email using php,
Paul Goepfert
- Content - strip...,
Gustav Wiberg
- deleting files on Windows...permissions issue,
- Session expires randomly,
Mauricio Pellegrini
- How to force a variable to be a custom object?,
Alex Gemmell
- exec() may not be safe,
Ilja Polivanovas
- Problem with new extension, George Pitcher
- Php and postfix error <nobody@localhost.localdomain>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found,
- intval() vs. (int),
- 400 error,
Seth Rainsdon
- calling PHP self with a text link,
- Viewing Binary format., Soh Andy
- Allowing access to only one host/referer,
Dan Rossi
- Impossible???,
Gustav Wiberg
- session cookies,
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