----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Groves" <paul.groves@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 4:54 PM
Subject: Breaking up search terms into an array intelligently
I want to be able to break up a number of search terms typed into an input
box into array, simple enough one would think, just use explode, e.g
$array = explode(" ", $string);
But what if I want to be able to cope with search terms seperated by > 1
space (a common typing error)? This should work:
function enhanced_explode($string) {
$array = preg_split ("/\s+/", $string);
return ($array);
But what if I want to allow "Google"-type search parameters, so that
something like the following is split into 3 search terms?:
firstsearchterm "second search term" thirdsearchterm
The following code will do the trick, but is slow and doesn't allow for
multiple spaces as the delimiter, nor the possibility of multiple
(e.g. " ", "+", "," etc.)
function explode2($delimeter, $string)
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
if ($string{$i} == '"')
if ($insidequotes)
$insidequotes = false;
$insidequotes = true;
elseif ($string{$i} == $delimeter)
if ($insidequotes)
$currentelement .= $string{$i};
$returnarray[$elementcount++] = $currentelement;
$currentelement = '';
$currentelement .= $string{$i};
$returnarray[$elementcount++] = $currentelement;
return $returnarray;
None of these solutions are ideal, I guess a clever regular exression
(preg_split) could solve this, but I'm not quite sure how - does anyone
any ideas? Thanks
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Hi Paul!
I guess you're looking for something like this?
$sql = "SELECT ID From tbTempTable";
$search = $_GET["frmSearch"];
$search = trim($search);
$search = strtolower($search);
//Delete all occurances of " (chr(34)) in search-string
//Delete all occurances of \ (chr(92)) in search-string
$search = str_replace(chr(34),"",$search);
$search = str_replace(chr(92),"",$search);
//Divide search - string into an array
$searcharray = explode(" ",$search);
//Go through search-array if several words are type
//within search-string
$firstSQL = "WHERE";
for ($i=0;$i<count($searcharray);$i++) {
//Check for occuarances of +,- or "" and search in right manner...
$notset = "LIKE";
$orset ="OR";
//If + then don't search for +, only rest of searcharray
if (substr($searcharray[$i],0,1) == "+") {
$searcharray[$i] = substr($searcharray[$i],1,
//If - then don't search for +, only rest of searcharray
//and add NOT LIKE to search-criteria
if (substr($searcharray[$i],0,1) == "-") {
$notset = "NOT LIKE";
$orset ="AND";
$searcharray[$i] = substr($searcharray[$i],1,
$sa = mysql_real_escape_string($searcharray[$i]);
//Freetext search
if ($_GET["frmFreeText"] == 'on') {
$sql .= " " . $firstSQL . " (tbvotes.titleJoke $notset '%" . $sa .
$sql .= " $orset tbvotes.Joke $notset '%" . $sa . "%'";
$sql .= " $orset nameOfUser $notset '%" . $sa . "%'";
$sql .= " $orset tbvotes.nrOfVotes $notset '%" . $sa . "%'";
$sql .= ")";
if ($_GET["frmTitle"] == 'on') {
$sql .= " " . $firstSQL . " (tbvotes.titleJoke $notset '%" . $sa .
$sql .= ")";
//Avs search
if ($_GET["frmFrom"] == 'on') {
$sql .= " " . $firstSQL . " (tbvotes.fromJoke $notset '%" . $sa .
$sql .= ")";
//Nr of votes - search
if ($_GET["frmVotes"] == 'on') {
$sql .= " " . $firstSQL . " (tbvotes.nrOfVotes $notset '%" . $sa .
$sql .= ")";
//Grade - search
if ($_GET["frmGrade"] == 'on') {
$sql .= " " . $firstSQL . " ((totalValueJoke / nrOfVotes) $notset
'%" . $sa . "%'";
$sql .= ")";
//Set AND if more than word typed in...
$firstSQL = "AND";
//END Search now...
//echo $sql;
I hope it will give you a clue into right direction... :-)
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