Always this stuff about breaking backward compatibility. People seem to think that the change from 4 to 5 means such a lot. In fact the changes from PHP4.0 to PHP4.4 are much more numerous. The backwarr incompatible changes between 4 and 5 fit on asingle page of screen: And most of these changes don't affect the normal programmer. I think the change from 4 to 5 ist that slow because there are so many programmers with VisualBasic (or worse) background that don't see the benefits of OOP. Iterators and delegation via interceptors are cool concepts but to use them you have to learn how to use them. And before you learn how to use them you have to understand what they're for and why they're cool. And before that you have to know that such things even exist. And with questions like "How do I increment by more than one in a for loop" on the forum this isn't very likely to be the case for a majority of the PHP community. It's a very big community with some experts and a lot of total beginners. And a beginner likes to stick with what works for him. I guess we'll have to wait for the hosters to adopt PHP5 and then for the next generation of PHP beginners. They will not know that there was PHP4 when they begin to learn. For example, they will use PDO for database access right from the start and intuitively use the iterator of PDOStatement. AllOLLi ____________ When you can't fix the problem, point it out and pretend it was intentional. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: