Rasmus please ignore my last mail, I was being blind and stupid.
Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:
hello Rasmus,
sorry to interrupt ... but ... could you possibly
spare a moment to explain why the SquirrelMail example you gave
is 'dumb' code? (I for one would like to avoid writing dumb code
wherever possible, and it looks a lot like I line I could have written!)
many thanks and regards,
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
SquirrelMail has code like this all over the place:
$value = strtolower(array_shift(split('/\w/',trim($value))));
I know I'm not Rasmus ... but I thought he already explained it pretty
well in the email you quoted. By the way, please don't top-post.
only if Rasmus asks ;-)! normally I don't top-post but in this case I figured
I save Rasmus the effort of scrolling ... I figured he'd remember the gist
of a email he himself wrote less than a day ago...
array_shift [1] receives its first argument as a reference (and modifies
it), but because you're not actually passing a variable here, but
actually the result of split(), what exactly is array_shift meant to
ok it's too early I guess, I looked right past it - I was thinking to complex,
thanks for the heads up...
A better way to write that would be:
$value_parts = split('/\w/', trim($value));
$value = strtolower($value_parts[0]);
... which has the advantage of being a bit more readable too.
debatable ... no bog deal either way ...
$value = split('/\w/', trim($value));
$value = strtolower($value[0]);
... saves a var, no?
[1] http://php.net/array_shift
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