hi... i'm creating a couple of sites that are going to need a user registration/login functin as well as an admin function. rather than reinvent the wheel, it thought i'd turn to you guys, to see if you've run across any app that you thought was good regarding the functions. i'm more than willing to rip off, copy/paste functionality! user registration/login: -allow user to enter basic information -allow user to enter username/passwd -ensure unique username -email confirmation of user registration -password regeneration (forgot passwd) -handle forgot username/password -ip blocking -email blocking -security graphic verification (capcha??) -admin notification -aadmin enable/authorize -Session var generation on successful login -limit login attempts for invalid logins -ensure only single usage of login at a time -ensure that multiple logins of a login is within a geographic/IP range -IP/User tracking - Admin functionality: -IP Tracking -IP blocking -User Management -User Enable/Disable function -User Auth/Verification function -User Email Function -User Password regeneration function -Site Mamagement -List Users -Track User Actions within site -Allow User to be a member of a given group -Create Groups -Assign User Roles/Groups - - - - This is kind of a basic/starting point. I'm looking at a few CMS apps, but i'm curious to know if you guys have seen any app (open source) that has what i'm looking for... thanks bruce bedouglas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php