It sounds like you are trying to build a full text search string,
perhaps for searching a MySQL database? Below is the function I came
up with a while ago. It's worked fine, although it currently does not
check for multiple spaces, but that should be easy to change. It uses
a space as a delimiter and it checks for quotes for searching on
phrases. It returns the search string for a MySQL full text boolean
mode search. You should be able to easily adapt it to your specific
function prepFullTextSearch($searchVal) {
//Split words into list
$word_List = explode(' ',stripslashes(trim
//Step through word list to get search phrases
$i = 0;
$isPhrase = false;
foreach($word_List as $word) {
$searchItems[$i] = trim(($isPhrase?$searchItems[$i].'
//Check for start of Phrase
if(substr($searchItems[$i],0,1) == '"') {
$isPhrase = true;
//If not building a phrase, append wildcard (*) to end
of word
if(!$isPhrase) {
$searchItems[$i] .= '*';
//Check for end of Phrase
if(substr($searchItems[$i],-1) == '"') {
$isPhrase = false;
$searchVal = '+'.implode(' +',$searchItems);
return $searchVal;
On Sep 7, 2005, at 10:54 AM, Paul Groves wrote:
I want to be able to break up a number of search terms typed into
an input
box into array, simple enough one would think, just use explode, e.g
$array = explode(" ", $string);
But what if I want to be able to cope with search terms seperated
by > 1
space (a common typing error)? This should work:
function enhanced_explode($string) {
$array = preg_split ("/\s+/", $string);
return ($array);
But what if I want to allow "Google"-type search parameters, so that
something like the following is split into 3 search terms?:
firstsearchterm "second search term" thirdsearchterm
The following code will do the trick, but is slow and doesn't allow
multiple spaces as the delimiter, nor the possibility of multiple
(e.g. " ", "+", "," etc.)
function explode2($delimeter, $string)
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
if ($string{$i} == '"')
if ($insidequotes)
$insidequotes = false;
$insidequotes = true;
elseif ($string{$i} == $delimeter)
if ($insidequotes)
$currentelement .= $string{$i};
$returnarray[$elementcount++] = $currentelement;
$currentelement = '';
$currentelement .= $string{$i};
$returnarray[$elementcount++] = $currentelement;
return $returnarray;
None of these solutions are ideal, I guess a clever regular exression
(preg_split) could solve this, but I'm not quite sure how - does
anyone have
any ideas? Thanks
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