You were right! That was exactly the problem after reading your message, I 've verified the value for gc_maxlifetime and found that it was set to 1440 secs in other words 24 minutes. Thank you for that. But, now I need to come up with something to avoid this behaviour. The problem is that there's a second php application ruuning on the same server and I don't want to change the default for gc_maxlilfetime, So I was thinking on implementing some sort of automatic session refresh after a short period, let's say every 20 minutes of inactivity. And of course I should provide the users with a manual way to make session end, sort of a logout from the application.( no problem with that) My question is: Is there a way to set sort of a timer as to invoke an hipothetical "refresh_session.php" without reloading the current page on the client? Thanks Mauricio. On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 14:20, Kirk.Johnson@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, Mauricio Pellegrini wrote: > > > > > Hi, I have this problem , When I start a Session everything seems to > be > > > ok but sometimes with no reason the session vanishes. > > > > > > All settings are default , I mean session_cache_expire is 180 min. > > > I understand that this setting should make sessions last for at least > 3 > > > hours but in my case it seems not to be true since the real duration > > > varies from 20 minutes to an hour > > I think the parameter you need to look at in php.ini is > session.gc_maxlifetime. It sets the session lifetime, not > session_cache_expire. The default lifetime is probably 1440 seconds, > roughly 20 minutes, so the behavior you are seeing is completely normal - > it's all working as it should. > > Kirk -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: