hi Ryan, here are my crosses :-) It would be nice if you could compile a small summary at some stage based on the replies - any chance of that? Ryan A wrote: ...
[x] I am still working on PHP 4 [] I never work with PHP 4 anymore, all my work is with PHP 5 [] Oops, call me old fashioned but i am still with 3! [x] I have no problems finding a host with PHP 5 support [] I can handle PHP 5, but I only work with PHP 4 [] Nah, will wait till PHP 6 is out, theres not much diff between 4 and 5 [] PHP 5 sounds / looks too hard to learn [x] Other
All my new stuff is in php5 unless I'm forced otherwise. I maintain quite a bit of php4 code which I can't upgrade to php5 without a major rewrite (which will happen when hell freezes over) I mostly run on my own servers, some of my clients have dedicated hardware which I can install what ever is needed onto. the hosting I do use is very flexible in getting me the tools I want/need - I ask them 'any chance of php5' .... 15 minutes later I have access to a fully functional production box with php5 (etc). my hosting guys are a small technical outfit and rather nice to me :-) -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php