I'd probably out how many minutes it's been, then format it using if
$iMinues = (value from database);
if(1 > $iMinutes) $sLastseen = 'Less than a minute ago!';
elseif(1 == $iMinutes) $sLastseen = '1 minute ago';
elseif(60 > $iMinutes) $sLastseen = "{$iMinutes} minutes ago";
elseif(120 > $iMinutes) $sLastseen = '1 hour '.($iMinutes - 60).'
minutes ago';
I don't think there is any real shortcut for doing this kind of thing,
though I could be wrong.
Ryan A wrote:
In one of our tables we have these fields:
cust_no bigint(20),
cust_name varchar(30),
last_online datetime,
and in that members profile, if someone visits it, on the top of the page we
have this:
// connect to db, query for record and display it below
Last seen: <?php echo $last_online; ?>
Any ideas on the simplest way to make it look like this:
Last seen: Less than a minute ago!
Last seen: 25 mins ago
Last seen: 2 hours 11 mins ago
Last seen: 1 (or 2 or 3) day/s ago
else{ echo $last_seen; }
I have seen this done on a few sites (Swedish sites actually, I can give you
the URLs if you need them)
I think it looks much better than:
Last seen : 2005-09-07 20:59:01
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