PHP Users
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- Re: Routing downloads through PHP, (continued)
RE: Routing downloads through PHP, Shaunak Kashyap
Finding out DPI using GD,
Strange response to MySQL query,
web database template,
Problem with php.ini and include_path,
George Pitcher
Blogger post failed?,
Jay Blanchard
Hardened patch and Zend optimizer, Dan Rossi
Problems with imap_open(),
PHPUnit2 and TDD,
Paul Scott
Complications when sending HTML email,
Peter Lauri
Downloading very large files,
Jonathan Duncan
RE: What's a Blog?, Jay Blanchard
testing text body emails,
Mark Steudel
[HS] IDE PHP on Linux...,
Problems with IIS6,
Anders Norrbring
doubt in mail() in php,
suresh kumar
Converting piped data to values from html to phpcgi,
GPG on Safe Mode - Other Options, Mike Pogue
Converting piped data from stdin to phpcgi,
safe_mode + move_upload_file,
phpinfo returns a permission error,
Dave M G
doubt in mail function,
suresh kumar
limit on the mail function,
Where is Zend,
Roger Thomas
string size in bytes,
PHP multi-threading ?,
php as a content filter?, Juraj Bednar
What's the average color?, tedd
PHP function called by onclick,
Alain Roger
Smart anti-aliasing,
memory leak when referencing associative arrays,
Gonzalo MC
Flatfile forum?,
Nicholas Couloute
Class/functions question,
Paul Goepfert
Asynchronous Processing,
Gustavo Rios
unsupported binary characters in database,,
Mark Steudel
scope of classes in PHP,
Stuart Bailey
Oracle buying out Zend ... how does that affect PHP?,
Marc G. Fournier
how to learn php,
SQL request on DBase file...,
Updated PHP Examples, Dave Jarvis
Weirdness with PHP FreeBSD/OSX/Linux headers already sent,
Eric Butera
php versions between os/platform,
pedro mpa
gettting last assigned key in an array,
RE: <Newbie Question> Can't insert values into MySQL DB via PHP, Jim Moseby
Static and Global at the same time!,
Miguel Guirao
Debugging custom streams,
Jared Williams
PHP Examples,
Dave Jarvis
Re: PHP Examples, tedd
<Newbie Question> Can't insert values into MySQL DB via PHP,
Duggles Temple
vaidation and mail function question,
Paul Goepfert
static variables,
suresh kumar
Clone of the concurrent users limit of Zend Encoder 4.0 ?,
HoWang Wang
TMP directory,
Miguel Guirao
Limitation on PEAR : Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer,
Bagus Nugroho
problem with code between 4.3.4rc1 & upgrading to php 4.4.2,
PHP_fsockopen_connection refused(111),
Leonidas Safran
Peter Lauri
Redirect from /rss.xml to /rss/rss.xml, Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
static variable declaration, suresh kumar
Can't install,
Ing. Tomás Liendo, Jochem Maas
Curl With Certificates As Strings,
Gustafson, Tim
XML parsing,
Peter Lauri
define() or $variable for application settings?,
Matt Arnilo S. Baluyos (Mailing Lists)
William Stokes
Sending error_log to screen,
Reuben D. Budiardja
php.ini version changed, code broke,
SESSION and include,
Fredrik Tillman
global variable declaration,
suresh kumar
suggest a cart...,
How to output multiple tables nicely(!) from PHP in Excel format?,
Olaf Greve
Re: How to output multiple tables nicely(!) from PHP in Excel format?, tedd
Advanced PHP Chat,
Stephen Martindale
Array sizes?,
Anders Norrbring
Suggested product for ticket support and project management, Dan Rossi
which version fixes bug 29922, Daniel Bondurant
image location hiding techniques,
hbeaumont hbeaumont
echo date("l");,
Khristian Hamilton-Bailey
PHP Application Vuln. Testing,
Jason Gerfen
The Big Date and Time Debacle,
Stephen Martindale
How to user curl_setopt?,
setting Headers using htmlMimeMail class?,
Angelo Zanetti
out of dynamic memory, Mascker
Is this the most effient to do with php an mysql?,
Paul Goepfert
PHP mysql data result set compression,
David Yee
Missing characters,
Fernando Anchorena
Flash Email Issues, Tom Haschenburger
php / mysqli problem, jonathan
Re: REMOVE ME, Mark Galbreath
get me off,
Chandler Zwolle
[Problem] - reading file,
Window close.,
Recompile PHP on pre-installed system,
Justin Cook
APD generates no output,
Gustavo Narea
large files and readfile,
Daniel Bondurant
UK Only - Freelance PHP developer required, Richard Davey
Making Php Libraries,
Christopher Taylor
Help Defending against Email Injection Attacks,
Greg Schnippel
William Stokes
Results In Variable,
Pastor Steve
string lenght?,
William Stokes
DOM/XML Query,
Andrew Clarke
Strip comments but leave URI's which are in between ( and ), Mathijs
can't output sql query with php code.,
Paul Goepfert
problem with Mail function,
Tariq Dalvi
Re: problem with Mail function, sub
<Possible follow-ups>
Resource use reading from file system,
Brian Dunning
Help with mysql_query and INSERT INTO,
Colin Davis
Reverse Engineering of Smarty,
Zareef Ahmed
need help to update a mysql table from dynamic form,
Patrick Aljord
Using API in other languages,
Serious bug ?,
Bogdan Ribic
REGEX query,
Re: REGEX query, Tom Rogers
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: REGEX query, phplists
xml to array,
Brian V Bonini
Database question and PHP,
Paul Goepfert
getting error in connecting COM ..,
ganu ullu
form & get vars,
Jason Gerfen
[PHP-INSTALL] Re: [PHP] Re: php4 vs. php5, Mark Galbreath
Truncate words in multiple paragraphs,
Verdon Vaillancourt
Include after image or a way to reset header,
[Off] Cheap SSL certificates?,
Brian Dunning
PHP 4.2.2 Float->Mysql addition problem,
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: PHP 4.2.2 Float->Mysql addition problem, Ford, Mike
Re: PHP 4.2.2 Float->Mysql addition problem, Barry
multisession download,
Shu Hung (Koala)
variables in PHP,
suresh kumar
Ajax+ PHP Map,
blackwater dev
Configure question,
Excell to CSV Date Calculations,
Ray Hauge
php4 vs. php5,
Grae Wolfe - PHP
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: php4 vs. php5, Jim Moseby
Re: php4 vs. php5, Richard Lynch
RE: Re: php4 vs. php5, Jim Moseby
Unique Names for Variable in Loop,
Albert Padley
File permissions do not seem to be my friend,
Brian Dunning
Reomended steps when updating libraries, Federico Petronio
Getting The Document Root,
Jeremy Privett
Re: Getting The Document Root, Richard Lynch
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Getting The Document Root, Jim Moseby
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