On 3-Feb-06, at 4:19 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
On Fri, February 3, 2006 10:54 am, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:
I am using the following function (that I found in the user comments
php.net manual) for trimming the number of words accepted via a form
// Truncation is by word limit, not character limit. So if you limit
// to 255, then it will cut off a text item to 255 words, not 255
function trim_text ($string, $truncation=250) {
$string = preg_split("/\s+/",$string,($truncation+1));
This splits it apart on any whitespace.
return implode(' ',$string);
This re-assembles it with spaces as the only whitespace.
There's probably some way to do it with built-in functions, but here's
a solution:
function trim_text($string, $truncation = 250){
//search for words/whitespace
for($w=false,$l=strlen($string),$c=0,$t=0; $t<$truncation &&
$char = $string[$c];
//detect change of state from 'word' to 'whitespace':
if (!$w && strstr(" \t\r\n", $char)){
$w = true;
elseif($w && !strstr(" \t\r\n", $char)){
$w = false;
return substr($string, 0, $c);
This is NOT going to be fast on large pieces of text, because PHP loop
is relatively slow -- So if somebody posts a working function using
built-in PHP functions, it will probably be faster.
This mostly works too, and in my circumstances, I'm not using it on any
large blocks. I also like that it takes tabs into account.
One thing, if I feed it a string of say 300 words in multiple
paragraphs, it returns a string of 251 words... 250 intact words and
the first letter of the 251st word (at least in the tests I've done so
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