Peter Lauri wrote:
> Best mailing list member,
> I have an external payment gateway provider (similar to PayPal) and
need to
> send POST variables to them to initiate the Payment Process.
> Is there any function in PHP that can send POST variables to a URL
> using <form> and then a javascript that submits it when the page is
You can submit pages to a url without using forms. there are several
ways. check Snoopy class from but this is not an
efficient way, because there are lot of redirection and responses and
header informations with the payment gateway.
Instead you should create a "confirmation" page. After submitting all
the details of the form, php should then process it and create a
"confirmation" page which the user has to again click to "confirm" the
action. then the variables go to paypal via browser.
> My dream is to have a function (or class) that would be used this way:
"dream"...really?.. mine is to own a merc.
Sumeet Shroff
Web Design and Ecommerce Development, Mumbai India
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