Barry wrote:
Michael Crute wrote:
May I suggest you get a cheap box (you could build one for a few
hundred bucks, or ebay), get a copy of <your favorite linux distro>
and do development locally, beats the heck out of external hosting for
development/learning stuff.
probably. yes.
But when you have some bad hosting provider using "insert crappy website
admin tool in here", then developing local might also be problematic,
because online it might wont work.
I have some ensim crappy admin tool online (switch it soon though just
started here at the company) and it really does suck. because its based
on red Hat 7.3 and RPM package stuff.
Installing new rpm impossible and compiling anything would f**ck up the
whole admin tool.
Yay that rocks >_<
Good point Michael - I do have an old laptop lying around here (which I
usually use for tests), so I could easily convert that into a server.
I've already contacted my hosters, so I should receive an answer pretty
soon. As for the code - lemme get down to setting up that server ;)
Thanks guys for all your help - I'll let you know if it works out!
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