I know this message is probably going to flood my inbox with agency
crap and 'offshore' development ads, but hopefully something good
will come of it:
If you are based in the UK and provide freelance PHP development, and
**have some availability** then please send me an email with a couple
of on-line examples of your work and your hourly/daily rates. If you
are Zend Certified then so much the better! I would expect you to be
fluent in PHP and associated technologies, be used to and comfortable
with object orientated development / design patterns, and proficient
in MySQL. Smarty/Pear experience a bonus.
Please *don't* email me if you are so busy you couldn't fit in a
single new project. Equally don't email me if your PHP skills are not
sufficiently advanced to meet the criteria above.
Zend Certified Engineer
PHP Development Services
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