George Pitcher wrote:
George Pitcher wrote:
I have compiled php-5.1.2 with apache on Debian and have a
problem with the
My configure was './configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-pear'
the '--with-apxs' suggest your probably running php as an apache module,
if so then you'll need to restart apache for the settings in php.ini
to take affect.
Sorry, I should have said that I'd done that as well. Still no joy.
One other thing that I have noticed is that if I do 'php -i |grep
include_path' from outside the directory where php.ini is it says
'include_path => .:/usr/lib/php' but if I do that from within the same
directory as php.ini I get the include_path that I have set in php.ini.
sounds like you have 2 (or more) php executables floating about; try running
a 'which php' and a 'locate php' to find out where exactly they are.
also in both case you mention above try grepping for where php is getting
it's php.ini file from - this may lead you to the 'other' php.ini on your
system (assuming it's there at all).
another possibility is that php can't read the file (permissions) and is therefore
defaulting to internal ini settings). (<-- it's a wild guess)
you could sidetrack the issue by setting the include_path in a relevant
.htaccess file i.e. add a line like:
php_value include_path ".:/your/php/inc/path:/path/to/pear:/somewhere/else"
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