Hello everybody,
I have problem with imap_open(). I've tried google - so I know, that
many people have problem with this function - but I think that my
problem is a little bit different or I haven't found any working answer :o(
So I'm tring this forum... Please help me, if you can.
My script returns this:
Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream
{}INBOX in /var/www/html/imap.php on line 2
Can't connect to,110: Permission denied
On another server (hosting server of my provider - with changed IP of
POP3 server of course) this script works without problems. On my server
- which is the same as the POP-server - it returns this error.
When I look to the log file of pop3 server, there isn't any record about
connections from my server...
So I think there should be problem in my imap_open() function, my PHP or
my Apache. But I don't know where :o/
I've got Apache 2.0 and PHP 5.0.4 (on Fedora Core 4).
I'll be glad if anybody of you can help me.
Thanks a lot!
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