Linux Speakup
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- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- How To Test For Functioning Synth
- How To Test For Functioning Synth
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- Very OT: nfbtrans and line breaks
- speechd-up randomly dies on AMD64
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- Can't get the double talk external to speak during the fedora install need help please
- How To Test For Functioning Synth
- How To Test For Functioning Synth
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- Gpl question: OS libraries
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- Gpl question: OS libraries
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- Gpl question: OS libraries
- Gpl question: OS libraries
- Gpl question: OS libraries
- Gpl question: OS libraries
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- Accessible firefox
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- Accessible firefox
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- Fwd: Fire Vox now works with the Accessible AJAX test cases!
- Accessible firefox
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- Audio PDA with Speech Synth Pkans
- Could someone please take a serious look at speakup_dectlc.c?
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- Problems with installing speakup with fedora 3 please help
- slightly o-t, looking for os help
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- disk druid and partitions
- disk druid and partitions
- disk druid and partitions
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- question about mp3 files, and screen readers
- espeak in ubuntu
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- Speech-Dispatcher and Punctuation
- O.T.: How to make an idle connection persist
- Kernel/Speakup Compilation Problems
- question about mp3 files, and screen readers
- Kirk's Sound Editor?
- O.T.: How to make an idle connection persist
- question about mp3 files, and screen readers
- question about mp3 files, and screen readers
- question about mp3 files, and screen readers
- question about mp3 files, and screen readers
- O.T.: How to make an idle connection persist
- O.T.: How to make an idle connection persist
- O.T.: How to make an idle connection persist
- O.T.: How to make an idle connection persist
- Kernel Configuration
- Kernel Configuration
- Kernel Configuration
- Kernel Configuration
- espeak in ubuntu
- Speech-Dispatcher and Punctuation
- Kirk's Sound Editor?
- espeak in ubuntu
- Kirk's Sound Editor?
- espeak in ubuntu
- Speech-Dispatcher and Punctuation
- Having issues with DECtalk express and 2.6.20
- Having issues with DECtalk express and 2.6.20
- Speech-Dispatcher and Punctuation
- Kirk's Sound Editor?
- Kirk's Sound Editor?
- espeak in ubuntu
- Speech-Dispatcher and Punctuation
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Speech-Dispatcher and Punctuation
- Debian's location for rc.local
- torrent harvest?
- FC6 success
- Speakup on Alpha
- flashing Dectalk under Dosemu
- FC6 success
- FC6 success
- flashing Dectalk under Dosemu
- flashing Dectalk under Dosemu
- flashing Dectalk under Dosemu
- flashing Dectalk under Dosemu
- making a script run at debian startup
- making a script run at debian startup
- making a script run at debian startup
- new version of debian microcode.ctl
- making a script run at debian startup
- making a script run on debian startup
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- making a script run on debian startup
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- OT: perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- OT: perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- making a script start on debian
- perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- OT: perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- making a script start on debian
- OT: perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- OT: perhaps, good sources for hardware?
- debian distros with speech?
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Adding List Identifier To Subject Lines of List Posts
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- making a script start on debian
- copy a folder with replace?
- copy a folder with replace?
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- copy a folder with replace?
- in case this helps anyone
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- in case this helps anybody
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral
- in case this helps anybody
- in case this helps anyone
- in case this helps anybody
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- elements not being spoken
- elements not being spoken
- configuring espeak 1.19
- configuring espeak 1.19
- Weird eSpeak behaviour
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Weird eSpeak behaviour
- Weird eSpeak behaviour
- configuring espeak 1.19
- configuring espeak 1.19
- Weird eSpeak behaviour
- configuring espeak 1.19
- virtual machines
- virtual machines
- virtual machines
- samba and 98?
- virtual machines
- virtual machines
- configuring espeak 1.19
- espeak 1.19 released
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- configuring espeak 1.19
- virtual machines
- virtual machines
- espeak 1.19 released
- configuring espeak 1.19
- configuring espeak 1.19
- configuring espeak 1.19
- configuring espeak 1.19
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- configuring espeak 1.19
- configuring espeak 1.19
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- configuring espeak 1.19
- issues resolved--got permission question
- apt-get breaks on deb
- Speakup CVS and Kernel 2.4.34
- Speakup CVS and Kernel 2.4.34
- For users of DECtalk Express with large consoles
- For users of DECtalk Express with large consoles
- espeak 1.19 released
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- espeak 1.19 released
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Speak up laptop keyboard layout
- Speak up laptop keyboard layout
- Speak up laptop keyboard layout
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- Speakup on Alpha
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- ESpeak speech synthesizer dies continuesly with Speakup latest version...
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- FATAL: Error inserting speakup_sftsyn (/lib/modules/2.6.18speakup/kernel/drivers/char/speakup/speakup_sftsyn.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
- Ubuntu install
- help with fc6 and some kernel issuses
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- help with fc6 and some kernel issuses
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- yum update question
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Ubuntu probs cont...
- Ubuntu probs cont...
- console news readers
- console news readers
- Errors While Making Espeak
- Ubuntu probs cont...
- Ubuntu problems.
- Errors While Making Espeak
- Errors While Making Espeak
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Errors While Making Espeak
- ESpeak speech synthesizer dies continuesly with Speakup latest version...
- From: Willem van der Walt
- ESpeak speech synthesizer dies continuesly with Speakup latest version...
- From: keithint38 at
- lftp-and-Grabbing Directories?
- lftp-and-Grabbing Directories?
- Console News Readers?
- FC-6 success
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- FC-6 success
- Feisty and Dec Express
- Devices only filling up half way?
- Devices only filling up half way?
- FC6 success
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- fc-6 software selection question
- fc-6 software selection question
- Speakup Installation Question
- Kubuntu problems
- Kubuntu problems
- Kubuntu problems
- Kubuntu problems
- Speakup Installation Question
- Kubuntu problems
- Speakup Installation Question
- Speakup Installation Question
- Software synths
- Software synths
- Fedora installers update script
- basic gentoo question
- grml, help please?
- grml curiosity
- ubuntu kickstart file requirements question
- edbrowse information
- grml, help please?
- Speakup for Windows
- Speakup for Windows
- Speakup compile error
- basic gentoo question
- Speakup compile error
- Speakup compile error
- basic gentoo question
- Speakup compile error
- Speakup compile error
- Speakup compile error
- debian distros with speech?
- Linux presentation software
- amd gentoo install failure
- basic gentoo question
- Slackware question
- getting orca running with ubuntu
- amd athelon-64 puzzle
- basic gentoo question
- Slackware question
- getting orca running with ubuntu
- Slackware question
- getting orca running with ubuntu
- podracer question
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- podracer question
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- Linux Class
- Linux Class
- Can't get speakup to work!
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- Linux Class
- Linux Class
- Linux Class
- Linux Class
- Can't get speakup to work!
- Can't get speakup to work!
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- speakup "remembers" old screen
- Linux ethernet over 1394
- Ubuntu and shutdown
- A question about partitions
- how to disable email for a user
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- Ubuntu and shutdown
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- speakup-debian amd disk
- getting orca funning on ubuntu
- linux installation
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- linux installation
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- Ignore my yubunto dvd question
- UbumtuDVD
- old fans and new
- old fans and new
- Ubumtu liveCD soundcard support
- linux installation
- old fans and new
- network down for repairs
- linux installation
- Ubuntu edgy eft as a live cd
- Ubuntu edgy eft as a live cd
- Ubuntu edgy eft as a live cd
- Announcing Updated Firefox 3 RPMs (Again)
- Help with install... please?
- network down for repairs
- network down for repairs
- network down for repairs
- network down for repairs
- firefox?
- firefox?
- A question about partitions
- From: Willem van der Walt
- getting orca funning on ubuntu
- A question about partitions
- A question about partitions
- firefox?
- gnome office?
- firefox?
- gnome office?
- firefox?
- gnome office?
- Getting orca running on Ubuntu (WAS): RE: Orca
- Getting orca running on Ubuntu (WAS): RE: Orca
- Synthesisers, Orca, emacspeak speech servers
- your mail
- Getting orca running on Ubuntu (WAS): RE: Orca
- your mail
- Orca
- Getting orca running on Ubuntu (WAS): RE: Orca
- A simple question
- your mail
- your mail
- your mail
- your mail
- your mail
- Announcing Updated Firefox 3 RPMs
- A simple question
- debian kernel for speakup
- [no subject]
- A simple question
- Linux from windows
- getkeys scripts question
- Podracer question
- Podracer question
- Podracer question
- your mail
- No subject
- How to obtain my own reflector
- How to obtain my own reflector
- Is upgrade possible
- Is upgrade possible
- fc6 disk -99 error
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- fc6 disk -99 error
- Got stuck
- Knoppix_speak up not talking.
- Got stuck
- getting unstuck
- IRS "accessibility"
- lynx the chain question
- Using tar to tar up my Gentoo speakup-enabled environment
- Got stuck
- Got stuck
- Got stuck
- Strange messages
- ubuntu boot screen timing is buggy
- Speakup IRC channel.
- Strange messages
- IRS "accessibility"
- IRS "accessibility"
- Resolved issue with Speakup and Gentoo-Sources kernel...
- IRS "accessibility"
- Strange messages
- IRS "accessibility"
- IRS "accessibility"
- IRS "accessibility"
- Resolved issue with Speakup and Gentoo-Sources kernel...
- Strange messages
- Permissions for /dev/softsynth
- Speakup and software speech dying for no particular reason
- Permissions for /dev/softsynth
- Question.
- Speakup and software speech dying for no particular reason
- Speakup IRC channel.
- Permissions for /dev/softsynth
- unsubscribe
- Speakup IRC channel.
- Permissions for /dev/softsynth
- question
- Permissions for /dev/softsynth
- Permissions for /dev/softsynth
- Permissions for /dev/softsynth
- Question.
- Speakup and Gentoo-Sources 2.6.18
- Speakup and Gentoo-Sources 2.6.18
- Firefox 3 RPMS Available
- Firefox 3 RPMS Available
- Question.
- Speakup and beeping constantly...
- Speakup and beeping constantly...
- Announcing Orca RPMs For FC6
- Fedora, disk -99 error
- Nice values with software speech and speakup...
- Strange messages
- more fc6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- more fc6 installation blues
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- Network File Systems
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- grml question
- Network File Systems
- grml question
- Chriss Normon: set what to a niceness of -20?
- more fc6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Network File Systems
- grml question
- more fc6 installation blues
- Network File Systems
- more FC6 installation blues
- grml question
- Network File Systems
- Chriss Normon: set what to a niceness of -20?
- Network File Systems
- Network File Systems
- Strange messages
- more FC6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Strange messages
- more FC6 installation blues
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- more FC6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Does anyone know why software speech will just die for no particularreason?
- Does anyone know why software speech will just die for no particular reason?
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- more FC6 installation blues
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- Strange messages
- Speakup and software speech dying for no particular reason
- help with linux installation
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- more FC6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- more FC6 installation blues
- more fc6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- From: guyster at
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- more fc6 installation blues
- help with linux installation
- speakup under Ubuntu 6.10
- network problems and happy holidays
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- network problems and happy holidays
- speakup under Ubuntu 6.10
- more FC6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- more FC6 installation blues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- help with linux installation
- help with linux installation
- help with linux installation
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- help with linux installation
- help with linux installation
- help with linux installation
- help with linux installation
- Instant Messenger and Ubuntu
- Instant Messenger and Ubuntu
- Instant Messenger and Ubuntu
- speakup debian upgrade kernel success!
- pod catchers
- podcatchers
- podcatchers
- speakup debian upgrade kernel success!
- podcatchers
- Speakup and slackware v 11
- pod catchers
- pod catchers
- pod catchers
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- usb to serial adapter or cable
- entering ASCII values
- entering ASCII values
- entering ASCII values
- making openoffice on xp talk
- entering ASCII values
- Speakup and slackware v 11
- Speakup and slackware v 11
- Speakup and slackware v 11
- test: please ignore
- uestion for GRML users
- ldap issues in fc3
- uestion for GRML users
- making openoffice on xp talk
- debian speakup and amd machines
- question for GRML users
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- uestion for GRML users
- question for GRML users
- characters VS. chartab
- characters VS. chartab
- question for GRML users
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- question for GRML users
- question for GRML users
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- question for GRML users
- question for GRML users
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- original config files
- Speakup and slackware v 11
- Speakup and slackware v 11
- Speakup and slackware v 11
- original config files
- original config files
- Speakup in GRML
- grml 0.6 upgrade question
- debian printer installation
- debian printer installation
- grml 0.6 upgrade question
- debian printer installation
- debian printer installation
- debian printer installation
- speakup in grml
- Speakup in GRML
- fc6 disk -99 error
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Speakup in GRML
- Speakup in GRML
- Speakup in GRML
- Speakup in GRML
- Speakup in GRML
- fc6 disk -99 error
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- fc6 disk -99 error
- Announcing Yum Support at the SpeakupModified
- fc6 disk -99 error
- speakup and ubuntu
- E-mail in GUI
- Cepstral Swift voices
- computer builder
- speakup and ubuntu
- external synthrecommendation?
- external synthrecommendation?
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- unsubscribe
- speakup and ubuntu
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Fedora success and failure
- unsubscribe
- ftp server, failed log in
- Fedora, disk -99 error
- Virtual instruments
- E-mail in GUI
- debian-speakup-kernel upgrade procedure question
- Equalizers
- Fedora, disk -99 error
- E-mail in GUI
- speakup and ubuntu
- E-mail in GUI
- speakup and ubuntu
- ftp server, failed log in
- From: lists.speakup at
- ftp server, failed log in
- E-mail in GUI
- E-mail in GUI
- E-mail in GUI
- speakup and ubuntu
- E-mail in GUI
- E-mail in GUI
- E-mail in GUI
- E-mail in GUI
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- E-mail in GUI
- E-mail in GUI
- speakup and ubuntu
- dhcp3-server question
- speakup and ubuntu
- E-mail in GUI
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- dhcp3-server question
- dhcp3-server question
- dhcp3-server question
- dhcp3-server question
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- Fedora, disk -99 error
- Fedora, disk -99 error
- speakup and ubuntu
- Fedora, disk -99 error
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- gentoo iptables information
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- Linux- and UDP forwarding
- Reviewing scrolled text within Speakup/?
- smtp problem
- gentoo iptables information
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- speakup and ubuntu
- LSR 0.3.2 - BSD Licensed!
- speech-dispatcher questions
- speech-dispatcher questions
- speech-dispatcher questions (gnome speech)
- speech-dispatcher questions
- speech-dispatcher questions
- speech-dispatcher questions
- speech-dispatcher questions
- smtp problem
- speech-dispatcher questions
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speech-dispatcher questions
- smtp problem
- smtp problem
- Speakup in Ubuntu Feisty (revisited)
- Duel Core processors with Speakup and Software synths.
- Firefox 3 RPMS Available
- obvious question but...?
- obvious question but...?
- mplayer and avisynth.dll
- mplayer and avisynth.dll
- mplayer and avisynth.dll
- live Ubuntu cd with Orca
- Using a web browser in gnome
- Using a web browser in gnome
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